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Case Study

We will use the group file compass which we created on CYBIS/R1 as our example.

Group name ------ compass (3 parts) Disk pack -- packx Starting date --- 06/16/21 Account ---- acctx Last edited ----- 10/21/2022 07.03.49 by ----- godlike of entity at ----- 0-2 last action ----- Change password (student "student") Group Directory Type the appropriate letter: ⪢ a) Group information b) Associated files c) Security codewords HELP available BACK for menu

Virtual "Write Protect"

The ability to write changes is disabled by default.

The only way to initiate a transfer that writes on the target is to use the -W or --write switches.

Understanding the Syntax

Before we do anything, let's examine the syntax of the copy command: c.pfcopy -I "E:\Emulation\TH.CybisRelease1\Disks" -O "E:\Emulation\CybisRelease2.Prod\disks" -f *.compass@* -t system.xcompass@gen01

The cluster path specifications (-I and -O options) signify the same -Input and -Ooutput clusters used elsewhere in these tutorials. The other options are important to understand before proceeding.

The -from and -to specifiers are called Cluster Object specifiers. They generally describe the origin file and the target file parameters. A deeper tutorial on how to use these, and Cluster Path specifiers may be found in other tutorials.

The source file compass (Described using the -f option):

The Asterisk ''*'' Placeholders

We signify that we don't care what the source account is, or what the source master file is, by use of the * placeholders.

The target file xcompass (Described using the -t option):


If the target file already exists, it MUST be the same size as the source file. If the target file already exists, and is not in the account specified on the cluter object specification, the command will abort.

Unless You Know What You're Doing

Under rare circumstances, it is permissible to perform transfers between systems while they are active (meaning, NOS and PLATO/CYBIS are running). The practice is strongly discouraged, especially if files are being created or deleted. If transfers involve existing master files with existing files of the same size and type, there might be no need to take NOS down completely but you are strongly encouraged to ensure that PLATO/CYBIS is not running. Stopping and Starting PLATO/CYBIS is relatively quick.

To perform a dry-run (the default) simply press “enter”. This will fail because in performing the simulated writes, at some point, the function will need to see that the space has been successfully allocated before the simulated copy can take place. All other accounting structures must be complete or the write operation cannot succeed.

Using lesson operator we now see the file:

SHIFT-DATA to specify a master file name 3-part File name ------ ncompass ⪢ ncompass group Master file ---- gen01 Account -------- system # 1 Starting date -- 06/16/21 Update level --- 5 Published file - No NL file -------- No *** Last edited ---- 10/21/2022 07.03.49. by ---- godlike / entity / SECURITY CODES: (system access allowed) 1. To change lesson -- GROUP s 2. To inspect lesson -- ACCOUNT system Associated Files: 3. Processor lesson --- 4. Editor lesson ------ 5. Lesson note file --- Author Information: a. Name --------------- b. Dept/Affiliation --- c. Telephone number --- File Information: d. Subject matter ----- e. Intended Audience -- f. One line description:

Advanced Functionality

The c.pfcopy subcommand has much more powerful (and therefore, dangerous) features. Learn More about the advanced features.