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Equipment Section


The following devices are supported by dtCyber

Tape Units Disk Units
MT607 DD6603
MT669 DD844-2
MT679 DD844-4
MT362x-7 DD844
MT362x-9 DD885-1
MT5744 DD885
DeviceID Device Description
CO6612 6612 Console
CP3446 Card Punch
CR3447 Card Reader
CR405 Card Reader
DDP Distributive Data Path
DSA311 3000 series multiplexor with digital serial adapter
FEI Cray Station Frontend Interface
HCP NOS/BE Host Communication Processor
LP1612 Line Printer
LP501 Line Printer
LP512 Line Printer
MDI CDCNet Mainframe Device Interface
MSUFREND Michigan State University Frontend Interface
MUX6671 Multiplexer
MUX6676 Multiplexer
NIU-IN PLATO Network Interface Unit (in)
NIU-OUT PLATO Network Interface Unit (out)
NPU Network Processing Unit
TPM Two-Port Multiplexer

Equipment, Unit and Channel

The order of entry for Equipment, Unit and Channel differs from the console commands which accept identification in the opposite order (Channel, Unit, Equipment)

Filename specifications

Do NOT try to use filenames containing spaces. File paths specified must contain no spaces.

Device Declaration Statements

System Console Configuration

The general statement format



port, if specified, enables DtCyber to listen for connections from remote console emulation applications.

NOWIN | WIN, if specified, indicates whether the local console window (X-Windows or WIN32 window) will be opened at startup. The default is WIN, indicating that the local console window will be opened at startup. Specifying NOWIN effectively enables DtCyber to start in headless mode, and a remote console application can connect later to provide an operating system operator interface.

Card Punch Configuration

The general statement format



The order of entry for Equipment, Unit and Channel differs from the console commands which accept identification in the opposite order (Channel, Unit, Equipment)


file_path, if not fully-qualified, is considered relative to the position of the current .ini file.

Card Reader Configuration

The general statement format


  • CRInputHopper directory name may NOT contain any spaces
    • If provided, the dtCyber will watch the directory for input files, processing them in the order they were created.
  • CROutputHopper directory name may NOT contain any spaces
    • If provided, the dtCyber will deposit all processed input files in the order they were submitted, with sequential suffix <filename>_nnnn.
  • AutoWatch may be β€œ*” (Default = β€œAuto”)|β€œAuto”|β€œNoAuto”
    • If β€œAuto” a filesystem thread watcher will be created and automatically submit jobs found in the CRInputHopper queue.
    • This is ignored if no CRInputHopper is specified.


Cray Station Frontend Interface Configuration

The FEI device connects to a Cray supercomputer simulator running on a specified host and TCP port, and it conducts the Cray Station data communication protocol across the connection.

The general statement format



Disk Configuration

The general statement format



file_path, if not fully-qualified, is considered relative to the position of the current .ini file.

The DD844 and DD885 device types accept the character * for file_path. This indicates that the device is a removable disk that is not pre-mounted at startup time.

Distributive Data Path Configuration

The Distributive Data Path enables a PP to access ECS or ESM.

The general statement format



Digital Serial Adapter Configuration

The Digital Serial Adapter (DSA311) is a 3000-series equipment mainly used by the TIELINE subsystem on NOS 1 to communicate with another mainframe using the HASP and Bisync data communication protocols. The host:port parameter identifies the host and TCP port to which the adapter will establish a connection. Typically, this is the hostname (or IP address) and port number of a DtCyber instance running NOS 2.8.7 with RBF, or an instance of the Hercules emulator running IBM MVS with JES2.

The general statement format



Host Communication Processor Configuration

The Host Communication Processor (HCP) provides the NOS/BE operating system with access to interactive terminals and remote batch interfaces.

The general statement format



Line Printer Configuration

The general statement format for line printer types LP501 and LP512



The 3555 controller type has a richer set of printer control functions than the 3152 controller type. For example, the 3555 supports more format channels than the 3152. The value to choose, however, depends upon how the operating system to be supported has been configured.

The formats are defined as follows:

Format Description
ANSI Printer format control functions will be reflected by ANSI/ASA format effectors in column 1 of each output line
ASCII Printer format control functions will be reflected by ASCII control characters
CDC Printer format control functions will be reflected by CDC-defined format effectors in column 1 of each output line

The default format is cdc.

When burst is selected, DtCyber will attempt to create a separate file per output job automatically. However, this feature is dependent upon operating system type and is currently supported only for osType NOS. The default is noburst.

The general statement format for line printer type 1612



Mainframe Device Interface Configuration

The Mainframe Device Interface (MDI) provides all of the features of a Network Processing Unit (NPU), and it also enables the NAM subsystem on NOS 2 to access features of CDCNet including TCP/IP.

