Action unknown: copypageplugin__copy
- cmpmods
cmpupd(cm160000,t77770) -*- mode: update;-*- user,plato,plato. attach(cmpopl) modify(p=cmpopl,i,a,lo=e) attach,lgo=cstc/m=w. *define,cstc. rewind(compile) compass(i,x=cmpopl,s=iptext,s=psstext,s=scptext,s=cpctext,s=cputext) ~ *ident cstc *deck compcom *delete cps064.2 micro 1,, cst1$ *ident cstc1 *deck compass *delete cp139cp.95 ident cst,orgz *delete cp139cp.100 entry cst primary entry point *delete cp139cp.142 cst sb1 1 */ end mod *deck compass *edit compass *ident sqz */ add cerl squoze files *delete cmp24.281,cmp24.282 sa7 rnsz preset to no local sqz nz x3,rns0 if compressed mx0 12 bx0 x0*x5 nz x0,rns1 if normal card sx3 b1 mark modify 63 char set sx6 b1 mark end action sa6 rnsz rns0 sa5 a0+2 *delete cmp30.4633,cmp24.395 sa1 cct card count sa3 rnsz check sqz zr x3,rnz1 not sqz sa4 a0+b1 get modword mx6 0 bx7 x4 eq rns8 rnz1 sa3 cp.iform *delete cmp24.462 nz x3,rns8b if compressed sa1 a0 check for sqz mx6 12 bx6 x6*x1 nz x6,rns8b sx3 b1 mark as modify 63 rns8b sa1 editm *insert cmp24.488 rnsz data 0 for cerl sqz flag *delete cmp24.177,cps146.5 rnc1 readw x2,a0,b1 check for cerl sqz sa3 a0 mx6 12 bx6 x6*x3 nz x6,rnc1a if normal card bx6 x3 move mod field for modify type sa6 a0+b1 mx6 0 clear seq sa6 a0 readc x2,a0+2,10 read rest of card sx0 a0+2 mark text sa3 a0+b1 get modword sx3 x3 ng x3,rnc1 deleted eq rncx exit rnc1a sx0 a0 for normal card mx6 -12 is the first word the last one bx6 -x6*x3 zr x6,rncx if only card readc x2,a0+b1,9 read rest of card *insert compass.4326 zr x2,cpl3 if possible sqz card *delete compass.4328 cpl1a bx6 x2 *delete compass.4332 cpl1b sb6 b2 *insert cmp24.42 mx2 12 bx2 x2*x5 zr x2,cpl if cerl sqz *insert cmp24.59 * process possible modword cpl3 sa2 a2+b1 get possible modword ux3,b3 x2 sx3 b3+1777b test for sqz nz x3,cpl1a if modify format bx3 x2 isolate name ax3 18 lx3 18 bx7 x3+x7 pack name bx2 x2-x3 clear name mx6 -14 save year,month,day bx2 -x6*x2 bx6 x2 ax6 4+5 isolate year sa3 x6+ymdvals lx3 30 ax3 30 mask year bx7 x3+x7 pack year sa7 a6+b1 lx6 4+5 bx2 x2-x6 clear year bx7 x2 ax7 5 isolate month sa3 x7+ymdvals ax3 30 mask month lx3 -18 position month bx6 x3 lx7 5 bx2 x2-x7 clear month sa3 x2+ymdvals ax3 30 lx3 -18-18 bx6 x3+x6 sa6 a7+b1 eq cpl1b back for next card * year, month, day table list g ymdvals bss 0 year set 73 base year day set 0 there*s a zero year dup 32,5 day decmic day,2 year decmic year,2 vfd 30/3r/"day",30/3r "year" year set year+1 day set day+1 list * *deck compass *edit compass *ident cerlwrt */ fixes l=0 problem for small outputs *delete cps009.5,cmp30.2319 mi x1,cmp6a if anything was writen zr x4,cmp7 if buffer is empty write e process buffer cmp6a writer e,recall *insert cmp042.235 sa1 zmsg transfer warning message