ASSEMBLE CMS User Area command Use the ASSEMBLE command to invoke the assembler to assemble a file containing source statements. Assembler processing and output is controlled by the options selected. The format of the ASSEMBLE command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Assemble | fn [(options...[)]] | | | | | | listing control options: | | | ALOGIC|NOALOGIC ESD|NOESD FLAG(0)|FLAG(nnn) | | | LINECOUN(55|nn) LIST|NOLIST NOMCALL|MCALL | | | NOMLOGIC|MLOGIC RLD|NORLD NOLIBMAC|LIBMAC | | | XREF(FULL|SHORT)|NOXREF DIsk|PRint|NOPRint | | | output control options: | | | NODECK|DECK OBJect|NOOBJect NOTEST|TEST | | | SYSTERM control options: | | | NUMber|NONUM STMT|NOSTMT TERMinal|NOTERM | | | other options: | | | ALIGN|NOALIGN BUFSIZE(amount) RENT|NORENT | | | SYSPARM(string)|()|(?) YFLAG|NOYFLAG | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn is the filename of the source file to be assembled and/or the filename of assembler output files. The file must have fixed-length, 80-character records. By default, the assembler expects a CMS file with a filetype of ASSEMBLE. Listing control options: Use these options to control the assembler listing. The default values are listed first. NOALOGIC|ALOGIC does not list or lists conditional assembly statements in open code. NOEST|ESD does not list or lists the external symbol dictionary (ESD). FLAG (0)|(nnn) does not include diagnostic messages and MNOTE messages below severity code nnn in the listing. Diagnostic messages can have severity codes of 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 (20 is the most severe); and MNOTE message severity codes can be between 0 and 255. For example, FLAG (8) suppresses diagnostic messages with a severity code of 4 and MNOTE messages with severity codes of 0 through 7. LINECOUN (55)|(nn) nn specifies the number of lines to be listed per page. NOLIST|LIST does not produce or produces an assembler listing. Any previous listing is erased. NOLIST overrides ESD, RLD, and XREF. NOMCALL|MCALL does not list or lists the inner macro instructions encountered during macro generation following their respective outer macro instructions. The assembler assigns statement numbers to these instructions. The MCALL option is implied by the MLOGIC option; NOMCALL has no effect if MLOGIC is specified. NOMLOGIC|MLOGIC does not list or lists all statements of a macro definition processed during macro generation after the macro instruction. The assembler assigns statement numbers to them. NORLD|RLD does not produce or produces the relocation dictionary (RLD) as part of the listing. NOLIBMAC|LIBMAC does not list or lists the macro definitions read from the macro libraries and any assembler statements following the logical END statement. The logical END statement is the first END statement processed during macro generation. It may appear in a macro or in open code; it may even be created by substitution. The assembler assigns statement numbers to the statements that follow the logical END statement. XREF (FULL) includes in the assembler listing a cross-reference table of all symbols used in the assembly. This includes symbols that are defined but never referenced. The assembler listing also contains a cross- reference table of literals used in the assembly. XREF (SHORT) includes in the assembler listing a cross-reference table of all symbols that are referenced in the assembly. Any symbols defined but not referenced are not included in the table. The assembler listing contains a cross-reference table of literals used in the assembly. NOXREF does not print the cross-reference tables. DIsk places the LISTING file on a virtual disk, searching for the disk in the following order: 1. An accessed read/write disk from which the source is read. 2. The read/write "parent" disk, if the disk from which the source is read is a read/only extension. 3. The primary A disk with read/write access. If the primary A disk is not accessed read/write and the first two items do not apply, an error message is displayed. PRint writes the LISTING file to the printer. NOPRint suppresses the printing of the LISTING file. Output control options: The output control options are used to control the object module output of the assembler. NODECK|DECK does not write or writes the object module on the device specified on the FILEDEF statement for PUNCH. If this option is specified with the OBJECT option, the object module is written both on the PUNCH and TEXT files. NOOBJect|OBJect does not write, or writes the object module on the device, which is specified by the FILEDEF statement for TEXT, and erases any previous object modules. If this option is specified with the DECK option, the object module is written on the two devices specified in the FILEDEF statement for TEXT and PUNCH. NOTEST|TEST does not include or includes the special source symbol table (SYM cards) in the object module. This option should not be used for programs to be run under CMS because the SYM cards are not acceptable to the CMS LOAD and INCLUDE commands. SYSTERM options: The SYSTERM options are used to control the SYSTERM file associated with your assembly. NONUM|NUMber does not write or writes the line number field (columns 73-80 of the input records) in the SYSTERM listing for statements for which diagnostic information is given. This option is valid only if TERMINAL is specified. NOSTMT|STMT does not write or writes the statement number assigned by the assembler in the SYSTERM listing for statements for which diagnostic information is given. This option is valid only if TERMINAL is specified. NOTERM|TERMinal does not write, or writes the diagnostic information on the SYSTERM data set. The diagnostic information