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Summary of Changes

3. Summary of changes

3.1 Version 4, First Edition (HEMC040000-00)

This section describes briefly the various changes that have been made in the Messages and Codes manual related to the previous edition. The most significant changes made in this edition of the manual are the following:

·Chapter 2 (Related Publications): New manual “Operations and Utilities Guide” added.

Proceed to Summary of Changes

·Chapter 3 (Summary of changes) added.

·Chapter 4 (Introduction): New section Message Standardization added.

·Chapter 4 (Introduction): New section “Message Format (Hercules V4.00)” added.

·Chapter 4 (Introduction): New section “Component List (Hercules V4.00)” added.

·Chapter 4 (Introduction): New section Debug Option added.

·Part I: New Messages added. Not all messages are documented yet.

·Appendix A. Message Index (New -, Old) added.

·Appendix B. Message Index (Old -, New) added.

·Appendix C. Links: List of links updated.

4. Introduction

4.1 Overview

This Chapter gives an introduction to the messages and codes of the Hercules Emulator and related tools, as well as the messages written from the various standalone utility programs.

4.2 Locations

All messages are written to the Hercules console (native console as well as the Hercules Windows GUI / Hercules Studio) and to the Hercules log file, if a log file is specified in the startup command.

4.3 Message Standardization

Hercules version 4.00 introduces the message standardization. With this major rework of the message processing it is ensured that messages are issued in a consistent way throughout the various Hercules functions. It is also ensured that message numbers can not be assigned twice.

Due to this change in the message processing it may be necessary for users to review existing HAO (Hercules Automated Operator) rules and self written scripts. Message indices in the appendices of this manual which show the relationship between old and new message identifiers will reduce the amount of work that has to be invested in these tasks. The cross reference tables can be found later on in this book.

4.4 Message Format (Hercules V3.07)

Up to Hercules version 3.07 all Hercules-issued messages had the following format:

H H C m m n n n s text

The follwing table explains the various parts of the old message format:




HHC is the message prefix for Hercules. All Hercules messages will have this prefix.


mm specifies the component that issued the message. A detailed list of all components can be found in section 4.6.


nnn specifies the message number. This number is assigned more or less sequentially.


s is the message severity. Details can be found in section 4.8.


text is the actual message text.

Table 1: Message Format until Hercules V3.07

4.5 Message Format (Hercules V4.00)

Beginning with Hercules version 4.00 all Hercules-issued messages have the following format:

H H C n n n n n s text

The follwing table explains the various parts of the new message format:




HHC is the message prefix for Hercules. All Hercules messages will have this prefix.


nnnnn specifies the message number. This number is assigned more or less sequentially.


s is the message severity. Details can be found in section 4.8.


text is the actual message text.

Table 2: Message Format since Hercules V4.00

4.6 Component List (Hercules V3.07)

The following table presents all the Hercules component prefixes from the old message format, along with a short description of the issuing component.




Hercules Automatic Operator


Communication Adapter Emulation


Configuration File Processing


CPU Emulation


Channel-to-Channel Adapter Emulation


CCKD Utilities


DASD Emulation (CKD, CCKD and FBA)














DASD Utilities Common Functions


Hercules Dynamic Loader




HETGET Utility


HETMAP Utility


HTTP Server


HETUPD Utility


Network Interface Configuration Handler (hercifc)


Hercules Initialization


LCS Emulation


System Log Functions


Hercules Control Panel Command Messages


Printer Emulation


Card Punch Emulation


Card Reader Emulation


Socket Devices Common Functions


Tape Device Emulation




Terminal Emulation






TOD Clock and Timer Services


TUN / TAP Driver Support


VM / CP Emulation Facility

Table 3: Hercules Component List (V3.07)

4.7 Component List (Hercules V4.00)

The following table presents all the Hercules components and the assigned messages ranges.

