โTable of Contents
Tools (Tape / Disk)
Below are the tools which have been developed and contributed through the years. A replacement for them is available on the CODEX (nosutils) . A windows installer is available on the Utilities page which contains pre-built versions of all of them.
Convert a Host-OS file to Tape (.tap)
You need two tools to do this, both of which are provided in the dtcyber distribution: tools/atod/atod, which converts from ASCII to Display Code, and tools/nosicreate/NosICreate, which converts a display code file into a NOS I-format tape.
You need to compile both yourself (they aren't compiled by the Makefile) from the source codes in the same directories (see Note 2 below for changes you'll need to make before compiling on UNIX- or Linux-derived systems; for Windows, you need make no changes). For convenience, place both binaries in the same directory. Here is the procedure on how to use them (I'm assuming you're using a UNIX variant host system; if you're using Windows, just reverse the slashes):
- Change to the distribution directory.
- ./atod yourfile ir0001 (See Note 1 below.)
- ./NosICreate yourtapefile.tap
This will produce a .tap file which you may now manipulate with dtcyber.
Note 1: You must specify an output file of ir0001.
Note 2: To compile atod and NosICreate under Linux, in each of the files atod.c and NosICreate.c, change the typedef signed long i32; to typedef signed int i32;. Also, change the typedef unsigned long u32; to typedef unsigned int u32;. And typedef int64 i64; must get changed to typedef unsigned long long int i64; and finally, change typedef unsigned int64 u64; to typedef unsigned long long int u64;.
Additional Tape and Disk Tools
executable | description |
asc2dc.exe | Convert Ascii to 6 bit CDC Display code |
ascTo612.exe | Convert Ascii to 6 in 12 bit CDC Display code |
atod.exe | ASCII to CDC Display Code conversion |
bmptobdf.exe | Bitmap to BDF (Font) File format |
cardlist.exe | Convert punched-card image format to ASCII text |
cerl2mf.exe | Format conversion for dd8xx image files |
check.exe | Verifies Code Conversion |
dd8xxcvt.exe | Format conversion for dd8xx image files between old and new formats |
diskdump.exe | Dumps in readable form, any dd8xx image |
dmd.exe | Display memory dump. (Based on dmp) |
dmp.exe | Display octal memory dump. |
dmpbin.exe | Display octal 60 bit words memory dump |
dmpx.exe | Display octal 60 bit words memory dump |
dtoa.exe | Display Code to ASCII |
gen-aids.exe | Bulk-generate AIDS / INFO Files |
gettap.exe | Tape Mapping Utility |
mastertool.exe | Read PLATO master file |
mf2p.exe | Masterfile to PLATO |
nosicreate.exe | Convert individual files into NOS I-format TAP image with one logical record per file. |
nosiverify.exe | Verify NOS I-format TAP image. |
nsfcvt.exe | Format conversion for NSF PLATO dd8xx image files to dtCYBER format |
pc.exe | PC Character |
pctobdf.exe | PC Character to BDF |
pf.exe | Read and write PLATO files on a CERL-format dd844-21 disk image |
punch026.exe | Convert ASCII text to Hollerith (026) format card deck. |
puncher.exe | Convert ASCII text to Hollerith and/or Binary card deck |
submit.exe | 405 Card Reader job submission interface version 1.1 (works in co-operation with puncher) |
tapdmp.exe | Display the content of a tap format file |
tapextractIrec.exe | Extract files from a tap record file formatted F=I tape |
tapextractSIrec.exe | Extract files from a tap record file formatted F=I tape |
tapgenIrec.exe | Creates the a tap (I) format file from a list of files |
tapgenSIrec.exe | Creates the a tap (SI) format file from a list of files |
tapverifyIrec.exe | verifies the sequence information of NOS INTERNAL type blocks in a tap format file |