RENAME CMS Transient command Use the RENAME command to change the fileid of one or more CMS files on a read/write CMS disk. The format of the RENAME command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rename | fileid1 fileid2 [([NOType|Type] [UPdirt|NOUPdirt][)]] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fileid1 is the file identifier of the original file whose name is to be changed. All components of the fileid (filename, filetype, and filemode) must be coded, with either a name or an asterisk. If an asterisk is coded in any field, any file that satisfies the other qualifications is renamed. fileid2 is the new file identifier of the file. All components of the file (filename, filetype, and filemode) must be coded, with either a name or an equal sign; if an equal sign (=) is coded, the corresponding file identifier is unchanged. The output filemode can also be specified as an asterisk (*), indicating that the filemode is not changed. Options: NOType | Type displays, at the terminal, the new identifiers of all the files that are renamed. The file identifiers are displayed only when an asterisk is specified for one or more of the file identifiers (fn, ft, or fm) in fileid1. NOType suppresses this display, and is the default. UPdirt | NOUPdirt updates the master file directory upon completion of this command. This is the default. NOUPdirt suppresses this updating. (See Usage Note 3.) Usage notes: 1. When you code an asterisk (*) in any portion of the input fileid, any or all of the files that satisfy the other qualifiers may be renamed, depending upon how you specify the output fileid. For example: rename * assemble a test file a results in the first ASSEMBLE file found on the A-disk being renamed to TEST FILE. If more than one ASSEMBLE file exists, error messages are issued to indicate that they cannot be renamed. If you code an equal sign (=) in an output fileid in a position corresponding to an asterisk in an input fileid, all files that satisfy the condition are renamed. For example: rename * assemble a = oldasm = renames all files with a filetype of ASSEMBLE to files with a filetype of OLDASM. Current filenames are retained. 2. You cannot use the RENAME command to move a file from one disk to another. You must use the COPYFILE command if you want to change filemode letters. You can use the RENAME command to modify filemode numbers, for example, rename * module a1 = = a2 changes the filemode number on all MODULE files that have a mode number of 1 to a mode number of 2. 3. Normally, the file directory for a CMS disk is updated whenever you issue a command that affects files on the disk. When you use the NOUPDIRT option of the RENAME command, the file directory is not updated until you issue a command that writes, updates, or deletes any file on the disk, or until you explicitly release the disk (with the RELEASE command). Responses: newfn newft newfm The new filename, filetype, and filemode of each file altered is displayed when the TYPE option is specified and an asterisk was specified for at least one of the file identifiers (fn, ft or fm) of the input fileid.