sa2 a1+b1 sa3 a2+b1 sa4 a3+b1 bx6 x1 sa6 line bx7 x2 sa7 a6+b1 bx6 x3 bx7 x4 sa6 a7+b1 sa7 a6+b1 rj listerf list message */ end mod *ident cerlcst *deck compass */ modifications for common symbols text options */ cst permanent tables and xtext tables *insert cmp30.18 * * c system common text from file *csystxt* * c=0 no common text * c=fname common systems test from file *fname* *insert compass.68 * c=0 *i f4810a.275 vfd 12/0lc,18/optc,30/csystxt *i f4810a.297 optc data 0lcsystxt *insert compass.629 lsysmic data 0 length of system micros csystxt data 0 special common systems text *insert compass.656 csyname data 0 special name if given *insert compass.783 q error (see listing for comment.) x error (macro purged and redefined) y error (duplicate common block definition ignored.) z error (system common blocks redefined.) *insert compass.1024 csyms space 4 *** csyms - table of common system symbols * * contains information necessary to define * common blocks and their associated symbols * * * format of table * * word1 - length of absolute symbol definitions * word2 - first symbol * word3 - value * *** * word i - length of first common block information * word i+1 - common block name * word i+2 - 30/length,30/params * word i+3 - first symbol * word i+4 - value * *** * word n-1 - last symbol of last block * word n - value of last symbol csyms table cysdef space 4 *** common symbols macro text table * * see macdef for format cysdef table cysmac space 4 *** cysmac - table of macro names for common symbols text * * format of entry * * word 1 - macro name * word 2 - macro definition (lower 18 bits bias into cysdef) cysmac table cysmic space 4 *** cysmic - table of micro definitions for common symbols text * * see sysmic for format cysmic table *insert compass.13957 bx6 x3 save length of mictab sa6 lsysmic *insert compass.6405 *** cmtext - generate special common systems text * * *csystext cmtext * * similar to stext but generates texts useful for * relocatable programs qual pass1 cmtext sa1 absfg error if absolute assembly nz x1,ctx3 sa1 csystxt check if cst option available nz x1,ctx3 error if envoked sa1 locsym test formats sa2 badloc zr x2,ctx1 mx1 0 force ident name sx6 b1 sa6 lerr bad name sa6 eflg ctx1 nz x1,ctx2 check name given sa1 idnam otherwise use ident name ctx2 rj ljust sa7 csyname mx6 0 clear out cst function sa6 l.csyms eq ctl70 ctx3 sx6 b1 sa6 oerr sa6 eflg eq ctl70 ** cmtext - generate common system text qual pass2 cmtext sx6 0 clear name sa6 csyname eq zlist space 4 *insert compass.6711 cst space 4 *** cst - common symbols table * * * cst * defines system common symbols * as if they were defined by the routine qual pass1 cst sa1 absfg not available to absolute assembles nz x1,cst2 sa1 locsym test blank