Message Range


HHC00000s - HHC00099s

General Messages

HHC00100s - HHC00199s

General Messages

HHC00200s - HHC00299s

Tape Device Emulation

HHC00300s - HHC00399s

DASD Device Emulation (CCKD)

HHC00400s - HHC00499s

DASD Device Emulation (CKD)

HHC00500s - HHC00599s

DASD Device Emulation (FBA)

HHC00600s - HHC00699s

DASD Device Emulation (SCE)

HHC00700s - HHC00799s

Shared Device Server

HHC00800s - HHC00899s

CPU Emulation

HHC00900s - HHC00999s

CTC Adapter Emulation

HHC01000s - HHC01099s

Communication Adapter Emulation

HHC01100s - HHC01199s

Printer Emulation

HHC01200s - HHC01299s

Card Punch Emulation / Card Reader Emulation

HHC01300s - HHC01399s

Channel-to-Channel Adapter Emulation

HHC01400s - HHC01499s

Hercules Initialization and Shutdown

HHC01500s - HHC01599s

Dynamic Loader

HHC01600s - HHC01699s

Panel Communication

HHC01700s - HHC01799s

ECPS:VM Support

HHC01800s - HHC01899s

HTTP Server

HHC01900s - HHC01999s

Diagnose Calls

HHC02000s - HHC02099s

Suspend / Resume Processing

HHC02100s - HHC02199s

System Logger

HHC02200s - HHC02299s

Command Processing

HHC02300s - HHC02399s

IEEE Component

HHC02400s - HHC02499s

DASD Utilities

HHC02500s - HHC02599s

DASD Utilities

HHC02600s - HHC02699s

Various Utilities

HHC02700s - HHC02799s

Tape Utilities

HHC04100s - HHC04199s

Windows Specific Components

HHC17000s - HHC17099s

Query Commands

HHC90000s - HHC90999s

Debug Messages

Table 4: Hercules Component List (V4.00)

4.8 Message Severity

The following table shows the different message severities, issued by the Hercules Emulator.




Severe error message. This type of error causes immediate termination of Hercules.


Error message. The function being executed did not execute correctly but Hercules should continue running.


Warning message. Not necessarily an error but something to take note of and possibly correct.


Information message. General messages that do not require any further action.


Action message. Hercules needs input, you need to do something.


Debug message.

Table 5: Message Severity

4.9 Debug Option

If DEBUG is defined, either by a #define debug statement or by configure –enable-debug and OPTION_DEBUG_MESSAGES is enabled in featall.h then all messages will be prefixed by sourcefile.c:lineno where sourcefile is the name of the C source file and lineno is the line number where the message has been issued.


hsccmd.c    2597 HHC02204I Value 'message level' set to 'debug'

Debug messages can also be switched on by issuing the panel command MSGLEVEL DEBUG.

4.10 Message Examples

The following figure shows some Hercules messages. Although these messages are from a real IPL, please note that they are not complete i.e some messages have been deleted. The messages are shown just as an example of how messages look, especially the variable parts of messages.

CDC Terminal
HHC01413I Hercules version 4.0.0

HHC01414I (c) Copyright 1999-2010 by Roger Bowler, Jan Jaeger, and others

HHC01415I Built on Feb 07 2011 at 05:30:15

HHC01416I Build information:

HHC01417I Windows (MSVC) build for AMD64

HHC01417I Modes: S/370 ESA/390 z/Arch

HHC01417I Max CPU Engines: 8

HHC01417I Using fthreads Threading Model

HHC01417I Using FishIO

HHC01417I Dynamic loading support

HHC01417I Using shared libraries

HHC01417I HTTP Server support

HHC01417I No SIGABEND handler

HHC01417I Regular Expressions support

HHC01417I Automatic Operator support

HHC01417I Machine dependent assists: cmpxchg1 cmpxchg4 cmpxchg8

HHC01417I Running on GOOFY Windows-6.1.7600. NT , Intel(R) x64 MP=8

HHC01508I HDL: loadable module directory is '[[file:/D:/Hercules/|D:/Hercules/</wrap>]]'</wrap> HHC00150I Crypto module loaded © Copyright 2003-2010 by Bernard van der Helm</wrap> HHC00151I Activated facility: 'Message Security Assist'</wrap> HHC00151I Activated facility: 'Message Security Assist Extension 1, 2, 3 and 4'</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 00001204, prio 15, name 'Processor CP00' started</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 000012B8, prio 0, name 'Timer' started</wrap> HHC00811I Processor CP00: architecture mode 'z/Arch'</wrap> HHC02203I auto_scsi_mount: NO</wrap> HHC01474I Using 'internal' codepage conversion table 'DEFAULT'</wrap> HHC00827I Processor CP00: engine 00 type 0 set: 'CP'</wrap> HHC00827I Processor CP01: engine 01 type 0 set: 'CP'</wrap> HHC00827I Processor CP02: engine 02 type 0 set: 'CP'</wrap> HHC00827I Processor CP03: engine 03 type 0 set: 'CP'</wrap> HHC01802I HTTP server using root directory </wrap>D:/Hercules/html/</wrap> HHC01807I HTTP server signaled to start</wrap> HHC01435I Config file '</wrap>D:/MVS/CONF/MVS_V38J_V400.CONF</wrap>': will ignore include errors</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 0000116C, prio 0, name 'HTTP server' started</wrap> HHC01437I Config file[39] '</wrap>D:/MVS/CONF/MVS.CONF</wrap>'</wrap> HHC01802I HTTP server using root directory </wrap>D:/Hercules/html/</wrap> HHC01803I HTTP server waiting for requests on port 80</wrap> HHC02204I logopts         set to TIMESTAMP</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 00001230, prio 0, name 'Processor CP01' started</wrap> HHC00811I Processor CP01: architecture mode 'S/370'</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 00001194, prio 0, name 'Processor CP02' started</wrap> HHC00811I Processor CP02: architecture mode 'S/370'</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 00001180, prio 0, name 'Processor CP03' started</wrap> HHC00811I Processor CP03: architecture mode 'S/370'</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 00001034, prio 0, name 'Shared device server 0.1' started</wrap> HHC00737I Shared: waiting for shared device requests on port 3990</wrap> HHC01042I 0:000E COMM: device bound to socket ''</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 0000038C, prio 0, name 'Socket device listener' started</wrap> HHC01042I 0:000F COMM: device bound to socket ''</wrap> HHC00100I Thread id 00000D40, prio 0, name 'Console connection' started</wrap> HHC01024I Waiting for console connections on port 3270</wrap> . . . </zterm> Part I: New Messages 5. Messages HHC00001s - HHC00069s
(General Messages) HHC00013I Herc command: '
cmd' Explanation Console command cmd has been issued at the Hercules console. See also message HHC01603I.
Severity Information. Action None. This is an informational message. Action
HHC00018I Hercules is running in elevated mode Explanation Hercules is running in elevated mode on a Windows system (with administrative rights). Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00018W Hercules is not running in elevated mode Explanation Hercules is not running in elevated mode on a Windows system (without administrative rights). Severity
Warning. Action If you need administrative rights for Hercules (e.g. for CTCI-WIN) then restart Hercules from a command prompt started as administrator. If no administrative rights are necessary then you can savely ignore this message.

