QUERY CP Privilege Class: All classes except Any Use the QUERY command to deterimine your system status and machine configuration by requesting: o The time you have used during a terminal session. o The number of closed input and output spool files associated with your virtual machine. o Display PER command tracesets and trace elements. o The current settings of the SET and TERMINAL command functions. o The status of all the devices on your virtual machine. o The channel operating mode of your virtual machine, whether block- multiplexer or selector. o A listing of all users who are linked to a given virtual address, together with their device addresses and access modes. o Identification and attributes associated with your virtual printer, punch, and reader spool files. o The system log message. o The number of users logged on and/or their names. o Information on the allocation of system DASD volumes. There are other operands you can use with the QUERY command if you have the privilege class required to use them. These are described in the VM/370 Operator's Guide. Also, if you are a CMS user, you can use the CMS QUERY command to query the status of your CMS virtual machine. For help on the CMS QUERY command, type HELP CMSQUERY. The format of the QUERY command for general users (class G) is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUERY | ALLOC DRCT|TDSK|TEMP|MAP volser | | | CPLEVEL | | | Files [CLass c] | | | Links vaddr | | | LOGmsg | | | MAXimum | | | Names | | | PER ALL|CUrrent|Names|traceset | | | PF[nn] | | | Printer [spoolid|ALL|CLass c] | | | PRIV | | | PUnch [spoolid|ALL|CLass c] | | | Reader [spoolid|ALL|CLass c] | | | Set | | | TERMinal | | | Time | | | Users [userid] | | | userid | | | [Virtual] device | | | | | | device: | | | ALL|CHANnels|CONsole|DAsd|GRAF|LINES|STORage|TApes|UR|vaddr | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: ALLOC DRCT | TDSK | TEMP | MAP volser displays information about specified CP-owned DASD volumes, where DRCT displays information about the VM/370 system directory. TDSK displays information about temporay minidisks. TEMP displays information about system temporary space. MAP volser displays a map of the specified system DASD volume. CPLEVEL displays information about the current version of VM/370. Files [CLass c] displays the number of spooled input and output files for your virtual machine. Files currently being processed are not included in the totals. If CLASS is specified, the number of spooled input and output files of the class specified is displayed. LINKS vaddr displays the userid, device address, and access mode at the terminal for all users linked to the specified virtual address (vaddr). LOGmsg displays the log messages of the day. MAXimum displays the maximum number of users allowed to logon the system. 000 indicates there is no limit. Names displays a list of all the users logged on and the real address of the line to which each is connected. If a user is disconnected, DSC is displayed instead of the address. PER ALL | CUrrent | Names | traceset displays PER command tracesets and trace elements. ALL displays all the current traceset elements, the value of an active PER count, and the name and contents of all the saved tracesets. CUrrent displays the current traceset elements and any active PER count. Names displays the names of all saved tracesets. traceset displays the traceset elements for the specified traceset. PF[nn] displays the 3270 Program Function key number specified, along with its associated command lines. If nn is not specified, the definitions of all PF keys are displayed. See the CP SET command for information on setting and using PF keys. PRIV displays the CP privilege level for your userid. READER | RDR | PRINTER | PRT | PUNCH | PCH [spoolid | ALL | CLass c] displays the following information, pertaining to your closed virtual reader, virtual printer, and virtual punch spool files: o Userid of user who created the file o Spool file identification (spoolid) o Class and originating device type o Number of logical records in the file o Number of copies specified