loc symbol rj ljust left jusify symbol sa2 badloc zr x2,cst1 symbol ok sx6 b1 sa6 lerr sa6 eflg cst1 sa2 csystxt check same or change text nz x7,cst3 defining new text nz x2,cst4 cst2 sx6 b1 no text mark error sa6 oerr sa6 eflg eq ctl70 cst3 sa7 csystxt plant text name zr x2,cst4 no previous text bx6 x7-x2 zr x6,cst4 same as previous sx6 b1 mark redefined mx7 0 sa6 zerr sa6 eflg sa7 l.csyms cancel previous symbols cst4 rj ldc rj cmac define macros rj cmic define micros cst5 mx6 0 sa6 p1tempa set to block 0 for absolutes sa6 p1temp rj xdef define externals sa1 p1temp set length for absolutes sx6 x1+b1 sa6 a1 sa2 o.csyms sb7 x2 sa2 x1+b7 bx6 x2 sa6 p1tempb set length rj cdef define symbols cst6 sa1 l.csyms end test sa2 p1temp bias to next item ix6 x1-x2 zr x6,ctl70 --- exit rj cuse process use rj cdef define symbols eq cst6 * cdef define common symbols cdef ps return exit cdef1 sa1 p1temp sa2 p1tempb zr x2,cdef -- exit sx6 x1+2 bump bias sx7 x2-2 bump length sa6 a1 sa7 a2 sa3 o.csyms get item sb2 x3 sa1 x1+b2 fetch symbol sa2 a1+b1 fetch value sa3 p1tempa fetch reloc mx4 0 not external sx5 2 mark symbol as xtext rj ydefsym eq cdef1 loop to next entry ** define macros associated with common systems text cmac ps return exit sa1 l.cysmac process names zr x1,cmac no defs sa2 optype bx6 x2 sa6 p1tempd save optype mx6 0 sa6 l.duptab manage duptab,x1 transfer to temp table for processing sx1 x3+ length to x1 sa2 o.cysmac sa3 o.duptab rj move sa3 l.macdef present table length zr x3,cmac2 sa4 o.duptab set up to bias macro entries sa5 l.duptab sb7 x5 sb4 x4+b1 set to table pointer word sb4 b4+b7 sb2 b1+b1 b2=2 cmac1 sa1 b4-b7 ix6 x1+x3 sa6 a1 sb7 b7-b2 nz b7,cmac1 cmac2 sa1 l.cysdef transfer macro text manage macdef,x1 sa1 l.cysdef ix3 x2+x3 determine first word for new text ix3 x3-x1 sa2 o.cysdef rj move move text * enter names into opcode table cmac3 sa4 o.duptab sa1 x4+ get name rj tluop test in table zr x6,cmac4 sense no entry sa4 o.duptab pick name to purge sa1 x4+ rj pgo purge entry for this assembly sx6 1 sa6 xerr and mark cmac4 sa4 o.duptab sa1 x4 get name sa2 a1+b1 and definition rj entop sa4 o.duptab sa5 l.duptab sx6 x4+2 sx7 x5-2 sa6 a4 sa7 a5 nz x7,cmac3 loop sa1 p1tempd restore op type bx6 x1 sa6 optype eq cmac -- exit ** enter common symbols micros cmic ps return exit sa1 l.cysmic move micros zr x1,cmic if no defs manage mictab,x1 sa1 l.cysmic prepare to move defs ix3 x2+x3 ix3 x3-x1 sa2 o.cysmic rj move eq cmic * cuse set up use table entry for cst cuse ps return exit sa1 p1temp bias to length sx6 x1+3 set bias to first symbol sa2 o.csyms get length sb2 x2 sa1 x1+b2 sx7 x1-2 adjust length for defining sa6 p1temp sa7 p1tempb sa4 a1+b1 get use name sb3 b0 use counter sb2 b1+b1 b2=2 sb6 -4 sa1 o.usetab check prior