When transferring files between host and workstation, there is a translation 'bug' in WC3270
that inhibits the proper transfer of files with 80 character lines (Fixed/80) ending (on the workstation) in CR/LF. The workaround is to use a proper tool (Notepad++) to change the line-end to MAC (Carriage-Return | \r ) line-ends prior to attempting transfer using the transfer commands.
Sample Command-line parameters to dirmap.vbs
dirmap.vbs /directfile:"3380.direct.a.txt" /AllocMap:"141 241 34f 440 540 6f0 6a0 7a0" /herculesconf:"sixpack.3380.conf"
transfer host=vm "Direction=send" "LocalFile=sixpack.direct.a.txt" "HostFile=SIXPACKD DIRECT A1" Lrecl=80 CR=auto Recfm=fixed transfer host=vm "Direction=send" "LocalFile=sixpack.direct.b.txt" "HostFile=SIXPACKD DIRECT A1" mode=ascii recfm=fixed lrecl=80
transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=sixpack.direct.a.txt" "HostFile=SIXPACK DIRECT A1" exist=replace transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=dmksys.assemble.b.txt" "HostFile=DMKSYS ASSEMBLE B1" exist=replace transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=dmksnt.assemble.b.txt" "HostFile=DMKSNT ASSEMBLE B1" exist=replace transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=dmkrio.assemble.b.txt" "HostFile=DMKRIO ASSEMBLE B1" exist=replace transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=$dmkdir.assemble.a.txt" "HostFile=$DMKDIR ASSEMBLE A1" exist=replace transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=$dmkdio.assemble.a.txt" "HostFile=$DMKDIO ASSEMBLE A1" host=vm exist=replace
transfer host=vm "Direction=send" "LocalFile=sjz3380.direct.a.txt" "HostFile=SJZ3380 DIRECT A1" mode=ascii recfm=fixed lrecl=80 transfer host=vm "Direction=receive" "LocalFile=sjz3380.direct.b.txt" "HostFile=SJZ3380 DIRECT A1" exist=replace
transfer host=vm "Direction=send" "LocalFile=MAINTCPY.EXEC.A.txt" "HostFile=MAINTCPY EXEC A1" mode=ascii recfm=variable