consists of the diagnosed statement followed by the error message issued. Other options: The following options allow you to specify various functions and values for the assembler. ALIGN|ALGN aligns all data on the proper boundary in the object module; for example, an F-type constant is aligned on a fullword boundary. In addition, the assembler checks storage addresses used in machine instructions for alignment violations. NOALIGN|NOALGN does not align data areas other than those specified in CCW instructions. The assembler does not skip bytes to align constants on proper boundaries. Alignment violations in machine instructions are not diagnosed. BUFSIZE (amount) specifies the buffer size to be used by the assembler: STD chooses the buffer size that gives optimum performance. The buffer size depends on the amount of virtual storage. Of the assembler working storage in excess of minimum requirements, 37% is allocated to the utility data set buffers and the rest to macro generation dictionaries. MIN uses the minimum buffer sizes (790 bytes) for each of the utility data sets (SYSUT1, SYSUT2, and SYSUT3). Storage normally used for buffers is allocated to work space. Because more work space is available, more complex programs can be assembled in a given virtual storage size; but the speed of the assembly is substantially reduced. MAX is useful when many macros and/or large macros are used in an assembly. The assembler uses up to 15 save areas for input records and saves the areas according to their frequency of use, optimizing the macro generation phase. This option has no effect unless a large enough region is available. The number of allocated save areas is printed on the statistics page of the assembler listing. Refer to the OS/VS-VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide, Appendix E for a description of the effects of BUFSIZE. NORENT|RENT does not check or checks your program for a possible violation of program re-enterability. Code that makes your program nonre-enterable is identified by an error message. NOYFLAG|YFLAG suppresses or does not suppress the warning messages that indicate that relocatable Y-type address constants have been declared. SYSPARM (string)|()|(?) passes a character value to the system variable symbol, SYSPARM. The variable (string) may be up to 100 characters long, and may not contain any blanks or parentheses. If you want to enter a string containing blanks or parentheses, use the SYSPARM (?) format. With the SYSPARM (?) format, CMS prompts you with the message: ENTER SYSPARM: You can enter up to 100 characters. SYSPARM () enters a null string of characters. Note: If ASSEMBLE is called as a command, the SYSPARM information is translated to uppercase. Usage notes: 1. When you issue the ASSEMBLE command, default FILEDEF commands are issued for assembler data sets. You may want to override these with explicit FILEDEF commands. The ddnames used by the assembler are: ASSEMBLE (SYSIN input to the assembler) TEXT (SYSLIN output of the assembler) LISTING (SYSPRINT output of the assembler) PUNCH (SYSPUNCH output of the assembler) CMSLIB (SYSLIB input to the assembler) SYSUT1 (workfile of the assembler) SYSUT2 (workfile of the assembler) SYSUT3 (workfile of the assembler) The default FILEDEF commands issued by the assembler for these ddnames are: FILEDEF ASSEMBLE DISK fn ASSEMBLE fm (RECFM FB LRECL 80 BLOCK 800 FILEDEF TEXT DISK fn TEXT fm FILEDEF LISTING DISK fn LISTING fm (RECFM FBA BLOCK 1210 FILEDEF PUNCH PUNCH FILEDEF CMSLIB DISK CMSLIB MACLIB * (RECFM FB LRECL 80 BLOCK 800 FILEDEF SYSUT1 DISK fn SYSUT1 fm4 (BLOCK 7294 AUXPROC asmproc FILEDEF SYSUT2 DISK fn SYSUT2 fm4 (BLOCK 7294 AUXPROC asmproc FILEDEF SYSUT3 DISK fn SYSUT3 fm4 (BLOCK 7294 AUXPROC asmproc At the completion of the ASSEMBLE command, all FILEDEFs that do not have the PERM option are erased. 2. If you want to use any CMS macro or copy libraries during an assembly, issue the GLOBAL command to identify the macro libraries before you issue the ASSEMBLE command. For example: global maclib cmslib osmacro testlib identifies the MACLIB files named CMSLIB, OSMACRO, and TESTLIB. 3. To use OS macro libraries during an assembly, issue the FILEDEF command for the OS data set. Use a ddname of CMSLIB and assign a CMS file identifier; the filetype must be MACLIB, and you must use the filename on the GLOBAL command line. For example: filedef cmslib disk oldtest maclib c dsn oldtest macros global maclib oldtest assigns the OS data set OLDTEST.MACROS, on the disk accessed as mode C, a CMS fileid of OLDTEST MACLIB and identifies it as the macro library to be used during assembly. 4. You cannot assemble programs using DOS macros from the DOS/VS source statement libraries under CMS/DOS. You should use the SSERV, ESERV, and MACLIB commands to create CMS MACLIBs to contain DOS macros for assembly under CMS/DOS. 5. You need not make any logical assignments for input or output files when you use the assembler under CMS/DOS. File definitions are assigned by default under CMS, as described in Usage Note 1. 8. When assembling large files you may want to issue your own FILEDEF for the SYSUTn data sets omitting the AUXPROC option to avoid a DISK FULL condition. CMS builds the SYSUT1 data set incore until there is no more space to hold the data set at which time the file is placed on disk. The SYSUTn files are changed to have record length 8000 and record format fixed. When not processing with the AUXPROC option, there is no incore file built. The SYSUTn files are built only on the disk with record format V, record length 7294. Responses: Responses are documented in IBM OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide, GC33-4021, available from