CMS Commands

RELEASE                                                   CMS Transient command

Use the RELEASE command to free an accessed disk and make the files on it
unavailable.  The format of the RELEASE command is:
| RELease  | cuu|mode [(DET[)]]                                               |

cuu      is the virtual device address of the disk that is to be released.
         Valid addresses are 001 through 5FF for a virtual machine in basic
         control mode and 001 through FFF for a virtual machine in extended
         control mode.

mode     is the mode letter at which the disk is currently accessed.


DET      specifies that the disk is to be detached from your virtual machine
         configuration; CMS calls the CP command DETACH.

Usage notes:

1.  If a disk is accessed at more than one mode letter, the RELEASE cuu command
    releases all modes.  If you access a disk specifying the mode letter of an
    active disk, the first disk is released.

2.  You cannot release the system disk (S-disk).

3.  When a disk is released, the user file directory is freed from storage and
    that storage becomes available for other CMS commands and programs.  When
    you release a read/write CMS disk, either with the RELEASE command or
    implicitly with the FORMAT command or ACCESS commands, the user file
    directory is sorted and rewritten on disk; user(s) who may subsequently
    access the same disk may have a resultant favorable decrease in file search

4.  When a disk is released, any read-only extensions it may have are not
    released.  The extensions may be referred to by their own mode letters.  If
    a disk is then accessed with the same mode as the original parent disk, the
    original read-only extensions remain extensions to the new disk at that

5.  In CMS/DOS, when you release a disk, any system or programmer logical unit
    assignments made for the disk are unassigned.


     This is a CP message that is issued when you use the DET option.  It
     indicates that the disk has been detached.