CMS Commands

TERMINAL                                                 CP Privilege Class:  G

Use the TERMINAL command to control the following functions associated with
your virtual console:
o   Logical line-editing symbols
o   The APL or Text character set
o   Highlighting of user input on 3270 display terminals
o   Signaling of an attention interrupt
o   Attention handling mode for your virtual console
o   Line length for output on your virtual console
o   Specifying the insertion of line control characters

The format of the TERMINAL command is:
| TERMinal | CHardel|EScape|LINEDel|LINENd|TABchar   ON|OFF|char              |
|          | APL|ATtn|AUtocr|HILIght|HOLD|Mask|TEXT  ON|OFF                   |
|          | LINESize nnn                                                     |
|          | MODE CP|VM                                                       |
|          | MORE nnn mmm                                                         |
|          | MTMr nnn                                                         |
More than one function can be specified in a single entry of the TERMINAL
command.  For example:


CHardel ON | OFF | char
         defines the logical character delete symbol.  The logical character
         delete symbol allows you to delete one or more of the previous
         characters entered.  The default symbol is normally '@', but depends
         on what is specified in your VM/370 directory entry.  If ON is
         specified, the default symbol becomes the logical character delete
         symbol.  If OFF is specified, no logical character delete symbol is
         allowed. If char is specified, then that character becomes a logical
         character delete symbol.  The character chosen should be unique and
         not common to the data stream being entered.  When you log on, CHARDEL
         ON is in effect; if your virtual machine is logged on by the system
         operator via the AUTOLOG command, CHARDEL OFF is the default.

EScape ON | OFF | char
         defines the logical escape character.  The logical escape character
         causes VM/370 to consider the next character entered to be a data
         character, even if it is normally one of the logical line editing
         symbols.  The default symbol is normally '"', but depends on what is
         specified in your VM/370 directory entry.  If ON is specified, the
         default symbol becomes the logical escape character.  If OFF is
         specified, no logical escape character is allowed. If char is
         specified, then that character becomes the logical escape character.
         The character chosen should be unique and not common to the data
         stream being entered.  When you log on, ESCAPE ON is in effect; if
         your virtual machine is logged on by the system operator via the
         AUTOLOG command, ESCAPE OFF is the default.

LINEDel ON | OFF  | char
         defines the logical line delete symbol.  The logical line delete
         symbol deletes the entire previous physical line, or the last logical
         line back to (and including) the previous line end.  The default
         symbol is normally 'cent sign', but depends on what is specified in
         your VM/370 directory entry.  If ON is specified, the default symbol
         becomes the logical line delete symbol.  If OFF is specified, no
         logical line delete symbol is allowed. If char is specified, then that
         character becomes the logical line delete symbol.  The character
         chosen should be unique and not common to the data stream being
         entered.  When you log on, LINEDEL ON is in effect; if your virtual
         machine is logged on by the system operator via the AUTOLOG command,
         LINEDEL OFF is the default.

LINENd ON | OFF  | char
         defines the logical line end symbol.  The logical line end symbol
         allows you to key in more than one command on the same line, and thus
         minimizes the amount of time you have to wait between entering
         commands.  The default symbol is normally '#', but depends on what is
         specified in your VM/370 directory entry.  If ON is specified, the
         default symbol becomes the logical line end symbol.  If OFF is
         specified, no logical line end symbol is allowed. If char is
         specified, then that character becomes the logical line end character.
         The character chosen should be unique and not common to the data
         stream being entered.  When you log on, LINEND ON is in effect; if
         your virtual machine is logged on by the system operator via the
         AUTOLOG command, LINEND OFF is the default.

TABchar ON | OFF  | char
         allows a user to define a variety of logical tab characters on
         graphics devices.  QUERY TERMINAL command displays ON, OFF, or the
         current logical tab character.  ON sets the logical tab character to
         the one used by the system, X'6A' ( ).  OFF sets the logical tab
         character to X'00'.  char defines the logical tab character to be used
         by the system internally.  It may be any valid special graphic
         character.  When an invalid character is specified, an error message
         is issued to the terminal and the logical tab character remains

         controls the use of APL character translation tables.  If APL ON is
         specified, CP uses the translation tables applicable to display
         stations equipped with the APL hardware feature and typewriter
         terminals equipped with the standard APL typing element.  If APL OFF
         is specified, CP uses the normal translation tables (that is, BCD or
         correspondence code).  Unless otherwise specified, APL OFF is in
         effect.  If APL is on, TEXT is forced off.