for the file (has no effect for reader files) o File hold status One line of information is displayed for each spool file. The following operands display additional information for one spool file. The operand must follow the READER, PRINTER, or PUNCH operand. One line of information is displayed for each spool file. spoolid In addition to the information normally displayed for reader, printer, or punch files, the following is also displayed: o Date and time the file was created. o Filename and filetype of file (if any), up to 20 characters. o Distribution code of the file (printer and punch files only). ALL In addition to the information normally displayed for reader, printer, or punch files, the following is also displayed: o Date and time the file was created. o Filename and filetype of file (if any), up to 20 characters. o Distribution code of the file (printer and punch files only). CLASS c displays the basic information for all spool files of the class specified by c. Set displays the status of the SET command function. TERMINAL displays the current options in effect for your virtual console environment. Time displays the current time, time zone, weekday, date, connect and CPU time for the current terminal session. Users displays the number of logged on users and the number of users logically connected to other virtual machines. [Users] userid displays the user identification and the terminal device address of the specified user if he is logged on. If the user is not logged on, a message to this effect is issued. Use the QUERY USERS userid format of the command if the userid is the same as one of the other operands (for example, TAPES). Virtual CHANnels | ALL | CHANnels | CONsole | DAsd | GRAF | LINES ALL displays the status of all your virtual devices. CHANNELS displays the channel mode of operation for the virtual machine. CONSOLE displays the status of your virtual consoles. DASD displays the status of all your virtual direct access storage devices. GRAF displays the status of all your virtual display devices that are locally attached. LINES displays the status of all your virtual communication lines. Virtual STORage | TAPES | UR | vaddr STORAGE displays the size of your virtual storage. TAPES displays the status of all your virtual magnetic tape devices. UR displays the status of all your unit record devices. vaddr displays the status of the virtual device at address vaddr. Responses: QUERY ALLOC DRCT DIRECT SPACE IN USE VOLSER UNIT RANGE volser cuu nnnn-nnnn QUERY ALLOC TDSK T-DISK SPACE VOLSER UNIT RANGE volser cuu nnnn-nnnn QUERY ALLOC TEMP TEMP SPACE VOLSER UNIT ALLOC USED volser cuu nnnn nnnn QUERY ALLOC MAP VM50-1 CP OWNED VOLUME ALLOCATION VOLSER UNIT RANGE TYPE volser cuu nnnn-nnnn PERM¦DRCT¦TEMP¦TDISK QUERY CPLEVEL SYSTEM 4381-A VM/370 Version nn Level nn PLC nnnn version; date time IPL at time timezone day date PEAK LOAD= nnn USERS Information about the VM/370 system is displayed. QUERY FILES [CLASS c] FILES: nnn¦NO RDR, nnn¦no PRT, nnn¦NO PUN The total number of spool files in your system is displayed. If you specify the CLASS option, only the totals for the class you specify are displayed. QUERY LINKS vaddr userid vaddr R/W ¦ R/O, ... A list of users who are currently linked to the device at virtual address vaddr is displayed, where userid is the identification of the user who originated the link. vaddr is the virtual address by which the user (userid) refers to the device. R/O¦R/W is the type of access the user (userid) has to the device. QUERY LOGMSG * logmsg text line All lines (both those with an asterisk and without) in the log message file are displayed. QUERY MAXimum MAX USERS = nnn The maximum number of logged in users is displayed. A value of 000 means that there is no set limit to the number of logged in users. QUERY NAMES userid - DSC ¦ raddr ¦ resid, ... A list of all logged-on users is displayed. If the user is currently connected, the real address (raddr) or the resource id of a 3704/3705 line (resid) to which he is connected is displayed. If he is not connected, DSC is displayed. QUERY PFnn PFnn IMMED ¦ DELAY