6. Messages HHC00070s - HHC00099s
(Hercules Automatic Operator)
HHC00070E Unknown hao command, valid commands are: hao tgt <tgt>         : define target rule (pattern) to react on hao cmd <cmd> : define command for previously defined rule hao list <n>           : list all rules/commands or only at index <n> hao del <n>           : delete the rule at index <n> hao clear               : delete all rules (stops automatic operator) Explanation The entered HAO command is unknown to the Hercules Automatic Operator. Severity
Error. Action Enter a valid HAO command from the list of message HHC00070E. HHC00071E The 'command' was not added because table is full; table size is
nn Explanation The rule (target and command) could not be added to the HAO table because the table is already full. The value nn displays the current table size. Severity
Error. Action To add another rule either delete an existing rule to free a table entry or rebuild Hercules with an in­creased table size (#define HAO_MAXRULE nn in file hao.c). HHC00072E The command 'cmd' given, but the command 'tgt' was expected HHC00072E The command 'tgt' given, but the command 'cmd' was expected Explanation
HAO entries must be defined in the correct order. To define a rule, first a HAO TGT target command must be given, followed immediately by a HAO CMD command. These error messages will appear in case of an incorrect order of the HAO commands or in case of two subsequent HAO TGT” or two sub­sequent “HAO CMD commands: ·In case of the first error message a HAO CMD command has been entered but a HAO TGT target command has been expected. This can be the case if two HAO CMD commands have been entered immediately one after the other or an initial HAO TGT target was missing. ·In case of the second error message the command HAO TGT target has been entered, but a HAO CMD command has been expected. This can be the case if two HAO TGT target com­mands have been entered immediately one after the other. Severity
Error. Action Reenter the correct HAO command which is a HAO TGT target in case of the first error message and a HAO CMD command in case of the second error message. HHC00073E Empty 'target' specified
HHC00073E Empty 'command' specified
Explanation There was either an empty HAO TGT” or an empty “HAO CMD command specified. The first case (HAO TGT) indicates a missing target rule (pattern) to react on, the second case indicates a missing command for a previously defined rule. Severity
Error. Action Reenter the given HAO command with a valid target rule (HAO TGT target”) or a valid command (“HAO CMD command). HHC00074E The target was not added because a duplicate was found in the table at
nn Explanation A HAO TGT target command has been entered but there is already a rule in the table at index nn that has the same target rule defined. The target rule could not be added to the table. Severity
Error. Action Use the HAO LIST command (without the index argument) to get a list of all defined HAO rules and find the rule with the target from the previous HAO TGT target command. If the command assigned to that target rule is already what is supposed to have then no more actions are necessary at this point. If the command assigned to that target rule is not what is supposed to have then first delete the corres­ponding rule with a HAO DEL nn command. After deleting the rule redefine it with a new pair of HAO TGT” and “HAO CMD commands. HHC00076E The 'command' was not added because it causes a loop with the 'target' at index
nn HHC00076E The 'target' was not added because it causes a loop with the 'command' at index nn Explanation A HAO rule could not been defined because it causes a loop with another already defined rule at table index nn. Severity
Error. Action Check the rule you just wanted to define against the rule at table index nn for any inconsistencies. Then try to redefine the rule. Use the “HAO LIST nn“ command to display the rule that is mentioned in the error message. HHC00077I The func was placed at index nn
A new defined target rule (func = target) or a new defined command (func = command) was placed at table index number nn.
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00078E The command was not added because it may cause dead locks Explanation A HAO CMD cmd command has been entered but command cmd could not be added to the table be­cause it may cause deadlocks within the HAO processing. Severity
Error. Action Reenter the HAO CMD command with a valid command for the target rule. HHC00079E No rule defined at index
Explanation A HAO LIST nn command has been entered but there is no target rule defined at this index. The entry at index nn is empty. Severity
Error. Action Use the HAO LIST command (without the index argument) to get a list of all defined HAO rules. HHC00080I All HAO rules are cleared
All defined rules for the Hercules Automatic Operator have been cleared and HAO is stopped. This is the response to a HAO CLEAR command. The message is followed by one or more HHC00088I messages and a HHC00082I message. Severity
Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00081I Match at index </wrap> nn, executing command ' cmd'

A HAO rule has fired. There was a match at index number nn in the table of defined HAO rules and the command cmd has been excuted.</wrap>

  • Severity
  • Action None. This is an informational message.

HHC00082I nn rule(s) displayed: This message displays the number of rules (nn) that have been displayed in response to a HAO LIST command. The messages is preceeded by message HHC00087I and one or more (nn) messages HHC00088I. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00083E The command 'del' was given without a valid index Explanation A HAO DEL command has been entered without a valid index number. The entry could not be deleted. Severity
Error. Action Reenter the delete command with an index in the valid range between 0 and nn (“HAO DEL nn”). Enter a HAO LIST command first, if necessary, to get the list of used entries.
HHC00084E Invalid index; index must be between 0 and
Explanation A HAO command has been entered with an index that is outside the valid range. The index must be in the valid range between 0 and nn. Severity
Error. Action Reenter the previous command with an index in the valid range between 0 and nn. Enter a HAO LIST command first, if necessary, to get the list of used entries. HHC00085E Rule at index
nn not deleted, already empty Explanation The rule (target and command) an index nn has not been deleted. The table entry is already empty. Severity
Error. Action Use the HAO LIST command to get a list of all defined HAO rules. Check all listed entries to find the one you want to delete and retry the HAO DEL command with the correct index. HHC00086I Rule at index
nn successfully deleted Explanation The rule (target and command) at table index number nn has been deleted. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00087I The defined Hercules Automatic Operator rule(s) are:
Explanation This message shows all defined rules for the Hercules Automatic Operator. It is following a HAO LIST command. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00088I Index nn: target target → command cmd This message displays the target rule target and its corresponding command cmd that are defined at index
nn of the table. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00089E There are no HAO rules defined Explanation A HAO LIST command has been entered but there are no rules defined. The table is empty. Severity
Error. Action Define a HAO rule before using the HAO LIST command.
7. Messages HHC00100s - HHC00199s
(General Messages)
HHC00100I Thread id
nnnnnnnn, prio nn, name 'threadname' started Explanation The thread with the name threadname has been started under the id nnnnnnnn with priority nn. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00101I Thread id
nnnnnnnn, prio nn, name 'threadname' ended Explanation The thread with the name threadname running under the id nnnnnnnn with priority nn has been ended. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC00102E Error in function create_threadØ:
threadname Explanation The thread with the name threadname could not be created. Severity
Error. Action See any additional messages for further details of the failure.



