ORDER CP Privilege Class: G Use the ORDER command to place your closed spool files in a specific order by device type. The format of the ORDER command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ORDer | Reader|Printer|PUnch CLass c1 CLass c2... spoolid1 spoolid2... | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: Reader | RDR specifies that the reader spool files are to be placed in order. Printer | PRT specifies that the printer spool files are to be placed in order. PUnch | PCH specifies that the punch spool files are to be placed in order. CLass c1 CLass c2... are the class(es) to be rearranged and the sequence in which they are to be processed. CLASS is a required reserved word and c1, c2,... are 1-character alphameric fields (with values from A to Z and from 0 to 9) that represent spooling classes. spoolid1 spoolid2... are the spoolids of the files to be rearranged and the sequence in which they are to be processed. Note that a combination of CLASS and spoolid specifications may be entered. Usage notes: 1. You may order only your own files. 2. Use the QUERY command to determine spool file attributes such as class and spoolid for files you want to rearrange. 3. You can use a combination of class and spoolid specifications to rearrange files. For example: order printer class A 1963 class C specifies that CP queues printer files in the following order: all class A files, the file with spoolid 1963, all class C files, followed by any other printer spool files not specified in the ORDER command line. 4. When duplicate spoolids are present, the ORDER command resequences only the first duplicate spool file found. 5. The order of your spool files may change without warning between terminal sessions if the system was restarted with a checkpoint restart. Response: nnnn ¦ NO FILES ORDERED indicates the number of files that were placed in order. It is not displayed if you issued the CP SET IMSG OFF command.