CMS EDIT Subcommands

$DUP                                                        CMS EDIT subcommand

Use the $DUP to duplicate the current line.  The format of the $DUP macro is:
| $DUP     | [1|n]                                                            |

n        indicates the number of times you want to duplicate the line; the
         maximum value you can specify is 25.  If n is omitted, the current
         line is duplicated once.

Usage Notes:

1.  The last copy of the line duplicated becomes the new current line.

2.  If you use the logical line end symbol (#) to stack additional subcommands
    on the same line with the $DUP edit macro those subcommands are cleared
    from the console stack and the message:
    is issued.  The stacked subcommand(s) are not executed.

3.  Because it uses console functions, $DUP cannot be used when duplicating
    records containing binary zeros or nonprintable characters.  Truncated
    duplicate records will result.

4.  When using line-number editing, you can insert duplicate lines between
    existing numbered lines if the interval between line numbers is large
    enough.  Execution of $DUP stops after the last valid line number has been
    assigned.  You can renumber your file to increase the interval between line

5.  Because it uses the STACK EDIT subcommand, $DUP can duplicate a maximum of
    130 characters in one line.  Longer lines are truncated.


The last line duplicated (the new current line) is displayed.