modname module loaded [info]
Hercules has loaded the module modname. This message can provide additional information about the loaded module in the optional info field.
Severity Information. Action None. This is an informational message. Action

8. Messages HHC00200s - HHC00299s
(Tape Device Emulation)





9. Messages HHC00300s - HHC00399s
(DASD Device Emulation (CCKD))


HHC0033E1 is not yet documented Explanation











10. Messages HHC00400s - HHC00499s
(DASD Device Emulation (CKD))











11. Messages HHC00500s - HHC00599s
(DASD Device Emulation (FBA))
HHC0052E0 is not yet documented



12. Messages HHC00600s - HHC00699s
(DASD Device Emulation (SCE))

13. Messages HHC00700s - HHC00799s
(Shared Device Server)







14. Messages HHC00800s - HHC00899s
(CPU Emulation)


HHC00810E Processor nn: ipl failed: device dev not found An attempt has been made to IPL CPU number nn from device dev, but the IPL failed because there is no device dev attached to the system. IPL processing is terminated. The target processor remains in the ma­nual state. Severity
Error. Action Reissue the IPL command specifying a device that is attached to the system.


HHC00828E Processor
nn: ipl failed: architecture mode mode, csw status cswstat, sense sense Explanation An attempt has been made to ipl CPU number nn, but the IPL failed because of an I/O error on the IPL device. In the message text, mode is the system architecture mode, cswstat is the CSW status returned from the IPL I/O operation, and sense is the sense information returned by the IPL device. Note that an attempt to IPL while the system is set to z/Architecture mode will cause the architecture mode to be reset to ESA/390 at the start of IPL processing, and message HHC00828E will reflect that change. Severity
Error. Action Correct the cause of the IPL device I/O problem and reissue the IPL command.
HHC00839E Processor
nn: ipl failed: architecture mode mode, invalid ipl psw psw
Explanation An attempt has been made to IPL CPU number nn, but the IPL failed because of an error loading the initial PSW from the IPL device. A common cause of IPL PSW errors is bits within the PSW set incon­sistently, or a mismatch between the PSW bit settings and the system architecture mode. In particular, this message will be produced if an attempt is made to IPL with the architecture mode set to z/Architecture or ESA/390 and the IPL PSW loaded from the target device is a BC-mode PSW. Note that an attempt to IPL while the system is set to z/Architecture mode will cause the architecture mode to be reset to ESA/390 at the start of the IPL processing, and message HHC0839E will reflect that change. IPL processing is terminated. The target processor remains in the manual state and the load indicatorremains on. Severity
Error. Action Correct the IPL device initial PSW to set PSW bit values consistently, or change the system architecture mode to one that allows the IPL device initial PSW to be used, or IPL from a different device.








15. Messages HHC00900s - HHC00999s
(CTC Adapter Emulation)









16. Messages HHC01000s - HHC01099s (Communication Adapter Emulation) Explanation



HHC01018I devaddr COMM: client ipaddr devtype devtype: connected The client at IP address ipaddr has connected to Hercules as a devtype device at device address devaddr and is now available. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message.
devaddr COMM: client ipaddr devtype devtype: connection closed by client Explanation The client with devtype devtype at IP address ipaddr that was connected to the 3270 console at device address devaddr has closed the connection. The device is no longer available for use. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC01023W Waiting for port
port to become free for console connections
The thread that handles connection requests from console devices is waiting for the TCP port denoted by port to become available for use. Severity
Warning. Action If this message persists, some other program has control of the TCP port listed. Determine the program involved and terminate it. HHC01024I Waiting for console connections on port
port. Explanation Hercules is ready to accept console connections on port port. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. Explanation







