(Module) 'cdc.io' Started. +---------+ | allhelp | +---------+ usage: cdc.io allhelp [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [--dw | --no-dw | --dokuwiki | --no-dokuwiki] [-o OUTSPEC] Show All Help options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. --dw, --no-dw, --dokuwiki, --no-dokuwiki Generate output in Dokuwiki format. -o OUTSPEC, --output OUTSPEC Output file or directory specification. Default is current directory for file copy, output to terminal (stdout) for other commands. The OUTSPEC for 'pfprint' may contain substitution parameters of: %pfname%; %pftype%; %acctname%; or %acctnum% (must be lower-case!). These substitutions may only be performed on the filename portion of the OUTSPEC. End of Function. +--------+ | banner | +--------+ usage: cdc.io banner [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-t BANNER_TEXT] [-c CHARSET_NAME] Displays a block of letters using the TUTOR standard charsets. (NON- CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -t BANNER_TEXT, --banner_text BANNER_TEXT This is the text that will be constructed from the specified character set. -c CHARSET_NAME, --charset_name CHARSET_NAME The character set from which the BANNER_TEXT will be rendered. Default is 'standard'. End of Function. +----------+ | c.aclist | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.aclist [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [FILE NAMES ...] List the members of every PLATO account found within a cluster. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: FILE NAMES One or more File Names to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) End of Function. +-----------+ | c.analyze | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.analyze [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-f C.SOURCE] [-t C.TARGET] Analyze a cluster's integrity. This Subcommand connects to a specified cluster and emits FULL cross-references for all volumes in the cluster - detailing the types of packs, files and condition of artifacts central to the PLATO Accounting system: ACCFILES, the Account Common, 'Expected' Accounts such as s0nver, s0over, and more. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -f C.SOURCE, --from C.SOURCE Source member in a cluster. (See the The Cluster Object Specification.) -t C.TARGET, --to C.TARGET Target member in a cluster. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -f|--from specification.(See the The Cluster Object Specification.) End of Function. +-----------+ | c.b66conv | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.b66conv [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-t C.TARGET] [-e B66FILENAME] [-W | --write-enable | --no-write-enable] [--match-names | --no-match-names] Import the contents of a B66 formatted capsule file (a specially formatted type of 'patch' file) into a PLATO TUTOR or CODE file container. This subcommand can be VERY dangerous if you are unclear as to how it works - in detail. There are limitations which must be understood prior to launching any patch. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -t C.TARGET, --to C.TARGET Target member in a cluster. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -f|--from specification.(See the The Cluster Object Specification.) -e B66FILENAME, --export-file B66FILENAME Name of export file on host filesystem. This file comes from PTERM's capture engine. -W, --write-enable, --no-write-enable Open cluster or file with WRITE mode enabled. Default is to inhibit writing (False). --match-names, --no-match-names When applying a B66 patch file, 'source', 'text', 'listing', 'common', and 'charset' block types may be replaced depending on the state of this switch. When FALSE (the DEFAULT), this subcommand will replace ALL blocks of the types contained in the patch file. For instance, if there are one or more blocks of a given type (eg. 'source') found in the patch file, *all* source files are replaced by the contents of the patch file. When TRUE, only the blocks of the same type with the same names as those contained in the backup will be replaced. Default (FALSE) is to replace all blocks of any patch file type. End of Function. +----------+ | c.backup | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.backup [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-b CFILE_OR_PATH] [-f C.SOURCE] [-t C.TARGET] Backup a cluster (PLATO Files). Backing up a cluster of PLATO files creates a filesystem hierarchy that can be treated like any other cluster containing PLATO file objects. The resulting hierarchy which contains text-based objects with a few notable exceptions (pack directory, for one) can then be simply checked into modern source control tools such as GIT, Mercurial or SVN. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -b CFILE_OR_PATH, --backup_cluster CFILE_OR_PATH The backup operation requires that a cluster definition file is specified. The backup operation receives its instructions from parameters specified in the [backup] section of the CDF. Backup Clusters are written in a special format so the User Index value (if specified) is ignored.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -f C.SOURCE, --from C.SOURCE Source member in a cluster. (See the The Cluster Object Specification.) -t C.TARGET, --to C.TARGET Target member in a cluster. