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CDC.IO Utility


One of the most challenging facets of working with PLATO in the NOS simulated environment is that we (as hobbyists) are confined to the Input/Output mechanisms defined β€œin the day”. Meshing the old technology with new technology is both a blessing and a curse. We get the benefit of modern technology speed, but the downside of transferring files between the esoteric formats of the past, and present-day filesystems is a non-trivial matter. Moreover, the ability to do proper configuration management of source files was (at best) cumbersome and by modern standards, inferior to anything we have today.

While NOS had a rudimentary system to apply updates and perform change management (MODIFY), there is no ability to do source management other than brute-force backup/restore. Making matters worse, the ability to do backup/restore and correction of files was very coarse. Entire PLATO files needed to be moved and making source-level changes was primitive. These are just a few examples of hurdles which needed to be overcome.

In the hobbyist world, we also have the added benefit of VASTLY greater: storage space, CPU speeds and I/O Bandwidth.

To help bridge the gaps between modern systems and the CDC environments, a utility, CDC.IO was created (and is actively being enhanced) which enables the hobbyist to work at a very fine-grained level with these old structures and is primarily tuned to the needs of the PLATO Hobbyist.

A Word of Warning

This tool has been extensively tested on all known configurations that are available today. Your configuration may have some quirks that may not be understood by this utility and that means (as always) there is RISK in not having proper backups.

You Have Been Warned

Windows Users

When redirecting I/O, Python uses a default encoding for Windows (cp1252 for US Windows), but will look to an environment variable if you want to override it:

 C:\> > out.txt



will also make Python default to UTF-8 for files and I/O redirection.

We recommend that you make these changes permanent, in your USER or SYSTEM environment.

General Installation and Use

Installation for general use is packaged as a zip file. Instructions and tutorials on this site are updated periodically but the instructions for use (which is also the output of allhelp) are updated with each significant release (changes in node 1 or 2 of the version identifier).


Download CDC.IO (Windows Only) Version 2.3.1 , check the signature:

SHA256-Checksum of


Unzip the contents to a folder (and add it to your path if needed).


At a shell/command window prompt, type version.

The following should appear: version (Module) '' Started. Version 2.3.1 End of Function. (Module) '' Completed.

A separate (text file) version of the ALLHELP content may be downloaded separately

That's it!

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plato/ Β· Last modified: 2024/07/01 09:23 by Site Administrator