HHC01067 Action

HHC01077 Explanation

17. Messages HHC01100s - HHC01199s
(Printer Emulation)

18. Messages HHC01200s - HHC01299s (Card Punch / Card Reader Emulation) Explanation


19. Messages HHC01300s - HHC01399s (Channel-to-Channel Adapter Emulation) Explanation





20. Messages HHC01400s - HHC01499s (Hercules Initialization and Shutdown) Explanation


HHC01412I Hercules terminated Hercules has finished the shutdown procedure and has terminated. Severity Information. Action
None. HHC01413I Hercules version
v.rr.m HHC01413I Hercules version v.rr.m-git-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
This message displays the version of Hercules thast is currently running. For productive, stable versions the message shows the version, release and modification level in the form v.rr.m. Snaphots from the de­velopers repository additionally show the commit level in the form git-xxxx-xxxxxxxx. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01414I © Copyright 1999-
yyyy by Roger Bowler, Jan Jaeger, and others Explanation This message displays the copyright statement, where yyyy is the current year of the build of Hercules. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01415I Built on
Mon dd yyyy at hh:mm:ss
Explanation This message shows when the running Hercules build was compiled. Mon is the abbreviated month, dd is the day, yyyy is the year and hh:mm:ss is the timestamp of the build. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01416I Build information: This is the title for the build information. This message is followed by several HHC01416I messages showing detailed build information. Severity
Information. Action
None. Explanation

HHC01420I Begin Hercules shutdown Explanation Hercules is starting shutting down because an EXIT” or “QUIT console command has been issued. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01422I Configuration released The configuration that has been in use has been released. This message is issued during shutdown of Hercules. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01423I Calling termination routines
Explanation During shutdown Hercules is calling the termination routines. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01424I All termination routines complete Explanation During shutdown of Hercules all termination routines have been finished. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01425I Hercules shutdown complete Explanation Hercules has been completed the shutdown procedure. Severity
Information. Action
None. HHC01426I Shutdown initiated The Hercules shutdown has been initiated. This message is issued due to an EXIT or QUIT console command that has been given.
Information. Action
None. HHC01427I type storage released During shutdown of Hercules the allocated storage has been released. The storage type is either Main or Expanded. Severity
Information. Action
None. Explanation








21. Messages HHC01500s - HHC01599s
(Dynamic Loader)






HHC01541I HDL: dyngui.dll initiated Explanation The dyngui loadable module was successfully loaded and initiated. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC01542I HDL: dyngui.dll terminated Explanation The dyngui loadable module was successfully terminated. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message.
22. Messages HHC01600s - HHC01699s
(Panel Communication)
cmd Explanation Console command cmd has been issued at the Herculese console. See also Message HHC00013I. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message.


23. Messages HHC01700s - HHC01799s
(ECPS:VM Support)

HHC01707I ECPS:VM {VM | CP} ASSIST feature xxxxxxxx {Disabled | Enabled} Explanation This message is indicating that the ECPS:VM ASSIST feature feature of type VM or CP has been either disabled or enabled. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC01708I All ECPS:VM {VM | CP} ASSIST features {Disabled | Enabled} This message is indicating that all ECPS:VM ASSIST features of type VM or CP have been either disabled or enabled. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC01709I is not yet documented

HHC01719I ECPS:VM Command processor invoked
Explanation The ECPS:VM command processor has been invoked. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. HHC01722I ECPS:VM Command processor complete Explanation The ECPS:VM command processor has been completed.
Information. Action None. This is an informational message.

24. Messages HHC01800s - HHC01899s
(HTTP Server)
HHC01802I HTTP server using root directory
path Explanation The Hercules HTTP server is using path as the root directory. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message.



25. Messages HHC01900s - HHC01999s
(Diagnose Calls)





HHC01950I Panel command cmd issued by guest started HHC01950I Panel command cmd issued by guest completed Explanation The guest operating system has started or completed a DIAGNOSE 8 instruction to perform the panel command cmd to be carried out by the Hercules panel command processor. Severity
Information. Action This is an informational message. No action is requested if this behaviour is expected. If this behaviour poses a security concern however, the DIAG8CMD configuration statement should either be ommited or specified with the DISABLED argument.
HHC01953E Host command processing disabled by configuration statement Explanation The guest operating system attempted using the DIAGNOSE 8 Instruction to carry out a panel command, but the system configuration disabled this feature (with the DIAG8CMD configuration statement). The pa­nel command is ignored. Severity
Error. Action If it is deemed necessary for the guest operating system to issue DIAGNOSE 8 commands to issue panel commands, the DIAG8CMD with the ENABLE argument should be specified in the configuration file. HHC01954E Host command processing not included in engine build
The Hercules engine has been built without Diagnose 8 panel command facility support . The panel com­mand is not issued. The system continues. Severity
Error. Action If it is desired that DIAGNOSE 8 instructions be carried out as panel commands, the facility should be in­cluded in the build process. Additionally, the DIAG8CMD configuration statement should be specified with the ENABLE parameter.