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -f|--from specification.(See the The Cluster Object Specification.) End of Function. +------------+ | c.brestore | +------------+ usage: cdc.io c.brestore [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-O CFILE_OR_PATH] [-t C.TARGET] [-W | --write-enable | --no-write-enable] [SINGLE_BACKUP_FILENAME] Restore a single host-based backup file into a PLATO tutor file cluster. Host-based backup files may be of any supported format including that generated by the utility 'nosutils' (https://github.com/retro1-org/NOSTools.sz) which breaks tape files up into individual files. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: SINGLE_BACKUP_FILENAME A host file containing a backup of a single file to restore. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -O CFILE_OR_PATH, --output-cluster CFILE_OR_PATH Just as is the case with the origin, the target indicates the cluster to which the -f|--from file will be written. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -I|--input-cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -t C.TARGET, --to C.TARGET Target member in a cluster. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -f|--from specification.(See the The Cluster Object Specification.) -W, --write-enable, --no-write-enable Open cluster or file with WRITE mode enabled. Default is to inhibit writing (False). End of Function. +-----------+ | c.catalog | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.catalog [-h] [-v] [-q | --quick | --no-quick] [-F | --force-update | --no-force-update] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-d DATABASE_NAME] [CLUSTER_NAMES ...] Catalog a cluster. This subcommand generates a SQLITE3 catalog of the key information found in the directory block of every file found in the identified cluster including a cryptographic signature of each file found. Clusters may be given a 'friendly name' and then later rapidly compared to find variations between two related systems. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: CLUSTER_NAMES Name(s) of clusters to be processed. for c.catalog, a single name. for cat.compare, exactly two names. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -q, --quick, --no-quick When generating/updating the catalog, this option causes the full-file hash calculation from being performed. The default is False. -F, --force-update, --no-force-update When generating/updating the catalog, this option causes all fields (except the hash) to be refreshed. The default is False. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -d DATABASE_NAME, --database DATABASE_NAME Target file used to store the catalog. End of Function. +----------+ | c.findnf | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.findnf [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Find NOS Files in a cluster. This subcommand uses regular expression syntax to scan a cluster for a given set of matching NOS file names. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) End of Function. +----------+ | c.findpf | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.findpf [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Find PLATO Files in a cluster. This subcommand uses regular expression syntax to scan a cluster for a given set of matching PLATO file names. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) End of Function. +-----------+ | c.grplist | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.grplist [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [FILE NAMES ...] List the members of every PLATO group found within a cluster. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: FILE NAMES One or more File Names to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) End of Function. +----------+ | c.libget | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.libget [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-U UserIndex] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Retrieve the contents of any NOS OPL file and place the contents onto a host-based workfile. CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -U UserIndex, --user-index UserIndex, --ui UserIndex, --userindex UserIndex User index of master file on the NOS pack. (Default radix is decimal.) Default is o377773. The userindex value other than decimal must be prefixed by 'o'ctal or he'x'idecimal.radix Example: o33 = 27 = x1b End of Function. +-----------+ | c.nosdump | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.nosdump [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-U UserIndex] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Retrieve the contents of any NOS disk file and place the dump-formatted contents onto a host-based workfile. CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -U UserIndex, --user-index UserIndex, --ui UserIndex, --userindex UserIndex User index of master file on the NOS pack. (Default radix is decimal.) Default is o377773. The userindex value other than decimal must be prefixed by 'o'ctal or he'x'idecimal.radix Example: o33 = 27 = x1b End of Function. +----------+ | c.nosget | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.nosget [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-U UserIndex] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Retrieve the contents of any NOS disk file and place the contents onto a host-based