TYPE CMS Transient command Use the TYPE command to display all or part of a CMS file at the terminal in either EBCDIC or the hexadecimal representation of the EBCDIC code. The format of the TYPE command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | fn ft [fm|*] [1 rec1|* [*|recn]] [(options...[)]] | | | | | | options: | | | HEX COL 1|xxxxx-[lrexl|yyyyy] MEMBER name|* | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn is the filename of the file to be displayed. ft is the filetype of the file to be displayed. fm is the filemode of the file to be displayed. If this field is omitted, the A-disk and its extensions are searched to locate the file. If fm is specified as an asterisk (*), all disks are searched, and the first file found is displayed. rec1 is the record number of the first record to be displayed. This field cannot contain special characters. If rec1 is greater than the number of records in the file, an error message is displayed. If this field is omitted or entered as an asterisk (*), a record number of 1 is assumed. recn is the record number of the last record to be displayed. This value cannot contain embedded commas. If this field is not specified, is entered as an asterisk (*), or is greater than the number of records in the file, displaying continues until end of file is reached. Options: COL xxxxx-yyyyy displays only certain columns of each record. xxxxx specifies the start column and yyyyy the end column of the field within the record that is to be displayed. The string xxxxx-yyyyy may have a maximum of eight characters; additional characters are truncated. If columns are not specified, the entire record is displayed unless the filetype is LISTING, in which case the first character of each record is not displayed, since it is assumed to be a carriage control character. HEX displays the file in hexadecimal format. MEMber [* | name] displays member(s) of a library. If the format of the file is MACLIB or TXTLIB, a MEMBER entry can be specified. If an asterisk (*) is specified, all members of the library are displayed. If a name is specified, only that particular member is displayed. Usage Notes: 1. If the HEX option is specified, each record can be displayed in its entirety; if not, no more than 130 characters of each record can be displayed. Responses: The file is displayed at the terminal according to the given specifications. When you use the HEX option, each record is preceded by a header record: RECORD nnnnnnnnnn LENGTH=nnnnnnnnnn