CMS Commands

QUERY                                                     CMS Transient command
                               CP Privilege Class: G and all classes except Any

Use the QUERY command to gather information about your virtual machine.  There
are two QUERY commands:  a CMS command, and a CP command.  If you issue the CMS
QUERY commands, all of the CP QUERY commands are valid as well.  In addition,
the STACK option of the CMS QUERY command places the command response on the
program stack for use in an EXEC or other program.

With the CMS QUERY command you can determine:
o   The state of virtual machine characteristics that are controlled by the CMS
    SET command.
o   File definitions (set with the FILEDEF and DLBL commands) that are in
o   The status of accessed disks.
o   The status of CMS/DOS functions.
o   The status of CP settings reported by the CP QUERY command.

For more information, type HELP CMSQUERY.

With the CP QUERY command you can determine:
o   The time you have used during a terminal session.
o   The number of closed input and output spool files associated with your
    virtual machine.
o   The current settings of the SET command functions.
o   The current settings of the TERMINAL command functions.
o   The status of all the devices on your virtual machine.
o   The channel operating mode of your virtual machine, whether block-
    multiplexer or selector.
o   A listing of all users who are linked to a given virtual address, together
    with their device addresses and access modes.
o   Identification and attributes associated with your virtual printer, punch,
    and reader spool files.
o   The identification of your virtual processor.
o   The USERID and system identifier.
o   A listing of the PER traceset elements.

There are other operands you can use with the QUERY command if you have the
privilege class required to use them.

For more information, type HELP CPQUERY.