EXEC CMS Nucleus command Use the EXEC command to execute a specified EXEC file containing CMS commands, EXEC or REXX instructions. The format of the EXEC command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [EXec] | fn [args...] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: [EXec] indicates that the EXEC command may be omitted if you are executing the EXEC procedure from the CMS command environment and have not issued the command SET IMPEX OFF. fn is the filename of a file containing CMS commands, EXEC or REXX instructions to be executed. The filetype of the file must be EXEC. The file can have either fixed- or variable-length records with a logical record length not exceeding 130 characters. A text editor or a user program can create EXEC files. EXEC files created by the CMS editor creates have, by default, variable-length, 80-character records. args are any arguments you wish to pass to the EXEC. The CMS EXEC processor assigns arguments to special variables &1 through &30 in the order in which they appear in the argument list. The REXX interpreter makes the the arguments available to the program through the ARG and PARSE ARG instructions. The number of bytes of data you can pass in the argument list is limited to 130. If the first line of the EXEC file begins with a REXX comment ("/*"), then the REXX interpreter is invoked to execute the program. Otherwise the EXEC interpreter is invoked. To get help on writing procedures in the REXX language, enter HELP REXX. The following topics provide details about writing procedures in the EXEC language: ASSIGN The assignment statement. ARGS The &ARGS control statement. BEGEMSG The &BEGEMSG control statement. BEGPUNCH The &BEGPUNCH control statement. BEGSTACK The &BEGSTACK control statement. BEGTYPE The &BEGTYPE control statement. CONCAT The &CONCAT built-in function. CONTINUE The &CONTINUE control statement. CONTROL The &CONTROL control statement. DATATYPE The &DATATYPE built-in function. EMSG The &EMSG control statement. END The &END control statement. ERROR The &ERROR control statement. EXIT The &EXIT control statement. GOTO The &GOTO control statement. HEX The &HEX control statement. IF The &IF control statement. LENGTH The &LENGTH built-in function. LITERAL The &LITERAL built-in function. LOOP The &LOOP control statement. PUNCH The &PUNCH control statement. READ The &READ control statement. SKIP The &SKIP control statement. SPACE The &SPACE control statement. STACK The &STACK control statement. SUBSTR The &SUBSTR built-in function. TIME The &TIME control statement. TYPE The &TYPE control statement. VARS Special variables &n, &*, &$, &0, &DISKx, &DISK*, &DISK?, &DOS, &EXEC, &GLOBAL, &GLOBALn, &INDEX, &LINENUM, &READFLAG, &RETCODE, &TYPEFLAG. For help on any EXEC topic, enter HELP EXEC topic.