CMS Commands

TXTLIB                                                    CMS User Area command

Use the TXTLIB command to update CMS text libraries.  The format of the TXTLIB
command is:
| TXTlib   | GEN libname fn1 [fn2...]         [(options...[)]]                |
|          | ADD libname fn1 [fn2...]         [(options...[)]]                |
|          | DEL libname member1 [member2...] [(options...[)]]                |
|          | MAP libname                      [(options...[)]]                |
|          | options:                                                         |
|          |    DISK     PRINT     TERM                                       |

GEN      creates a TXTLIB on your A-disk. If a TXTLIB with the same name
         already exists, it is replaced.

ADD      adds TEXT files to the end of an existing TXTLIB on a read/write disk.
         No checking is done for duplicate names, entry points, or CSECTs.

DEL      deletes members from a TXTLIB on a read/write disk and compresses the
         TXTLIB to remove unused space.  If more than one member exists with
         the same name, only the first entry is deleted.

MAP      lists the names (entry points) of TXTLIB members, their locations in
         the library, and the number of entries.

libname  specifies the filename of a file with a filetype of TXTLIB, which is
         to be created or listed or from which members are to be deleted or

fn1 [fn2...]
         specifies the name(s) of file(s) with filetype(s) of TEXT, that you
         want to add to a TXTLIB.

member1 [member2...]
         specifies the name(s) of TXTLIB member(s) that you want to delete.


DISK     writes a CMS file, named "libname MAP A5," that contains a list of
         TXTLIB members.  This is the default.

PRINT    spools a copy of the TXTLIB map to the virtual printer.

TERM     displays information about the TXTLIB on your terminal.

Usage notes:

1.  When a TEXT file is added to a library, its membername is taken from the
    first CSECT name or NAME statement in the TEXT file.  Deletions and LOAD
    and INCLUDE command references must be made on these names.

2.  Members must be deleted by their initial entry in the dictionary (that is,
    their "name" or the first ID name).  Any attempt to delete a specific alias
    or entry point within a member will result in a "NOT FOUND" message.

3.  If you want your TXTLIBs to be searched for missing subroutines during CMS
    loader processing; you must identify the TXTLIB on a GLOBAL command; for
       global txtlib newlib

4.  You may add OS linkage editor control statements NAME, ALIAS, ENTRY, and
    SETSSI to a TEXT file before adding it to a TXTLIB.  There must be a blank
    in column 1 and the ALIAS, NAME, and ENTRY statements must follow the END
    statement.  The ALIAS statement must precede the NAME statement.  The
    specified ENTRY point must be located within the CSECT.

5.  TXTLIB members are not fully link-edited, and may return erroneous entry
    points during dynamic loading.

6.  The total number of members in the TXTLIB file cannot exceed 1000.  When
    this number is reached, an error message is displayed.  The total number of
    entry points in a member cannot exceed 255.  When this number is reached,
    an error message is displayed and the next text file (if there is one) is
    processed.  The text library created includes all the text files entered up
    to (but not including) the one that caused the overflow.

7.  TERM or PRINT options will erase the old MAP file, if one exists.

8.  If you delete the last remaining member of a TXTLIB, the TXTLIB is erased.

9.  If the TXTLIB DEL command terminates abnormally, the temporary file
    'TXTLIB CMSUT1 A1' may remain on the disk.  This file must be either
    deleted or renamed prior to executing the next TXTLIB DEL command.  If the
    library TXTLIB file that was being updated prior to the abnormal
    termination still exists, delete the 'TXTLIB CMSUT1' file, otherwise rename
    the 'TXTLIB CMSUT1' file to the name of the library TXTLIB file that has
    been deleted.


When the TXTLIB MAP command is issued with the TERM option, the contents of the
directory of the specified text library are displayed at the terminal.  The
number of entries in the text library (xxx) is also displayed.
   name  location
     .     .
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     .     .