DUMP DEBUG subcommand Use the DUMP subcommand to print part or all of your virtual storage on the printer. First, a heading: ident FROM starting location TO ending location is printed. Next, the general registers 0-7 and 8-15, and the floating-point registers 0-6 are printed, followed by the PSW, CSW, and CAW. Then the specified portion of virtual storage is printed with the storage address of the first byte in the line printed at the left, followed by the alphameric interpretation of 32 bytes of storage. The format of the DUMP subcommand is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DUmp | [0|symbol1|hexloc1 [32|symbol2|hexloc2|*] [ident] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: symbol1 is the name assigned (via the DEFINE subcommand) to the storage address that begins the dump. hexloc1 is the hexadecimal storage location, in relation to current origin, that begins the dump. symbol2 is the name assigned (via the DEFINE subcommand) to the storage address that ends the dump. hexloc2 is the hexadecimal storage location, in relation to the current origin, that ends the dump. * indicates that the dump ends at your virtual machine's last virtual storage address. ident is any name (up to eight characters) that identifies the dump.