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Extended Backus–Naur form

All syntax is described using the Extended Backus-Naur form wherever possible. This article is intended to help content creators understand the formatting and to make them understandable by the readers.

How to use

<ebnf> "EBNF defined in itself" {
syntax     = [ title ] "{" { production } "}" [ comment ].
production = identifier "=" expression ( "." | ";" ) .
expression = term { "|" term } .
term       = factor { factor } .
factor     = identifier
           | literal
           | "[" expression "]"
           | "(" expression ")"
           | "{" expression "}" .
identifier = character { character } .
title      = literal .
comment    = literal .
literal    = "'" character { character } "'"
           | '"' character { character } '"' .


cdc/dtcyber/ · Last modified: 2024/12/26 10:29 by Site Administrator