workfile. CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -U UserIndex, --user-index UserIndex, --ui UserIndex, --userindex UserIndex User index of master file on the NOS pack. (Default radix is decimal.) Default is o377773. The userindex value other than decimal must be prefixed by 'o'ctal or he'x'idecimal.radix Example: o33 = 27 = x1b End of Function. +----------+ | c.pfcopy | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.pfcopy [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-I CFILE_OR_PATH] [-O CFILE_OR_PATH] [-f C.SOURCE] [-t C.TARGET] [-A adegiknq] [-P PREFIXCHAR] [-L Layout_ID] [-C CHANGE_CODE_STRING] [-c INSPECT_CODE_STRING] [-W | --write-enable | --no-write-enable] Copy file(s) from one cluster to another. This subcommand is a fairly powerful form of copy that can also create or reallocate files on the target system. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -I CFILE_OR_PATH, --input-cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -O CFILE_OR_PATH, --output-cluster CFILE_OR_PATH Just as is the case with the origin, the target indicates the cluster to which the -f|--from file will be written. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -I|--input-cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -f C.SOURCE, --from C.SOURCE Source member in a cluster. (See the The Cluster Object Specification.) -t C.TARGET, --to C.TARGET Target member in a cluster. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -f|--from specification.(See the The Cluster Object Specification.) -A adegiknq, --ftypes-allowed adegiknq Optional parameter containing the list of file types to. be included in the operation. -P PREFIXCHAR, --prefixdest PREFIXCHAR Optional parameter containing the single character to be prepended to the file name during copy. -L Layout_ID, --layout-id Layout_ID Optional parameter containing the layout identifier of output to be used when I/O is inhibited. (default | copyover) -C CHANGE_CODE_STRING, --change-code CHANGE_CODE_STRING Optional parameter containing the change code representation in 'Display Code'. If not specified - the original code is used if empty, it is set to 'GROUP S'. If not empty, the code must be a full 10-character representation of a codeword. Example: GROUP 's'=::s::::::: and ACCOUNT 'system'=:::system: and 'No codeword permitted'=::'n'o'n'e -c INSPECT_CODE_STRING, --inspect-code INSPECT_CODE_STRING Optional parameter containing the inspect code representation in 'Display Code'. If not specified - the original code is used. If empty, it is set to 'ACCOUNT SYSTEM'. If not empty, the code must be a full 10-character representation of a codeword. Example: GROUP 's'=::s::::::: and ACCOUNT 'system'=:::system: and 'No codeword permitted'=::'n'o'n'e -W, --write-enable, --no-write-enable Open cluster or file with WRITE mode enabled. Default is to inhibit writing (False). End of Function. +----------+ | c.pflist | +----------+ usage: cdc.io c.pflist [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] List the detailed information about every PLATO File contained in every master file found within a cluster. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) End of Function. +-----------+ | c.pfprint | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.pfprint [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-l | --listing | --no-listing] [--dw | --no-dw | --dokuwiki | --no-dokuwiki] [-c CFILE_OR_PATH] [-o OUTSPEC] [-m | --modwords | --no-modwords] [-D | --deleted | --no-deleted] [-u | --unicode | --no-unicode] [-d | --dates | --no-dates] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Print a PLATO file of any type. This subcommand enables the generation of various types of listings (UTF-8 or 'Line Printer'). Detail is controlled by selection of the various switches. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -l, --listing, --no-listing Listing file content to specified file. If the filename prototype contains the marker '*' (asterisk), the name of the object is placed at that location. --dw, --no-dw, --dokuwiki, --no-dokuwiki Generate output in Dokuwiki format. -c CFILE_OR_PATH, --cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -o OUTSPEC, --output OUTSPEC Output file or directory specification. Default is current directory for file copy, output to terminal (stdout) for other commands. The OUTSPEC for 'pfprint' may contain substitution parameters of: %pfname%; %pftype%; %acctname%; or %acctnum% (must be lower-case!). These substitutions may only be performed on the filename portion of the OUTSPEC. -m, --modwords, --no-modwords Show modwords in text output. -D, --deleted, --no-deleted Include deleted lines (implies --modwords). -u, --unicode, --no-unicode Display output using UNICODE equivalent characters. The default (false) outputs in 'printout listing' format. -d, --dates, --no-dates Preserve file modify date. End of Function. +-----------+ | c.resolve | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io c.resolve [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-I CFILE_OR_PATH] [-O CFILE_OR_PATH] [-f C.SOURCE] Resolve and print the result of a Cluster Object specification. This function helps visualize the list of packs and files upon which a given Cluster Object Specifier will operate. It can also Reconcile one cluster's contents against another's based on a