existance sa2 l.usetab sa3 ui ix1 x1+x3 ix2 x2-x3 sb7 x2+b6 sb4 x1+b7 lwa + 1 cuse1 ng b7,cuse2 sense not in list sa1 b4-b7 fetch block name sb7 b7+b6 sb3 b3+b1 block counter bx1 x1-x4 nz x1,cuse1 loop to next block sa2 a1+b2 check block type zr x2,cuse1 sense program block, not common sx6 b1 mark error sa6 yerr mark non fattle error sa6 eflg mark it sa1 p1tempb adjust bias and table length sa2 p1temp to ignor block entries ix6 x1+x2 sa6 a2 mx7 0 sa7 a1 clear block entries eq cuse --exit cuse2 sx6 b3 save index sa6 p1tempc manage usetab,-b6 reserve table space sa4 p1temp get name back sa5 o.csyms sb2 x4-2 sa4 x5+b2 sb7 x3-4 sa5 a4+b1 fetch block params mx0 30 bx7 -x0*x5 lx6 x4 sa6 x2+b7 plant name sa7 a6+b1 and some params sx6 b1 mark commonality bx7 x0*x5 ax7 30 sa6 a7+b1 commonality sa7 a6+b1 and present length sa1 ui+1 set up block number sa2 p1tempc ix6 x1+x2 sa6 p1tempa sa6 usecnt sa6 ui+2 update use block count eq cuse -- exit xdef space 4 ** enter cst externals into tables xdef ps return exit mx1 0 set blank qualifier rj sqv sa1 p1temp sa2 o.csyms get length of primatives sb2 x2 sx6 x1+b1 increment table pointer sa6 a1 sa1 x1+b2 bx6 x1 length of primatives sa6 p1tempb * define primatives xdef1 sa1 p1temp increment relative pointers sa2 p1tempb sx6 x1+1 sx7 x2-1 ng x7,xdef4 now define sysmbols sa6 a1 sa7 a2 sa3 o.csyms get primative sb2 x3 sa1 x1+b2 bx6 x1 sa6 p1tempc save primative rj tlusymt look up symbol lx2 59-31 ng x2,xdef2 if external lx2 1 ng x2,xdef3 if defined manage extab,1 add symbol to ext table sb7 x3-1 sa1 p1tempc bx6 x1 sa6 x2+b7 plant name bx4 x3 external number sx5 2 mark symbol as xtext mx2 0 value = 0 sx3 b0 relocation rj ydefsym define it eq xdef1 xdef2 rx4 x3 get equivalent mx0 -21 bx2 -x0*x4 nz x2,xdef3 not a primative.. error ax4 21 get ext number mx0 -9 bx4 -x0*x4 sb7 x4-1 true relative position sa3 o.extab sa4 x3+b7 get symbol bx3 x4-x1 zr x3,xdef1 if definition ok xdef3 sx6 1 mark d error sa6 eflg sa6 derr eq xdef1 * define biased external symbols xdef4 sa1 p1temp fetch length of ext symbols sx6 x1+b1 sa6 a1 sa2 o.csyms sb2 x2 sa2 x1+b2 length bx6 x2 sa6 p1tempb plant length xdef5 sa1 p1temp increment table pointers sa2 p1tempb sx6 x1+3 sx7 x2-3 ng x7,xdef8 end of table test sa6 a1 sa7 a2 sa3 o.csyms get entry sb7 x3 sa1 x1+b7 symbol sa2 a1+b1 equivalent sa3 a2+b1 and primative bx6 x1 bx7 x2 sa6 p1tempc and save them sa7 p1tempd bx6 x3 sa6 p1tempe rj tlusymt look up symbol lx2 59-31 ng x2,xdef6 if external lx2 1 ng x2,xdef7 if defined sa1 p1tempe get primative rj tlusymt look up symbol rx4 x3 fetch equiv mx0 -9 ax4 21 get external number bx4 -x0*x4 sa1 p1tempc symbol sa2 p1tempd mx0 -21 bx2 -x0*x2 sx3 b0 relocation sx5 2 mark symbol as xtext rj ydefsym eq xdef5 xdef6 rx4 x3 fetch