.proc,condcmp,ml=739,list=0/full. .* .* central micro plato condensor assembly. .* .* exit - cmp = relocatable binary. .* * * apply mods to cybopl and save in ncybopl. * begin(sespack) ses. tempcor c=cybmods b=cybopl un=plato purge(ncybopl/na) define(ncybopl) copyei(cybopl,ncybopl,v) unload(cybopl) * * get ccommon. * .*begin(binpack) attach(ccommon/na) begin(sespack) * * assemble non-overlayed cmp compass idents. * note(dirs)/*edit cmpient/*edit cmpilxo modify(z,lo=e)/*oplfile ipl,nos/*read dirs unload(dirs) cstc(i,l=list,e=errs,c=ccommon) * * compile non-overlayed cmp cybil modules. * ses.gencomp seq=80 status b=ncybopl cybccmn .. m=(cmpmcmp,cmpmacs,cmpmioc,cmpmtrn,cmpmctb,cmpmstt) * * 'kludge for 's'e's type procedure unloading * *ncybopl* and then not being able to acquire * it back because *dun* and *dpn* are not set. * attach(ncybopl) * ife($list$ .eq. $full$,prints) begin,compmod,,abort,#list=on) else(prints) begin,compmod,,abort. endif(prints) * * assemble final non-overlayed compass ident. * modify(z,lo=e)/*oplfile ipl,nos/*edit cmpixfr cstc(i,l=list,e=errs,c=ccommon) * * assemble overlayed compass idents and * corresponding compass overlay table idents. * unload(ovbin,ovtbin) * modify(z,lo=e,l=errs)/*oplfile ipl,nos/*read compov cstc(i,l=list,o=errs,c=ccommon,b=ovbin) * modify(z,lo=e,l=errs)/*oplfile ipl,nos/*read compovt cstc(i,l=list,o=errs,b=ovtbin) * * compile overlayed cybil modules and * corresponding compass overlay table idents. * ses. gencomp seq=80 status b=ncybopl cybccmn .. m=(cmpmall,cmpmanc,cmpmans,cmpmarr,cmpmatt, .. cmpmblk,cmpmcha,cmpmchg,cmpmchr,cmpmclr,cmpmcpu,cmpmcpy, .. cmpmcst,cmpmcve,cmpmdar,cmpmdef,cmpmdin,cmpmdot,cmpmena, .. cmpmerx,cmpmevl,cmpmexw,cmpmfnd,cmpmgfl,cmpmglm,cmpmifl, .. cmpmifm,cmpmihb,cmpmjdg,cmpmjky,cmpmjpn,cmpmjpo,cmpmkyw, .. cmpmlba, cmpmlbl, .. cmpmmkl, cmpmmtu) * * 'kludge for 's'e's type procedure unloading * *ncybopl* and then not being able to acquire * it back because *dun* and *dpn* are not set. * attach(ncybopl) * ife(efg.ne.0,gencerr) revert(abort) gencomp aborted endif(gencerr) .* ses. gencomp seq=80 status b=ncybopl cybccmn cf=comp1 .. m=(cmpmnaa,cmpmnia,cmpmnoa,cmpmnom,cmpmnow, .. cmpmoka,cmpmokn,cmpmokw,cmpmora,cmpmotd, .. cmpmpai,cmpmpak,cmpmpck,cmpmpjb,cmpmpol,cmpmpra,cmpmptd, .. cmpmran,cmpmrot, .. cmpmset,cmpmshw,cmpmsha,cmpmshb, .. cmpmsht,cmpmsiz,cmpmske,cmpmskp,cmpmspc, .. cmpmsrc,cmpmsrf, .. cmpmstp,cmpmtxn,cmpmtxt, .. cmpmujb,cmpmumj,cmpmune,cmpmunt,cmpmuol, .. cmpmwrl,cmpmwrt,cmpmwtc, .. cmpmxio, .. cmpmzer) * * 'kludge for 's'e's type procedure unloading * *ncybopl* and then not being able to acquire * it back because *dun* and *dpn* are not set. * attach(ncybopl) * skipei(compile) copyei(comp1,compile) pack(compile) ife($list$ .eq. $full$,prints) begin(compmod,,abort,binfile=ovbin,#list=on) else(prints) begin(compmod,,abort,binfile=ovbin) endif(prints) * modify(z,lo=e,l=errs)/*oplfile ipl,nos/*read cybovt cstc(i,l=list,e=errs,b=ovtbin) * * merge overlay cards, the un-overlayed modules and * idents, and the overlay tables onto *lgo*. * rewind(ovbin,ovtbin) while(.not.file(ovbin,eoi),copy) note(lgo,nr)/overlay(1,3) copybr(ovbin,lgo) copybr(ovtbin,lgo) endw(copy) * * get rid of the extra overlay(1,3) card on *lgo*. * bksp(lgo) * * assemble final cmp compass ident. * modify(z,lo=e)/*oplfile ipl,nos/*edit cmpiend cstc(i,l=list,e=errs,c=ccommon) * unload(ccommon) purge(ncybopl/na) * .*begin(binpack) purge(cmp/na) define(cmp) .* .* on dev systems, give permission to other user .* numbers. .* ife((r1g.and.200000b)=200000b,perm) devperm(cmp,pn=$pcez/sup$,r=dl) endif(perm) rewind(lgo) copyei(lgo,cmp,v) * * revert. condcmp .* .* overlayed compass idents. .* .data,compov. *edit cmpierr *edit cmpipio .* .* .* overlayed compass idents overlay tables. .* .data,compovt. *edit cmpoerr *edit cmpopio .* .* .* cybil module overlay table idents. .* .data,cybovt. *edit cmpoall *edit cmpoanc *edit cmpoans *edit cmpoarr *edit cmpoatt *edit cmpoblk *edit cmpocha *edit cmpochg *edit cmpochr *edit cmpoclr *edit cmpocpu *edit cmpocpy *edit cmpocst *edit cmpocve *edit cmpodar *edit cmpodef *edit cmpodin *edit cmpodot *edit cmpoena *edit cmpoerx *edit cmpoevl *edit cmpoexw *edit cmpofnd *edit cmpogfl *edit cmpoglm *edit cmpoifl *edit cmpoifm *edit cmpoihb *edit cmpojdg *edit cmpojky *edit cmpojpn *edit cmpojpo *edit cmpokyw *edit cmpolba *edit cmpolbl *edit cmpomkl *edit cmpomtu *edit cmponaa *edit cmponia *edit cmponoa *edit cmponom *edit cmponow *edit cmpooka *edit cmpookn *edit cmpookw *edit cmpoora *edit cmpootd *edit cmpopai *edit cmpopak *edit cmpopck *edit cmpopjb *edit cmpopol *edit cmpopra *edit cmpoptd *edit cmporan *edit cmporot *edit cmposet *edit cmposhw *edit cmposha *edit cmposhb *edit cmposht *edit cmposiz *edit cmposke *edit cmposkp *edit cmpospc *edit cmposrc *edit cmposrf *edit cmpostp *edit cmpotxn *edit cmpotxt *edit cmpoujb *edit cmpoumj *edit cmpoune *edit cmpount *edit cmpouol *edit cmpowrl *edit cmpowrt *edit cmpowtc *edit cmpoxio *edit cmpozer .* ~