COMPARE CMS Transient command Use the COMPARE command to compare two CMS disk files of fixed- or variable-length format on a record-for-record basis and to display dissimilar records at the terminal. The format of the COMPARE command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | COMpare | fileid1 fileid2 [( COL 1|mmm-[lrecl|nnn] [)] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fileid1 fileid2 are the file identifiers of the files to be compared. An equal sign may be coded for one or more of the file identifiers for fileid2 in any combination except '= = ='. All three file identifiers (filename, filetype, filemode) must be specified for each fileid. An equal sign coded in fileid2 implies that the file identifier in that position is identical to the corresponding file identifier in fileid1. Option: COL mmm-[nnn] defines specific columns to be compared. The comparison begins at position mmm of each record. The comparison proceeds up to and including column nnn. The hyphen (-) is required. If column nnn is not specified, the default ending position is the last character of each record (the logical record length). Usage Notes: 1. To find out whether two files are identical, enter both file identifications, as follows: compare test1 assemble a test1 assemble b or compare test1 assemble a = = b Any records that do not match are displayed at the terminal. 2. To stop the display of dissimilar records, use the CMS Immediate command HT. 3. If a file does not exist on a specified disk, the read-only extensions of that disk are also searched. The complete fileids of the files being compared are displayed in message DMSCMP179I. Responses: DMSCMP179I Comparing fn ft fm with fn ft fm This message identifies the files being compared. If the files are the same (in the columns indicated), this message is followed by the CMS ready message. If any records do not match, the records are displayed. When all dissimilar records have been displayed the message DMSCMP209W is issued.