equiv mx0 -21 bx3 -x0*x4 sa2 p1tempd compare with value and ext bx5 -x0*x2 ix6 x5-x3 nz x6,xdef7 if not same value ax4 21 mx0 -9 bx4 -x0*x4 sb7 x4-1 sa2 o.extab get external symbol sa2 x2+b7 sa1 p1tempe bx6 x1-x2 zr x6,xdef5 if same definition xdef7 sx6 1 mark duplicate def sa6 eflg sa6 derr eq xdef5 xdef8 sa1 qval+1 reset qualification bx6 x1 sa6 a1-b1 eq xdef exit ** cst - activate common symbols qual pass2 cst sx6 0 sa6 p2temp set up to enter externals rj xdef eq zlist cst space 4 ** enter cst externals into entref xdef ps return exit mx1 0 rj sqv set to blank qualifier sa1 p2temp increment csyms pointer sx6 x1+b1 sa6 a1 sa2 o.csyms get length of external table sb7 x2 sa1 x1+b7 fetch length bx6 x1 sa6 p2tempa xdef1 sa1 p2temp increment pointers sa2 p2tempa sx6 x1+1 sx7 x2-1 ng x7,xdef2 endtest sa6 a1 sa7 a2 sb7 x1 sa1 o.csyms get symbol sa1 x1+b7 rj tlusymt look up symbol zr x3,xdef1 if not defined sx1 1rx rj entref enter item eq xdef1 xdef2 sa1 qval+1 restore qualifier bx7 x1 sa7 a1-b1 eq xdef exit *insert compass.7490 rj gcs *insert compass.12768 gcs space 4 ** get common symbols system text gcs ps return exit sa1 csyname check for common systems text required zr x1,gcs no sx6 a0 save a0 sa6 p1temp recall x sa1 csyname sx6 1 bx6 x1+x6 sa6 x set up name file sa2 ercnt nz x2,gcs3 no text if errors sa4 date generate ident table bx6 x1 lx7 x4 sa6 dpba+1 sa7 a6+b1 rewind x recall x writew x,dpba,17b writew x,(=50000101bs36),1 sa1 l.usetab reserve space sa2 l.symtab ax1 1 ix1 x1+x2 sa2 l.extab external table length ix1 x1+x2 manage duptab,x1+b1 sa3 o.duptab set up store sx3 x3+2 set destination for move sa1 l.extab length of move sa2 o.extab origin bx6 x1 plant table length sa6 x3-1 length at beginning rj move move externals sa1 l.extab set up a7 sa2 o.duptab sb7 x1+2 sa7 x2+b7 sb6 a7 save begining table address rj dfs dump externals sx6 a7-b6 sa6 b6 plant length of external table sa7 a7+b1 for absolute symbol length sa5 =16777bs21 surpress ext etc. sb5 b0 set up to dump abs syms sb6 a7 save beginning loc rj dbs sx6 a7-b6 sa6 b6 rj fcb get common symbols sa1 o.duptab mark total length sb6 x1 sx6 a7-b6 sa6 b6 writew x,b6,x6+b1 write out symbols sx6 b0 sa6 l.duptab clear work table sa1 l.macdef transfer macros sa5 lsysmac only program macros ix6 x1-x5 sa6 p1temp write length writew x,a6,b1 sa1 o.macdef sa2 p1temp ix6 x1+x5 writew x,x6,x2 * transfer micro table sa1 l.mictab sa5 lsysmic length of system micros ix6 x1-x5 length of programer micros sa6 p1temp write length writew x,a6,1 sa1 o.mictab sa5 lsysmic ix1 x1+x5 origin of programmer micros sa3 p1temp zr x3,gcs0 if no micros writew x2,x1,x3 * transfer opcodes to duptab gcs0 sa1 l.optab manage duptab,x1+b1 sb6 x2 sb7 x3-1 mx1 1 sa4 o.optab sa7 x2 sb4 x4+b7 lwa + 1 sa5 