Cluster Object specification. This subcommand helps compare file naming across cluster contexts. (CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -I CFILE_OR_PATH, --input-cluster CFILE_OR_PATH When a path is specified, the all valid nodes (packs) are automatically detected and loaded. When a file is specified, the contents of the file must be a list of filenames (or paths, in the case of NovaNET packs), which define pointers to NOS disks or PLATO packs. See subcommand for details. In all cases, the specification, followed by a semicolon (;) and a value of x o or will be interpreted as the User Indexvalue for the associated cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -O CFILE_OR_PATH, --output-cluster CFILE_OR_PATH Just as is the case with the origin, the target indicates the cluster to which the -f|--from file will be written. For c.pfcopy, this defaults to the -I|--input-cluster.(See The Cluster Path Specification) -f C.SOURCE, --from C.SOURCE Source member in a cluster. (See the The Cluster Object Specification.) End of Function. +-------------+ | cat.compare | +-------------+ usage: cdc.io cat.compare [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-d DATABASE_NAME] [-s | --showpath | --no-showpath] [CLUSTER_NAMES ...] Compare two previously cataloged clusters. Using the cryptographic signatures of every file catalogued in c.catalog, this subcommand generates a list of the differences between them. positional arguments: CLUSTER_NAMES Name(s) of clusters to be processed. for c.catalog, a single name. for cat.compare, exactly two names. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -d DATABASE_NAME, --database DATABASE_NAME Target file used to store the catalog. -s, --showpath, --no-showpath Display the Paths in the comparison output. End of Function. +------------+ | cat.delete | +------------+ usage: cdc.io cat.delete [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-d DATABASE_NAME] [CLUSTER_NAMES ...] Remove a cluster from the catalog. positional arguments: CLUSTER_NAMES Name(s) of clusters to be processed. for c.catalog, a single name. for cat.compare, exactly two names. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -d DATABASE_NAME, --database DATABASE_NAME Target file used to store the catalog. End of Function. +----------+ | cat.list | +----------+ Value Error Encountered: unsupported format character ''' (0x27) at index 29 End of Function. +---------+ | dc.pack | +---------+ usage: cdc.io dc.pack [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [INPUT_FILE] pack into valid, word-aligned displaycode. positional arguments: INPUT_FILE Path to source file. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. End of Function. +-----------+ | dc.unpack | +-----------+ usage: cdc.io dc.unpack [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [INPUT_FILE] unpack into text, line-end terminated text. positional arguments: INPUT_FILE Path to source file. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. End of Function. +------+ | hash | +------+ usage: cdc.io hash [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Get a sha-256 cryptographic hash of a file, files or entire directory. hashes are stored in a '.hashtab' file in each folder. positional arguments: NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. End of Function. +---------+ | noslist | +---------+ usage: cdc.io noslist [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] pack_path List the contents of a NOS disk catalog. (NON-CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: pack_path Path to pack container file. This may be any pack type (NovaNet, Backup, PLATO, or NOS). options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. End of Function. +-------+ | pfget | +-------+ usage: cdc.io pfget [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-l | --listing | --no-listing] [-M MF] [-U UserIndex] [-m | --modwords | --no-modwords] [-D | --deleted | --no-deleted] [-u | --unicode | --no-unicode] [-d | --dates | --no-dates] pack_path [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Retrieve a PLATO file from any 'known' container type. Supported Types are: Master File, PLATO, Backup or NovaNET. (NON-CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: pack_path Path to pack container file. This may be any pack type (NovaNet, Backup, PLATO, or NOS). NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -l, --listing, --no-listing Listing file content to specified file. If the filename prototype contains the marker '*' (asterisk), the name of the object is placed at that location. -M MF, --master-file MF Name of master file on the NOS pack. Use '*' to print NOS file catalog. -U UserIndex, --user-index UserIndex, --ui UserIndex, --userindex UserIndex User index of master file on the NOS pack. (Default radix is decimal.) Default is o377773. The userindex value other than decimal must be prefixed by 'o'ctal or he'x'idecimal.radix Example: o33 = 27 = x1b -m, --modwords, --no-modwords Show modwords in text output. -D, --deleted, --no-deleted Include deleted lines (implies --modwords). -u, --unicode, --no-unicode Display output using UNICODE equivalent characters. The default (false) outputs in 'printout listing' format. -d, --dates, --no-dates Preserve file modify date. End of Function. +--------+ | pflist | +--------+ usage: cdc.io pflist [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-M MF] [-U UserIndex] pack_path List the contents of a PLATO master file. It is sometimes more convenient (or even necessary) to operate on a single container outside of the context of a cluster. This subcommand enables that type of flexibility. (NON-CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: pack_path Path to pack container file. This may be any pack type (NovaNet, Backup, PLATO, or NOS). options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -M MF, --master-file MF Name of master file on the NOS pack. Use '*' to print NOS file catalog. -U UserIndex, --user-index UserIndex, --ui UserIndex, --userindex UserIndex User index of master file on the NOS pack. (Default radix is decimal.) Default is o377773. The userindex value other than decimal must be prefixed by 'o'ctal or he'x'idecimal.radix Example: o33 = 27 = x1b End of Function. +---------+ | pfprint | +---------+ usage: cdc.io pfprint [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] [-l | --listing | --no-listing] [--dw | --no-dw | --dokuwiki | --no-dokuwiki] [-o OUTSPEC] [-M MF] [-U UserIndex] [-m | --modwords | --no-modwords] [-D | --deleted | --no-deleted] [-u | --unicode | --no-unicode] [-d | --dates | --no-dates] pack_path [NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX ...] Print a PLATO file of any type. This subcommand enables the generation of various types of listings (UTF-8 or 'Line Printer'). Detail is controlled by selection of the various switches. (NON-CLUSTER SUBCOMMAND) positional arguments: pack_path Path to pack container file. This may be any pack type (NovaNet, Backup, PLATO, or NOS). NOSorPLATO_FILEREGEX Regular Expression of file(s) to process. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. -l, --listing, --no-listing Listing file content to specified file. If the filename prototype contains the marker '*' (asterisk), the name of the object is placed at that location. --dw, --no-dw, --dokuwiki, --no-dokuwiki Generate output in Dokuwiki format. -o OUTSPEC, --output OUTSPEC Output file or directory specification. Default is current directory for file copy, output to terminal (stdout) for other commands. The OUTSPEC for 'pfprint' may contain substitution parameters of: %pfname%; %pftype%; %acctname%; or %acctnum% (must be lower-case!). These substitutions may only be performed on the filename portion of the OUTSPEC. -M MF, --master-file MF Name of master file on the NOS pack. Use '*' to print NOS file catalog. -U UserIndex, --user-index UserIndex, --ui UserIndex, --userindex UserIndex User index of master file on the NOS pack. (Default radix is decimal.) Default is o377773. The userindex value other than decimal must be prefixed by 'o'ctal or he'x'idecimal.radix Example: o33 = 27 = x1b -m, --modwords, --no-modwords Show modwords in text output. -D, --deleted, --no-deleted Include deleted lines (implies --modwords). -u, --unicode, --no-unicode Display output using UNICODE equivalent characters. The default (false) outputs in 'printout listing' format. -d, --dates, --no-dates Preserve file modify date. End of Function. +---------+ | version | +---------+ usage: cdc.io version [-h] [-v] [-i] [-8 | --utf8 | --no-utf8 | --utf-8 | --no-utf-8] Display this module version number. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Display more details. Each time this flag is encountered, the verbosity level increases by one. The default is 0. -i, --infolevel Indicates the level of detail (for multi-level output).Each time this flag is encountered, the detail level increases by one. The default is 0. -8, --utf8, --no-utf8, --utf-8, --no-utf-8 Selects display output to include/exclude UTF-8 Characters when rendering boxed output. This does not change the requirement to use UTF-8 output when rendering TUTOR file outputs. The default is FALSE. End of Function. Sample Cluster Definition File: ;============================================================================== ; Sample Cluster Definition File ; Utility: CDC.IO ; Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Steven Zoppi (GitHub:sz10101) ; Format as of 04 July 2023. ;============================================================================== [DEFAULT] ; The "default" section prepends its entries to those of ; each section. ; This feature will be supported in the future but is "Not Recommended" ; at this time. Please leave this unoccupied for now. [Paths] ; The Paths section defines the root path that ; is expanded into each string as demonstrated below. ; When there are multiple copies of a cluster, or if they need ; to be moved, this is easier than editing a bunch ; of lines. ; *** Please note the "escaping" syntax *** ; required for special characters. cybis_path= E:\Emulation\CybisRelease1.Test\Disks [cluster] ; A cluster definition is strictly a mechanism of declaratively ; associating a NOS device number to a NOS pack structure. ; **IMPORTANT** ; Labeled devices contain their own device numbers ; which are properly respected by this utility. ; The device number assignments shown here exist ; for functionality that will be enabled in the future. ; In practice, these numbers should correspond to those ; of the system in which these member packs are operated. ; Numbers may be entered in decimal, octal or hexadecimal. ; Notationally, a simple 'x' (hex) or 