         Note:  If the TERMINAL APL ON command is issued from a terminal that
         is not equipped with APL keys, or if the user's virtual machine is not
         running APL when the TERMINAL command is issued, the results may be

         If APL ON is specified, the LINESIZE value is overridden (see the
         explanation for the LINESIZE operand, below).  However, the setting of
         the SET LINEDIT command is independent of the TERMINAL APL setting.

         controls signaling of an attention interrupt.  If ATTN ON is
         specified, the exclamation point is displayed when an attention
         interrupt occurs.  The OFF option suppresses the displaying of the
         exclamation point (!) and carriage return for those systems that
         perform special line editing using the attention key.  Unless
         otherwise specified, ATTN ON is in effect.

         Note:  The ATTN operand is not valid for display terminals.

HIlight ON | OFF
         highlights the command line that a user enters on a terminal.  When
         the feature is deactivated, user input is displayed at normal
         intensity on the screen.  When you log on VM/370, HILIGHT is set OFF.

         Note:  The HILIGHT operand is valid only for display terminals.

         controls whether the display screen automatically clears and displays
         pending output if a message from another user or the operator is on
         the screen.  ON specifies that the screen is not automatically
         cleared, and HOLDING is dislayed in the status area.  OFF specifies
         that the screen is automatically cleared, and MORE... is displayed in
         the status area.  After a timeout (see the MORE operand), the screen
         clears and pending output is displayed.  When you log on VM/370, HOLD
         is set ON.

         Note:  The HOLD operand is valid only for display terminals.

MORE nnn mmm
         specifies the delay in seconds before the display clears and pending
         output is displayed.  nnn specifies the delay, up to 255 seconds.
         After nnn seconds have elapsed, a warning beep is sounded.  After mmm
         additiona seconds have elapsed, the display clears.  When you log on
         VM/370, MORE is set to 050 010.

         Note:  The MORE operand is valid only for display terminals.

MTMr nnn specifies the delay in seconds before a warning beep is emitted to
         let you know the screen is about to be cleared so that pending output
         is displayed.  nnn specifies the delay, up to 255 seconds.  When you
         log on VM/370, MTMR is set to 010.

         Note:  The MTMR operand is valid only for display terminals.

         controls the use of Text translation tables.  If TEXT ON is specified,
         CP uses the translation tables applicable to display terminals
         equipped with the appropriate Text hardware features.  If TEXT OFF is
         specified, CP uses the normal translation tables.  Unless otherwise
         specified, TEXT OFF is in effect.  When TEXT ON is specified, APL OFF
         is forced.

         Note:  The setting of the SET LINEDIT command is independent of the
         TERMINAL TEXT setting.

LINESize [nnn]
         nnn specifies the maximum allowable line length for terminal output.
         nnn can be a number from 1 through 255.  OFF specifies that the
         terminal output line length is not to be adjusted by CP.  In other
         words, CP does not split a long output line into two or more shorter
         ones.  If neither nnn nor OFF is specified, the default value is
         device dependent.

         Note:  If APL ON is specified, CP does not separate output lines into
         LINESIZE segments. Instead, an output length of 1760 is allowed and CP
         assumes that the APL system has inserted the appropriate carriage
         control characters.

         controls the terminal attention environment.  CP specifies that one or
         more attentions force the virtual machine into the CP environment.  VM
         specifies that one attention is reflected to your virtual machine and
         that more than one attention forces your virtual machine into the CP
         environment.  VM is the default for all VM/370 users except the
         primary system operator.

Usage notes:

1.  To determine the settings for your terminal, enter the QUERY TERMINAL

2.  The terminal settings you specify with the TERMINAL command are in effect
    only for the duration of that terminal session.  Whenever you initially log
    on, the system defaults are in effect.  However, the settings you specify
    for line-editing (except LINEDEL) and MODE are still in effect when you log
    on after disconnecting.  TEXT, APL, ATTN, and LINESIZE are reset if you log
    on after disconnecting.

3.  Although you can define line-editing symbols and status with the TERMINAL
    command, the LINEDIT operand of the SET command determines whether the
    VM/370 line-editing functions are on or off.

4.  If an error occurs during processing of the command, all functions
    preceding the one with the error are in effect.

5.  You cannot use any of the letters A through Z, or the numbers 0 through 9,
    as a symbol (char) in association with any of the CHARDEL, LINEDEL, LINEND,
    ESCAPE, and TABCHAR operands.

6.  If you assign LINEDEL, CHARDEL, and/or ESCAPE as the same logical
    character, you lose the function of the logical character.  If you assign
    LINEDEL, CHARDEL, and/or ESCAPE as the same logical character as LINEND,
    only LINEND is processed when you use that character.

7.  The pound sign (#) in the #CP command is the logical line end symbol and is
    the default supplied by VM/370.  If you or your installation have redefined
    the logical line end symbol, #CP is an invalid command; you must substitute
    the redefined line end symbol for the pound sign when using this command.