The general statement format



Michigan State University Frontend Configuration

The Michigan State University Frontend was a minicomputer used by the HUSTLER operating system to communicate with interactive and remote batch terminals.

The general statement format



The port parameter identifies the TCP port number on which the MSUFREND device will listen for connections from terminals. The default value is 6500.

The count parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to accept. The default is 8.

The mode parameter specifies whether the device will recognize and respond to simple Telnet protocol negotiations, or not. The default is that it will recognize and respond to Telnet protocol negotiations.

MUX6671 and MUX6676 Configuration

MUX6671 typically supports remote batch terminals on NOS 1, NOS/BE, and KRONOS. MUX6676 typically supports interactive terminals on NOS 1 and 2, NOS/BE, and KRONOS. For both types of multiplexors, a list of port/count pairs may be specified. Each such pair specifies a TCP port number on which to listen for connections from terminals and the consecutive number of multiplexor ports to be supported by the respective TCP port.

The general statement format



The default port number on which the MUX6676 listens for connections is 5000. The MUX6671 does not have a default; specifying the port is required.

The default maximum number of connections for the MUX6676 device is 4. The default maximum number of connections for the MUX6671 device is 16. The sum of maximum connection values allowed for all port/count pairs on a MUX6676 may not exceed 64. The sum of maximum connection values allowed for all port/count pairs on a MUX6671 may not exceed 16.

Network Processing Unit Configuration

The Network Processing Unit (NPU) provides the NAM subsystem on NOS 1 and 2 with access to interactive terminals, remote batch interfaces, and interhost communication.

The general statement format




A PLATO NIU (Network Interface Unit) is represented by a pair of device definitions. One element of the pair defines the NIU's input channel, and the other element defines its output channel. The definition of the input channel device specifies the TCP port number on which the NIU will listen for terminal connections and the maximum number of concurrent connections to accept.

The general statement format of the input channel device



The default TCP port number is 5004, and the default maximum number of connections accepted is 8.

The general statement format of the output channel device



Tape Configuration

The general statement format



file_path, if not fully-qualified, is considered relative to the position of the current .ini file.

For drive type MT5744, file_path has the form:


where host is the name or IP address of a machine running the StorageTek 4400 simulator, port is the TCP port number on which the StorageTek 4400 is listening for connections, and drivename is the name of the cartridge tape drive on the StorageTek 4400 to be associated with the CDC tape equipment. Typically, a drive name has the form:


where m is a module number (0-15), p is a panel number (0-19), and d is a drive number (0-3).

Two-port Multiplexor Configuration

The two-port multiplexor is a hardware feature of CDC 800-series computer systems including model CYBER865. It provides maintenance access to the computer, it can be used for interactive access via the RDF subsystem of NOS 2.

The general statement format



The optional tcp_port parameter specifies the TCP port number on which the two-port multiplexor will listen for connections from terminals. The default is 6602.

Sample Section


; For Disks:
;   Entry Format 
;     type,eqNo,unitNo,channel,FilePath
;       FilePath name may NOT contain any spaces

; System Console

; CDCNet Mainframe Device Interface

; For Printers:
;   Entry Format 
;     type,eqNo,unitNo,channel,LPtype,LPdirectory,LPformat
;       LPtype may be NULL="3555"|"3555"|"3152"
;       LPdirectory name may NOT contain any spaces
;       LPformat may be "ansi"|"ascii"

; For Card Readers:
;   Entry Format 
;     type,eqNo,unitNo,channel,CRtype,CRInputHopper,CROutputHopper,AutoWatch
;       CRtype may be "*" (Default = "026")|"026"|"029"
;       CRInputHopper name may NOT contain any spaces
;         If provided, the dtCyber will watch the directory
;         for input files, processing them in the order they
;         were created.
;       CROutputHopper name may NOT contain any spaces
;         If provided, the dtCyber will deposit all processed
;         input files in the order they were submitted, with
;         sequential suffix <filename>_nnnn.
;       AutoWatch may be "*" (Default = "Auto")|"Auto"|"NoAuto"
;         if "Auto" a filesystem thread watcher will be created
;         auto automatically submit jobs found in the CRInputHopper
;         queue.  This is ignored if no CRInputHopper is specified.

; For Card Punches:
;   Entry Format
;     type,eqNo,unitNo,channel,CPdirectory,CPtype
;       CPdirectory name may NOT contain any spaces
;       CPtype may be NULL="026"|"026"|"029"

; For MagTapes:
;   Entry Format 
;     type,eqNo,unitNo,channel,FilePath
;       FilePath name may NOT contain any spaces

; For Two-port Mux:
;   Entry Format
;     type,eqNo,unitNo,channel[,port]

; Distributive Data Path:
cdc/dtcyber/ Β· Last modified: 2024/12/26 10:29 by Site Administrator