pfdata... The program function defined for a program function key is displayed. If there is no function defined for the key, this message is displayed: PFnn UNDEFINED QUERY PRIV PRIV = classes Displays the privilege classes of the current user. QUERY READER, QUERY PRINTER, QUERY PUNCH OWNERID FILE CLASS RECDS CPY HOLD [ DATE TIME NAME TYPE DIST ] userid spid c typ norecs nn stat [mm/dd hh:mm:ss fn ft distcode] where: userid is the user who originally created the file. spid is a unique, system-assigned number which is used by VM/370 to identify the file. c is the spool file class. typ is the originating device type (PRT, PUN, CON, or RDR). norecs is the number of logical records contained in the file. nn is the number of copies assigned to the file (it has no effect for virtual reader files). stat is the file hold status: NONE (no hold), USER (user hold), SYS (system hold), or USYS (system and user hold). mm/dd is the date the file was created in month/day. hh:mm:ss is the time the file was opened for creation in hours:minutes: seconds. fn is the filename assigned to the file, if any. If the file has a 24-character data set name (dsname), only 20 characters are displayed. ft is the filetype assigned to the file, if any. distcode is the distribution code assigned to the file. When you issue QUERY READR, QUERY PRINTER, or QUERY PUNCH, CP responds by listing (as describe above) all the files associated with your virtual reader, printer, or punch. The optional information is displayed only when you specify the ALL or spoolid operands. QUERY SET MSG ON¦OFF , WNG ON¦OFF , EMSG ON¦OFF¦CODE¦TEXT, ACNT ON¦OFF , RUN ON¦OFF LINEDIT ON¦OFF , TIMER ON¦OFF¦REAL, ISAM ON¦OFF, ECMODE ON¦OFF ASSIST ON SVC¦ON NOSVC¦OFF, PAGEX ON¦OFF, AUTOPOLL ON¦OFF IMSG ON¦OFF The settings of all functions controlled by the SET command and the VM/370 ISAM and ECMODE options are displayed. See the CP SET command for information on each of these settings. QUERY TERMINAL LINEND #¦OFF , LINEDEL n¦OFF, CHARDEL n¦OFF, ESCAPE n¦OFF, TABCHAR ON¦OFF LINESIZE nnn, ATTN ON¦OFF , APL ON¦OFF, TEXT ON¦OFF, MODE CP¦VM, HILIGHT ON¦OFF AUTOCR ON¦OFF, MORE nnn nnn, HOLD ON¦OFF , TIMESTAMP ON¦OFF The settings of all functions that are controlled by the TERMINAL command are displayed. See the CP TERMINAL command for information on each of these settings. QUERY TIME TIME IS hh:mm:ss zone weekday mm/dd/yy The current real clock time in hours:minutes:seconds, the time zone (for example, EST), the day of the week and the calendar date (month/day/year) are displayed. CONNECT= hh:mm:ss VIRTCPU= mmm:ss.hs TOTCPU= mm:ss.hs The time spent in the current terminal session is displayed, where: CONNECT= hh:mm:ss is the actual clock time spent in the current terminal session in hours:minutes:seconds. VIRTCPU= mmm:ss.hs is the virtual CPU time used in the current terminal session in minutes:seconds.hundredths of seconds. TOTCPU= mmm:ss.hs is the total CPU time (virtual and overhead) used in the current terminal session in minutes:seconds.hundredths of seconds. QUERY USERS nnn USERS, mm DIALED The number of users logged on and dialed to VM/370 is displayed, where: nnn is the total number of logged-on users. mmm is the total number of users attached via DIAL to virtual machines. QUERY userid ¦ QUERY USERS userid userid - raddr ¦ resid The real address (raddr) or the resource id of a 3704/3705 line (resid) to which he is connected is displayed. QUERY VIRTUAL ALL This has the same effect as if all the following commands were issued: QUERY VIRTUAL STORAGE QUERY VIRTUAL LINES QUERY VIRTUAL TAPE QUERY VIRTUAL UR QUERY VIRTUAL DASD QUERY VIRTUAL GRAF QUERY VIRTUAL CONSOLE QUERY VIRTUAL CHANNELS QUERY VIRTUAL CHANNELS CHANNELS= BMX¦SEL The operating mode of the virtual machine channels is displayed. This response applies to all of the virtual machine channels except channel 0, which is always a byte multiplexer channel, and any channels with virtual or real channel-to-channel adapters, which are always selector channels. QUERY VIRTUAL CONSOLE CONS vaddr ON GRAF ¦ LINE raddr TERM ¦ NOTERM START ¦ STOP vaddr CL c CONT ¦ NOCONT HOLD ¦ NOHOLD COPY nn READY ¦ NOTREADY vaddr TO ¦ FOR userid DIST distcode For virtual machine consoles, a three-line response is displayed. The first line shows the console status and options and the next two lines show the virtual console spooling status, where: vaddr is the virtual address of the virtual machine console. raddr is the real address of the terminal associated with the virtual console. c is the spooling class of the console. nn is the number of copies specified. userid is the user identification. distcode is the distribution code. The other fields indicate the setting of the respective options in the SPOOL command. The default settings for a virtual console are: CONS vaddr ON dev raddr TERM STOP vaddr CL T NOCONT NOHOLD COPY 01 READY vaddr FOR userid DIST distcode QUERY VIRTUAL DASD DASD vaddr type volser R/W ¦ R/O nnn CYL The status of each virtual disk defined for your system is displayed, where: vaddr is the virtual address to which the DASD device is attached. type is one of the following device types: 231T (2311 at top of 2314) 2314 231B (2311 at bottom of 2314) 3330 2311 3340 2305 3350 volser is the volume serial number of the system disk on which this virtual disk resides. R/W ¦ R/O indicates the read/write status of the disk. nnn is the number of cylinders on the virtual disk. QUERY VIRTUAL GRAF GRAF vaddr ON DEV raddr ¦ NOT READY The status of all locally attached virtual display devices defined to your virtual machine is displayed, where: vaddr is the virtual address to which the device is attached. raddr is the real address of the device. NOT READY shows the status of a virtual display device that has not been attached via the DIAL command. QUERY VIRTUAL LINES LINE vaddr ON DEV raddr The status of all communication lines defined in your virtual machine is displayed, where: vaddr is the virtual address to which the line is attached. raddr is the real address of the line. QUERY VIRTUAL STORAGE STORAGE = nnnnnK The size of the virtual machine in multiples of 1024 bytes is displayed. QUERY VIRTUAL TAPES TAPE vaddr ON DEV raddr The status of each tape drive defined for your system is displayed, where: vaddr is the virtual address to which the tape is attached. raddr is the real address of the tape. QUERY VIRTUAL UR RDR vaddr CL c CONT ¦ NOCONT HOLD ¦ NOHOLD EOF ¦ NOEOF READY ¦ NOTREADY The status of all the virtual readers attached to your virtual machine is displayed, where: vaddr is the virtual device address of the virtual reader. c is the spool class which the device services. A class of * indicates the device services all classes of spool files for input. The other fields indicate the settings of the respective options in the SPOOL command. The default settings for a reader are: RDR vaddr CL * NOCONT NOHOLD READY EOF PRT ¦ PUN vaddr CL c CONT ¦ NOCONT HOLD ¦ NOHOLD COPY nn READY ¦ NOTREADY vaddr TO ¦ FOR userid DIST distcode The status of all the virtual printers and punches attached to your virtual machine is displayed, where: vaddr is the virtual device address of the virtual printer or punch. c is the output class assigned to spool files produced from the device. nn is the number of copies of each output file to be produced. TO userid indicates that the output from the device, when closed, becomes a reader input spool file for the indicated userid. FOR userid indicates the user identification (spool file owner) assigned to spool files produced from the device. distcode is the distribution code assigned to each spool file produced from the device. Note: the distcode in this case indicates the FOR userid; however, the distcode produced on the output file when the file is close is the distcode assigned to the FOR userid as specified in the VM/370 directory. The other fields indicate the settings of the respective options in the SPOOL command. The default settings are: PRT ¦ PUN vaddr CL A NOCONT NOHOLD COPY 01 READY vaddr FOR userid DIST distcode FLASHC 00 vaddr FLASH CHAR MDFY FCB QUERY VIRTUAL vaddr The response is in the same format as QUERY VIRTUAL DASD, TAPES, LINES or UR, depending on the virtual device type.