CMS Commands

SET                                                       CMS Transient command

Use the SET command to establish, turn off, or reset a particular function in
your CMS virtual machine.  Only one function may be specified per SET command.
SET cannot be issued without an option.  The format of the SET command is:
| SET      | ABEND cmd                       ABBREV ON|OFF                    |
|          | AUTOREAD ON|OFF                 BLIP string[(count)]|ON|OFF      |
|          | DOS ON [mode [(VSAM[)]]]|OFF    DOSPART nnnnnK|OFF               |
|          | IMPCP ON|OFF                    IMPEX ON|OFF                     |
|          | INPUT [a xx|xx yy]              LDRTBLS nn                       |
|          | NONSHARE CMSDOS|CMSVSAM|CMSAMS|CMSSEG                            |
|          | OUTPUT [xx a]                   PROTECT ON|OFF                   |
|          | RDYMSG LMSG|SMSG                REDTYPE ON|OFF                   |
|          | RELPAGE ON|OFF                                                   |
|          | SYSNAME CMSDOS|CMSVSAM|CMSAMS|CMSSEG|name                        |
|          | UPSI nnnnnnnn|OFF                                                |

         sets the ABEND command to 'cmd', where 'cmd' is a CMS command or EXEC
         procedure.  When an ABEND occurs, 'cmd' is placed on the program stack
         to be executed after cleanup from the ABEND.  The ABEND buffer is then
         cleared to prevent recursion.

         controls whether the system accepts system and user abbreviations for
         command names, or only full command names or the full synonym.

         ON accepts system and user abbreviations for command names.  The
         SYNONYM command makes synonym  abbreviations available.

         OFF accepts only the full command name or the full synonym for the
         command name.

         For a discussion of the relationship of the SET ABBREV and SYNONYM
         commands, type HELP SYNONYM.

         specifies whether or not a console read to be issued immedately after
         command execution.  ON is the default for non-display terminals; OFF
         is the default for display terminals.

BLIP string[(count)] | ON | OFF
         defines the characters which are displayed at the terminal to indicate
         every 2 seconds of virtual interval time time.  This time is made up
         of virtual CPU time plus, if the REALTIMER option is on, self-imposed
         wait time.

         You can define up to 8 characters as a blip string; if you want
         trailing blanks, you must specify count.  ON and OFF cannot be used as
         BLIP characters.

         ON sets the BLIP character string to its default, which is a string of
         characters that rotates the typeball on a 2471 typewriter terminal.

         OFF turns off BLIP.  This is the default for display terminals.

DOS ON [mode [(VSAM[)]]] | OFF
         turns on or off the CMS/DOS environment.

         ON places your CMS virtual machine in the CMS/DOS environment. The
         logical unit SYSLOG is assigned to your terminal.

         'mode' specifies the mode letter at which the VSE system residence is
         accessed; the logical assignment of SYSRES is made for the indicated
         mode letter.

         VSAM specifies that you are going to use the AMSERV command or you are
         going to execute programs to access VSAM data sets.

         OFF returns your virtual machine to the normal CMS environment.  All
         previously assigned system and programmer logical units are

         specifies the size of the partition in which you want a program to
         execute in the CMS/DOS environment.

         nnnnnK specifies the size of the virtual partition in which you want a
         program to execute.  The value, nnnnnK, may not exceed the amount of
         user free storage available in your virtual machine.  You should use
         this setting only when you can control the performance of a particular
         program by reducing the amount of available virtual storage.

         OFF specifies that you no longer want to control your virtual machine
         partition size.  When the DOSPART setting is OFF, CMS computes
         the partition size whenever a program is executed.

         controls handling of command names that CMS does not recognize. ON
         passes command names that CMS does not recognize to CP; that is,
         unknown commands are considered to be CP commands.  OFF generates an
         error message at the terminal if a command is not recognized by CMS.

         controls whether or not EXEC files are treated as commands.  ON treats
         EXEC files as commands; an EXEC file is invoked when the filename of
         the EXEC file is entered.  OFF does not consider EXEC files as
         commands.  You must issue the EXEC command to execute an EXEC file.

INPUT [a xx | xx yy]
         translates characters entered from your terminal to hexadecimal code.

