
Analyzing a cluster is an important validation step. Each cluster of Disk Packs is assumed to have an interdependent relationship to the running system. PLATO Packs, which don't necessarily need to be part of a pack family, have relationships that are defined by the internals of the PLATO system.

The analyze function looks at a cluster (a collection of Disk Packs) and prints diagnostic information about whatever was found.

The command:

  cdc.io c.analyze -c "E:\Emulation\TH.CybisRelease1\disks"

will generate approximately 10,000 lines of output with detailed findings of the type and structure of Disk Packs, Presence of key Account files, directory block decomposition of the key accounting structure files, and more.

View Analyze Results



You have now analyzed the contents of cluster E:\Emulation\TH.CybisRelease1\disks!