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Backup Structure

The backup feature creates a “metacopy” of each PLATO found file on the source filesystem and stores a display code version of the file in a parallel directory and file structure on the host filesystem.

This structure may then be placed under source control (such as GIT, Mercurial, or other modern source control systems) and 'diff'ed and 'version'ed, just like any other source file.


The display code format (just like the PLATO/NOS files themselves) has no notion of “line ends” as we think of them today. Editing these files requires that you must know exactly what you're doing, or simply look, but don't touch.

Creating the Backup

Using the example CYBIS/R1 directory structure:

E:\EMULATION\TH.CYBISRELEASE1 ├───CPOutput ├───CRInputHopper ├───CROutputHopper ├───Deadstart ├───Disks ├───LPOutput └───PersistStore

Create a new directory called Backups:

E:\EMULATION\TH.CYBISRELEASE1 ├───Backups <--- **NEW** ├───CPOutput ├───CRInputHopper ├───CROutputHopper ├───Deadstart ├───Disks ├───LPOutput └───PersistStore

Now issue the following command: c.backup -c "E:\Emulation\TH.CybisRelease1\Disks" -b "E:\Emulation\TH.CybisRelease1\Backups"

For each disk pack found in E:\Emulation\TH.CybisRelease1\Disks, each Master File is re-created in a host-based directory structure.

For each master file found, a message will be sent indicating the current transfer operation being performed, and the characteristics of the capsule being created:

Pack '<master file name>' Needs to be created # Backup Date: <date of backup> # Origin Path: '<path to container file>' mfname <master file name> serial <internal serial 'number'> type b.<pack type> depth 3 <--- folder structure depth max_names 2560 <--- maximum names from the original mf max_parts 3 <--- **ignored for backups** structure m <--- Origin is a "m"asterfile model 1 <--- modification level of origin Pack Directory


This process takes a while. Be patient.

When the backup is complete - the Backups directory now contains a special structure establishing the backup capsule, for each found master file.

An example of the structure created for master file system5 looks like this:

E:\EMULATION\TH.CYBISRELEASE1\BACKUPS\SYSTEM5 │ BackDir │ Back_Info │ ├───a │ ├───u │ │ └───t │ │ author.txt │ │ authpl.txt │ │ │ └───w │ └───o │ awork.txt │ ├───b │ └───0 │ └───o │ b0okaa.txt │ ├───f │ └───a │ └───a │ faaokc.txt │ ├───p │ └───u │ └───b │ publisf.txt │ ├───s │ ├───0 │ │ ├───c │ │ │ s0cond.txt │ │ │ │ │ └───n │ │ s0nver.txt │ │ │ ├───p │ │ └───e │ │ spec1.txt │ │ │ └───u │ └───p │ support.txt │ └───t └───u └───t tutorlang.txt

Each .txt file contains the display code representation of the on-disk original file.


These files may now be placed under source control!

About Backup Clusters

To CDC.IO, Backup Clusters are no different than any other cluster type. They may be cataloged, compared, and participate in file print/copy/restore operations, just like any other cluster.