SCAN CMS User Area command Use the SCAN command to search for text patterns in one or more files. SCAN will prompt you for the search pattern, which is case insensitive by default. The format of the SCAN command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SCAN | [*|fn [*|ft [A|fm]]] [(options...[)]] | | | options: | | | ALL CAse CNtl COPy [fname] | | | COUnt nnn Display nnn Endcol nnn EXec | | | FIles nnn FLagrc FOr nnn FRom nnn | | | FSumm Hex Library None | | | Reverse Startcol nnn Tsumm | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn | * specifies the filename of the file[s] to search. '*' is the default and causes all filenames to be searched. ft | * specifies the filetype of the file[s] to search. '*' is the default and causes all filetypes to be searched. fm | A specifies the filemode of the file[s] to search. 'A' is the default and causes files on the A disk to be searched. Options: All displays a file summary even for files that do not match the pattern. CAse enables case sensitive searching. CNtl 'SCANIN EXEC A' has list of files to search. When CNTL is specified, SCANIN EXEC A must have each fileid as if created by the command: LISTFILE (EXEC COPy [fname] copies records containing the pattern into 'fname SCANOUT A'. The file created by SCAN has variable format records and does not have any indication of which file the record came from nor the relative record number. If fname is not supplied, 'SCAN SCANOUT A' is used. COUnt nnn stops scanning after nnn total occurrences are found. COUNT stops the search after the specified number of matches occurs, regardless of the number of files searched. Other options may stop the search before the specified number of occurrences are found. Display nnn displays output lines to nnn bytes only. When DISPLAY is specified, each line matched is displayed in full if it is less than or equal to the number specified; otherwise, the terminal output is truncated to that length. ENdcol nnn is last byte of record to search. ENDCOL defines the virtual last byte if the current record is longer than the specified value. EXec copies names of files containing the pattern into 'CMS EXEC A1'. EXEC copies only the fileid of files in which matches occur. FIles nnn is the maximum number of files to search. Other options may terminate the search before the specified number of files is reached. FLagrc sets the return code to the negative of the total number of records matched. FOr nnn searches only nnn records in each file. FRom nnn starts the search at record nnn in each file. This is ignored if LIBRARY is specified. FSumm displays records with pattern and file summary. FSUMM is the default output option. Each file that contains matches is summarized and each record that is matched is displayed. The overall search summary is also displayed. Hex displays lines as if by DISPLAY command of CP. Library treats MACLIBs, TXTLIBs, and LOADLIBs as libraries. If LIBRARY is specified, the FROM option is ignored. Each member of the library is treated as a separate file. Aliases are included in the search and are counted as separate files. None displays only error messages to the terminal. Reverse finds all records which do not contain the pattern. Startcol nnn specifies the first byte of each record at which to begin the search. Tsumm displays a total summary of files searched. Usage Notes: 1. Two wildcards exist: %@ and %$. %@ must precede the pattern and indicates that the pattern must start the line to be a valid match. %$ must follow the pattern and indicates that the pattern must be at the end of the line to match. Both use the virtual beginning of line and end of line defined by STARTCOL and/or ENDCOL if they are specified. Thus %@abc matches only lines that start with abc and XYZ%$ matches only lines that end in XYZ. This means that %@GHI%$ matches a line of length three containing only GHI. If either %@ or %$ is not at the beginning or the end of the pattern, respectively, then they lose their special meaning and are taken as a literal string of two characters. All blanks entered are significant including leading and trailing ones. 2. It is possible to call SCAN from a program via SVC 202 or the BALR instruction. Programs that do so may specify the INTERNAL(DW) option. This option allows the program to supply a 24 word save area pointed to by R13 and a standard CMS tokenized PLIST pointed to by R1. The flag byte of R1 must be zero. The first full word immediately following the INTERNAL option must contain the length of the pattern and the second fullword must contain a pointer to the first byte of the pattern. This option suppresses prompting for the pattern. All other options can be used. When called via BALR, the calling program must use DMSKEY to change storage keys to SYSTEM unless it was GENMOD'ed with the SYSTEM option. SCAN is a transient routine and must be already located in the transient area when called. 3. SCAN was written by Herb Chong while at the University of Waterloo.