'o' (oct) prefix will ; set the radix with which the following number will be ; interpreted. o10= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM01_SYSTFA o11= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM02_SYSTFA o12= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM03_CYBDEV o13= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM04_BINARY o14= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM11_DEV0 o15= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM12_CYB0 o16= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM13_CYB1 o17= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM14_CYB2 o20= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM21_UOL o21= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM22_PUB0 o22= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM23_PUB1 o23= ${Paths:cybis_path}\DM24_CYB3 ;============================================================================== ; End of File ;============================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Steve Zoppi (GitHub:sz10101) Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unless otherwise indicated - all switches are optional with the defaults set as indicated above. In general, commands operate on one of four types of virtual disk pack (container) objects: PLATO A virtual device container which represents a Plato Disk Device. This type of container is free of any other operating system artifacts (as are found on NOS(1 or 2) disk packs) and is assumed to have a device geometry of an 844-type pack. NOS A virtual device container which represents a properly formatted NOS1 or NOS2 pack. NovaNET A host-based filesystem hierarchy which contains files in the format required by the NovaNET system. Backup A host-based filesystem hierarchy which contains backup files written by this utility. Backup files may be restored to any supported device type. The backup hierarchy resembles, but is NOT the same as the NovaNET storage format. ** NOTE ** This utility currently operates on NOS Pack formats and correctly interprets label Level 0 and 2. The following pack geometries are automatically detected: DI (844-21) DJ (844-41/Half-Track) DL (844-41/Full-Track) DK (7152/7154/844-21/Full-Track) DM (885) DQ (885) DB (885-42) Although most FILE manipulations may be performed on individual packs, the NOS permanent file system enables the grouping of packs into "families" which must all be concurrently present when file operations are performed on pack "families" which have more than one member. When a pack family has more than one member, the device number is recognized but no operations may be performed without the member which holds the family's catalog. (Direct and Indirect access files are fully-supported). To facilitate "family" operations, and to enable bulk operations that span more than one pack of any type, the concept of a "cluster" is a central concept in the context of this utility. About Clusters -------------- A cluster is (conceptually) a logical group of packs which have a relationship to each other in a system's running context. A cluster "collection" is automatically discovered by scanning the contents of the path specified by the "-c" or "--cluster" command line option. If the "cluster" option targets a file, that file is interpreted as as Cluster Definition File (example above). This file associates a device number with a given virtual container. When "cluster" targets a path, ALL files stored at that path are automatically examined and, if all automatic tests are satisfied, the pack is added to the cluster. In the case of a NOS2 disk structure which contains PLATO Packs, all PLATO Master files are automatically sought and loaded into the cluster. Clusters are useful when searching for, or manipulating files across multiple container files. This is especially helpful when only the filename is known (frequently the case with a PLATO system). The Cluster Path Specification ------------------------------ When specifying clusters the syntax is generally: [;] where: is the path to either a file or a directory. If the path contains spaces, it must be encapsulated in quotation-marks. (only applicable to NOS Pack Structures) is the User Index under which the Master Files are cataloged. This specifier is ignored in all other instances. The Cluster Object Specification -------------------------------- A cluster object is one which depends on ALL accounts and packs participating in a running system, to be together so a function can be performed across them. The syntax for a cluster object is:: []filename[@[[.][<(-|+)size>]]] Required: filename: First found filename in the cluster Optional: account: For "Target" specifiers: The name of the account receiving the file For "Source" specifiers: Ignored. packname: pack upon which this file SHOULD be found or will be placed. size: for some operations, indicates the number of parts. For size change operations, the "+" plus or "-" minus indicators are required. The default specifiers for unsupplied nodes are: account = "*" (any) packname = "*" (any) size = "*" (existing) Detailed Documentation -------------------------------------------------------- Additional information and detailed explanations of all subcommands may be found at: https://codex.retro1.org/plato:cdc.io:start End of Function. (Module) 'cdc.io' Completed.