lsysmac mx0 12 lx1 -2 sb2 b1+b1 b2=2 sb5 57 sb4 b4+b1 * scan optab and transfer macro names gcs1 zr b7,gcs2 if end of operation table sa2 b4-b7 sb7 b7-b2 ax6 x2,b5 bx7 x1+x6 nz x7,gcs1 sense no program macro sa3 a2-b1 fetch name bx6 -x0*x3 clean up ix7 x2-x5 lx2 12 ng x2,gcs1 if opsyn sa6 a7+b1 sa7 a6+b1 nz b7,gcs1 if not end of operation table gcs2 sx6 a7-b6 length of macro names sa6 b6 writew x,b6,x6+b1 sx6 b0 sa6 l.duptab clear work table gcs3 writer x,r recall x sa1 p1temp sa0 x1 mx6 0 clear option sa6 csyname eq gcs -- exit fcb space 4 ** find common blocks and dump symbols fcb ps return exit sa1 ui set up scan sa2 o.usetab ix2 x1+x2 sa0 x2-4 sb3 b0 fcb1 sa1 o.usetab set up end test sa2 l.usetab sb7 x1 sb7 x2+b7 lwa + 1 sb2 2 sb6 4 fcb2 sa0 a0+b6 bump to next use sb4 a0 set up end test ge b4,b7,fcb -- exit sa1 a0+b2 get common word sb3 b3+b1 bump block number zr x1,fcb2 sense no common block fcb3 sa1 a0 get block name sa2 a1+b1 params sa3 a2+b2 and length lx3 30 sa7 a7+b1 sb6 a7 save first cell lx6 x1 bx7 x2+x3 sa6 a7+b1 sa7 a6+b1 sa1 ui+1 construct block number sb3 b3-b1 sb3 x1+b3 sb5 -b3 sa5 =16000bs21 supress sst, external rj dbs sx6 a7-b6 length of table sa6 b6 eq fcb1 and loop to next block dbs space 4 * dump all symbols for a given block * enter with b5 set to negative of block * and x5 symbol supression mask * * uses a - 1,2,3,4,6,7 * b - 1,2,4,5,7 * x - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 dbs ps return exit sa1 o.symtab get symbol table parameters sa2 l.symtab sb7 x2 sb4 x1+b7 lwa + 1 sb2 b1+b1 b2=2 mx0 12 qual mask mx1 -21 value mask mx2 -9 block mask dbs1 zr b7,dbs -- exit sa3 b4-b7 fetch symbol sb7 b7-b2 zr x3,dbs1 symbol vacuous sa4 a3+b1 get value bx6 x0*x3 nz x6,dbs1 sense qualified symbol bx6 x3 ax3 36 sx3 x3-2r'? zr x3,dbs1 sense local symbol bx3 x4*x5 nz x3,dbs1 sense symbol supression (external etc.) bx7 -x1*x4 fetch value ax4 21 position block bx4 -x2*x4 sx4 x4+b5 nz x4,dbs1 block test sa6 a7+b1 plant symbol sa7 a6+b1 and value eq dbs1 dfs space 4 ** dump external sysmbols for cst dfs ps return exit sa1 o.symtab fetch symbol table params sa2 l.symtab sb7 x2 sb4 x1+b7 lwa + 1 sb2 b1+b1 b2=2 mx1 -21 value mask mx2 -9 primative mask dfs1 zr b7,dfs end test sa3 b4-b7 fetch symbol sb7 b7-b2 zr x3,dfs1 if vacuous sa4 a3+b1 fetch equivalent bx7 x4 lx4 59-31 check exteranal bit pl x4,dfs1 if not external bx4 x7 ax4 21 get exteranl number bx4 -x2*x4 sb3 x4-1 true relative position in talbe sa5 o.extab sa5 x5+b3 bx0 x3-x5 zr x0,dfs1 if primative definition bx6 x3 symbol bx7 -x1*x7 value sa6 a7+b1 sa7 a6+b1 bx7 x5 primative symbol sa7 a7+b1 eq dfs1 ldc space 4 *** load common systems text ldc ps return exit sa1 csystxt check option active zr x1,ldc sa1 l.csyms no defs nz x1,ldc ignor