         INPUT a xx translates the specified character 'a' to the specified
         hexadecimal code xx for characters entered from the terminal.

         INPUT xx yy allows you to reset the hexadecimal code xx to the
         specified hexadecimal code yy in your translate table.

         Note:  If you issue SET INPUT and SET OUTPUT commands for the same
         characters, issue the SET OUTPUT command first.

         INPUT returns all characters to their default translation.

         defines the number (nn) of pages of storage to be used for loader
         tables.  To ensure that the SET LDRTBLS command executes properly, it
         must be invoked immediately after IPL.  If SET LDRTBLS is issued at
         any other time, system results can be unpredictable.  By default, a
         virtual machine having up to 384K of addressable real storage has two
         pages of loader tables; a larger virtual machine has three pages,
         while a virtual machine 4MB or greater has sixty four pages.
         Each loader table page has a capacity of 204 external names.  During
         LOAD and INCLUDE command processing, each unique external name
         encountered in a TEXT deck is entered in the loader table.  The LOAD
         command clears the table before reading TEXT files; INCLUDE does not.
         This number can be changed with the SET LDRTBLS nn command provided
         that: (1) nn is a decimal number between 0 and 128, and (2) the
         virtual machine has enough storage available to allow nn pages to be
         used for loader tables. If these two conditions are met, nn pages are
         set aside for loader tables.  If you plan to change the number of
         pages allocated for loader tables, you should deallocate storage at
         the high end of storage so that the storage for the loader tables may
         be obtained from that area.  Usually, you can de-allocate storage by
         releasing one or more of the disks that were accessed.

         specifies that you want your own nonshared copy of a normally shared
         named system.

OUTPUT [xx a]
         sets a hexadecimal representation displayed at the terminal to be
         translated to a specified character.

         OUTPUT xx a translates the specified hexadecimal representation xx to
         the specified character 'a' for all xx characters displayed at the

         OUTPUT returns all characters to their default translation.

         specifies whether or not the CMS nucleus is protected against writing
         in its storage area.  ON turns protection on; OFF turns it off.

         sets the CMS ready message to its long or short form.

         LMSG indicates that the long CMS ready message, including current and
         elapsed time, is used.  The format of the long Ready message is:
            Ready;  hh:mm:ss
         where the virtual processor time (in seconds), real processor time (in
         seconds), and clock time are listed.

         SMSG indicates that a shortened form of the CMS ready message (Ready;)
         which does not include the time, is used.

         sets whether or not CMS error messages are typed in red on certain
         terminals equipped with the appropriate terminal feature and a two-
         color ribbon.

         sets wheter or not unused pages frames of storage are to be released.
         ON releases (returns to CP) unused page frames of storage and sets
         them to binary zeros.  A page frame is considered usused whenever all
         of the storage allocated from it has been returned to CMS.

         OFF prevents the release of unused page frames of storage as described
         in SET RELPAGE ON.  Use the SET RELPAGE OFF function when debugging or
         analyzing a problem so that the storage used is not released and can
         be examined.  Be aware that indiscriminate use of SET RELPAGE OFF can
         have a negative impact on overall system performance.

         lets you replace a saved system name entry in the SYSNAMES table with
         the name of an alternate, or backup system.  A separate SET SYSNAME
         command must be issued for each name entry to be changed.  CMSVSAM,
         CMSAMS, CMSDOS, and CMSBAM are the default names assigned to the
         systems when the CMS system is generated.

UPSI nnnnnnnn | OFF
         sets the User Program Switch Indicator (UPSI) byte to the specified
         bit string, or resets the UPSI byte to binary zeros.

         nnnnnnnn sets the UPSI byte to the specified bit string.  If you enter
         fewer than eight digits, the UPSI byte is filled in from the left and
         zero-padded to the right.  If you enter an "x" for any digit, the
         corresponding bit in the UPSI byte is left unchanged.

         OFF resets the UPSI byte to binary zeros.

Usage notes:

1.  If you issue the SET command specifying an invalid function and implied CP
    (IMPCP) execution is in effect, you may receive message
       DMKCFC003E INVALID OPTION - 'option'

2.  If an invalid SET command function is specified from an EXEC and implied CP
    execution is in effect, then the return code is -0003.

3.  To determine or verify the setting of most functions, use the QUERY