CMS EDIT Subcommands

EDIT                                                        CMS EDIT subcommand

Use the EDIT subcommand to edit an additional file without leaving your current
editing session.  All edit subcommands and macros will operate against this new
file.  When you are finished, use the FILE or QUIT subcommand to return to the
previous file you were editing.  The format of the EDIT subcommand is:
| Edit     | fn fm [*|fm] [( [LRECL nn] [NODISP] [)]]                         |

fn  ft   is the filename and filetype of the file to be created or edited.  If
         a file with the specified filename and filetype does not exist, the
         CMS editor assumes that you want to create a new file, and after you
         issue the INPUT subcommand, all data lines you enter become input to
         the file.  If a file with the specified filename and filetype exists,
         you may issue EDIT subcommands to modify the specified file.

fm       is the filemode of the file to be edited, indicating the disk on which
         the file resides.  The editor determines the filemode of the edited
         file as follows:

         Editing existing files:  If the file does not reside on your A-disk or
         its extensions, you must specify fm.

         When you specify fm, the specified disk and its extensions are
         searched.  If a file is found on a read-only extension, the filemode
         of the parent disk is saved; when you issue a FILE or SAVE subcommand,
         the modified file is written to the parent disk.

         If you specify fm as an asterisk (*) all accessed disks are searched
         for the specified file.

         Creating new files:  If you do not specify fm, the new file is written
         on your A-disk when you issue the FILE or SAVE subcommands.


LRECL nn is the record length of the file to be created or edited.  Use this
         option to override the default values supplied by the editor, which
         are determined as follows:

         Editing Existing Files:  Existing record length is kept regardless of
         format.  If the file has variable-length records and the existing
         record length is less than the default record length, the default
         record length is used.

         Creating New Files:  All new files have a record length of 80, with
         the following exceptions:
            Filetype            LRECL
            LISTING             121
            SCRIPT,VSBDATA      132
            FREEFORT            81
         The maximum record length supported by the editor is 160 characters.

NODISP   forces a 3270 display terminal into line (typewriter) mode.  When the
         NODISP option is in effect, all subcommands that control the display
         as a 3270 terminal such as SCROLL, SCROLLUP, and FORMAT (and CHANGE
         with no operands) are made invalid for the edit session.

Usage Note:

Edit maintains a "stack" of edit sessions, not a ring, as do some other
editors.  Therefore the only way to return to the previous file you were
editing is to FILE or QUIT from the current one.


In line mode, EDIT displays the level of the file you are currently editing:
   edit mydisks memo
   edit profile exec
   2 edit new exec
   3 quit
   2 quit
   Ready; T=0.01/0.07 17:31:24

Display Mode Considerations

EDIT displays the level number in the information line at the top of the