rj lct load common systems text nz x0,cys2 note error sa1 o.memory verify text format sa2 o.endtab ix2 x2-x1 sa3 x1+b1 fetch symbol table length sb6 x3+b1 bias to next table sb7 x2-10b maximum length ax3 18 ge b6,b7,cys2 if bad ng b6,cys2 if bad text nz x3,cys2 sa4 a3+b6 fetch macdef length sb3 x4+b1 ax4 18 sb6 b3+b6 ng b3,cys2 ge b6,b7,cys2 nz x3,cys2 sa4 a3+b6 fetch micro length sb3 x4+b1 ax4 18 sb6 b3+b6 total length to here ng b3,cys2 ge b6,b7,cys2 nz x4,cys2 sa4 a3+b6 fetch macro name length sb3 x4+b1 ax4 18 sb6 b3+b6 nz x4,cys2 ng b3,cys2 ge b6,b7,cys2 sx6 b6+b1 set memory length sa6 l.memory rj cstcm load cm eq ldc --exit cys2 message (=c* bad commons text.*) eq ldc cstcm space 4 *** cstcm - load cst tables into central memory * cstcm ps return exit sa1 o.memory sa1 x1+b1 fetch symbol table length mx6 0 sa6 l.csyms zero table length manage csyms,x1 sa4 o.memory adjust tables sa5 l.memory sa1 x4+b1 sx6 x1+2 ix7 x5-x6 new length ix6 x4+x6 new origin sa6 a4 sa7 a5 sx2 x4+2 symbols origin sa3 o.csyms rj move sa2 o.memory sa1 x2 get length of macro defs mx6 0 sa6 l.cysdef set length to zero manage cysdef,x1 get room for defs sa4 o.memory and transfer them sa1 x4 length ix3 x2+x3 origin calc ix3 x3-x1 origin in table sx2 x4+b1 rj move sa4 o.memory update memory table sa5 l.memory sa1 x4 sx6 x1+b1 ix7 x5-x6 change length ix6 x4+x6 and origin sa6 a4 sa7 a5 sa1 x6 get cysmic length mx6 0 sa6 l.cysmic set length to zero manage cysmic,x1 sa4 o.memory and transfer to table sa1 x4 ix3 x2+x3 ix3 x3-x1 sx2 x4+b1 rj move sa4 o.memory sa5 l.memory sa1 x4 sx6 x1+b1 bump to macro names ix7 x5-x6 ix6 x4+x6 sa6 a4 sa7 a5 sa1 x6 get length of macro names mx6 0 sa6 l.cysmac set length to zero manage cysmac,x1 sx1 x3 sx3 x2 sa2 o.memory sx2 x2+b1 rj move sx6 0 clear temp table sa6 l.memory eq cstcm --exit *** load common systems text lct ps return exit recall x use xtext buffer sa1 csystxt form fet entries sx6 b1 bx6 x1+x6 sa6 x rj mtd move tables down to make room sa1 o.memory sa2 o.endtab ix2 x2-x1 sx0 x1 origin sa0 x2 and length lct0 rewind x lct1 read x lct2 readw x,x0,1 read 7700 table ng x1,lct if eof nz x1,lct1 if eor sa2 x0 check format lx2 18d sx6 x2-770000b zr x6,lct4 lct3 readw x,x0,a0 skip to end of record zr x1,lgt3 loop eq lgt1 loop lct4 lx2 6 sx5 x2 skip table lct5 readw x,x0,1 sx5 x5-1 nz x5,lct5 readw x,x0,1 nz x1,lct -- error exit sa1 x0 sa2 =50000101bs36 bx6 x1-x2 ax6 36 nz x6,lct wrong overlay, exit readw x,x0+b1,a0-b1 zr x1,lct6 if not enough room sx0 b0 eq lct return lct6 message lcta,,r eq lct exit lcta data c*insufficient storage for cst text.* *insert cps064.1768 pseudo 4,cmtext pseudo 4,cst */ end mod }
cdc/nos2/job/cmpmods.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/05 15:32 by Site Administrator