.proc,pnild,lib=netio,rel1=pni1,rel2=pni2,abs=kermbin,map=pnimap. .* .* loads the cybil portion of pni from *rel1* .* and the compass portion of pni from *rel2* .* with network library specified by *lib* and .* store absolute binary in permanent file *abs* .* and store load map in permanent file *map* .* .* note that this procedure wipes out file *lgo* .* rewind(rel1,rel2,lgo) copyei(rel1,lgo) cybil module(s) copyei(rel2,lgo) compass subroutines rewind(lgo) .* begin,sespack. begin,seslink,,libs=lib. .* .*begin,binpack. purge(map/na) define(map/ct=pu) rewind(newmap) copy,newmap,map. unload(newmap,map) .* purge(abs/na) define(abs/ct=pu) rewind(newbin) copy,newbin,abs. unload(newbin,abs) .* revert. pnild ~