EDIT CMS User Area command Use the EDIT command to invoke the CMS editor to create, modify, and manipulate CMS disk files. Once the editor has been invoked, you can only execute EDIT subcommands and edit macro requests, and input data lines into the disk file. A limited number of CMS commands may be executed in the CMS subset mode. Enter CMS subset mode from the edit environment by issuing the EDIT subcommand, CMS. You can return control to the CMS environment by issuing the EDIT subcommands FILE or QUIT. The format of the EDIT command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit | fn fm [*|fm] [( [LRECL nn] [NODISP] [)]] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn ft is the filename and filetype of the file to be created or edited. If a file with the specified filename and filetype does not exist, the CMS editor assumes that you want to create a new file, and after you issue the INPUT subcommand, all data lines you enter become input to the file. If a file with the specified filename and filetype exists, you may issue EDIT subcommands to modify the specified file. fm is the filemode of the file to be edited, indicating the disk on which the file resides. The editor determines the filemode of the edited file as follows: Editing existing files: If the file does not reside on your A-disk or its extensions, you must specify fm. When you specify fm, the specified disk and its extensions are searched. If a file is found on a read-only extension, the filemode of the parent disk is saved; when you issue a FILE or SAVE subcommand, the modified file is written to the parent disk. If you specify fm as an asterisk (*) all accessed disks are searched for the specified file. Creating new files: If you do not specify fm, the new file is written on your A-disk when you issue the FILE or SAVE subcommands. Options: LRECL nn is the record length of the file to be created or edited. Use this option to override the default values supplied by the editor, which are determined as follows: Editing Existing Files: Existing record length is kept regardless of format. If the file has variable-length records and the existing record length is less than the default record length, the default record length is used. Creating New Files: All new files have a record length of 80, with the following exceptions: Filetype LRECL LISTING 121 SCRIPT,VSBDATA 132 FREEFORT 81 The maximum record length supported by the editor is 160 characters. NODISP forces a 3270 display terminal into line (typewriter) mode. When the NODISP option is in effect, all subcommands that control the display as a 3270 terminal such as SCROLL, SCROLLUP, and FORMAT (and CHANGE with no operands) are made invalid for the edit session. EDIT subcommands: The following subcommands and macros are avaiable when you use the CMS editor: ALTER Change one character to another. ALTERUP Change one character to another. AUTOSAVE Set the automatic save function. BACKWARD move the current line pointer up. BOTTOM move the current line pointer to the last line. CASE set whether or not input is to be translated to uppercase. CHANGE change text in the file. CHANGEUP change text in the file. CMS enter CMS subset mode. DELETE delete lines from the file. DELETEUP delete lines from the file. DOWN move the current line pointer down. DSTRING delete lines containing a string. $DUP (macro) duplicate the current line. EDIT begin editing an additional file. FILE save the file and exit the editor. FIND find a line that begins with a string. FINDUP find a line that begins with a string. FMODE display or set the filemode. FNAME display or set the filename. FORMAT* change the display mode. FORWARD* move the current line pointer down. GETFILE* copy a file into the file being edited. IMAGE* control how backspace and tab characters are handled. INPUT* insert new lines into the file. LINEMODE* set line-number editing. LOCATE* find a line containing a string. LOCATEUP* find a line containing a string. LONG* set the error message display. LVL* move among multiple files being edited. $MOVE* (macro) move one or more lines within the file. NEXT* move the current line pointer down. OVERLAY* overlay data in the current line. PRESERVE* save edit settings. PROMPT* set the prompting increment for line-number editing. QUIT* exit the editor without saving the file. RECFM* display or set the record format. RENUM* reunumber VSBASIC or FREEFORT source files. REPEAT* repeat an OVERLAY command. REPLACE* replace the current line. RESTORE* restore edit settings. RETURN* return from CMS subset mode. REUSE* stack the last edit command for reuse. SAVE* save the file on disk. SCROLL* scroll forward through the file. SCROLLUP* scroll backward through the file. SERIAL* control serialization in columns 73 to 80. SHORT* set the error message display. STACK* stack lines or commands. STACKUP* stack lines or commands. TABSET* set tab stops. TOP* move the line pointer to the top of the file. TRUNC* set or display the truncation column. TYPE* type all or part of the file. TYPEUP* type all or part of the file. UP* move the current line pointer up. VERIFY* set or display the verification setting. X* assign an edit subcommand to X. Y* assign an edit subcommand to Y. ZONE* set column boundaries for text searches. ?* display the last edit subcommand. nnnnn* enter and locate lines when using line-number editing. For help on any subcommand or macro, enter HELP EDIT subcommand. * after the subcommand or macro name means that help is not yet available for that subcommand or macro. Responses: NEW FILE: The specified file does not exist. EDIT: The edit environment is entered. You may issue any valid EDIT subcommand or macro request. INPUT: The input environment is entered by issuing the EDIT subcommands REPLACE or INPUT with no operands. All subsequent input lines are accepted as input to the file.