26. Messages HHC02000s - HHC02099s
(Suspend / Resume Processing)



27. Messages HHC02100s - HHC02199s
(System Logger)

HHC02103I Logger: logger thread terminating During shutdown of Hercules the logger thread is terminating. Severity Information. Action None.

28. Messages HHC02200s - HHC02299s
(Command Processing)

HHC02204I cmdsep         set to
x Explanation The command separator sign for separating Hercules console commands has been set to sign x. Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. Explanation













HHC02272I Highest observed MIPS and IO/s rates: HHC02272I From
begin_last_interval to end_last_interval HHC02272I MIPS: nnn.nnnnnn HHC02272I IO/s: nnnn HHC02272I From begin_new_interval to end_new_interval HHC02272I MIPS: nnn.nnnnnn HHC02272I IO/s: nnnn HHC02272I Current interval is nnnn minutes Message HHC02272I is the result of a MAXRATES console command either issued manually or driven by the interval. The current interval time in minutes is shown in the last message.
The first message block shows the maximum MIPS rate (million instructions per second) and the maximum IO/s (IOs per second) in the last interval, while the second blocks shows the rates for the current interval. The begin and end interval timestamps are in the format Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy Severity
Information. Action None. This is an informational message. Explanation




29. Messages HHC02300s - HHC02399s
(IEEE Component)



30. Messages HHC02400s - HHC02499s
(DASD Utilities)













31. Messages HHC02500s - HHC02599s
(DASD Utilities)















32. Messages HHC02600s - HHC02699s
(Various Utilities)

33. Messages HHC02700s - HHC02799s
(Tape Utilities)







34. Messages HHC02800s - HHC02899s
(Tape Utilities)


35. Messages HHC03900s - HHC03999s
(PTP Adapter Emulation)







36. Messages HHC04100s - HHC04199s
(Windows Specific Components)

37. Messages HHC17000s - HHC17099s
(Query Commands)



38. Messages HHC17500s - HHC17599s
(REXX Support)




39. Messages HHC90000s - HHC90099s
(Debug Messages PTTRACE)


40. Messages HHC90100s - HHC90199s
(Debug Messages DYNCRYPT)



41. Messages HHC90200s - HHC90299s
(Debug Messages SCSITAPE)

42. Messages HHC90300s - HHC90399s
(Debug Messages CMPSC)










Part II: Old Messages

43. Messages HHCAOnnns -
Hercules Automatic Operator
HHCAOnnns Messages HHCAOnnns are not yet documented.

44. Messages HHCCAnnns - Communication Adapter Emulation HHCCA001I HHCCA001I CCUU:Connect out to ipaddr:port failed during initial status : System Cause Text Explanation Hercules attempted to make an outgoing TCP connection to ipaddr:port but the system indicated that there was an error while processing the request. System Action The DIAL or ENABLE CCW that caused the connection attempt ends with Unit Check and Intervention Required. The reason for the failure is indicated in the System Cause Text field Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action Correct the RHOST/RPORT configuration statements in the configuration file. If this message occured during a program initiated DIAL, correct the dial data. HHCCA002I HHCCA002I CCUU:Line Communication thread thread id started Explanation The thread responsible for asynchronous operations for the BSC emulated line CCUU has been started. System Action The system continues. Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCA003E HHCCA003E CCUU:Cannot obtain socket for incoming calls : System Cause Text Explanation A system error occured while attempting to create a socket to listen for incoming calls. System Action The device creation is aborted.
Operator Action
None. Programmer Action Check the System Cause Text for any information relating to the host system. Notify support. HHCCA004W HHCCA004W CCUU:Waiting 5 seconds for port port to become available Explanation While attempting to reserve port port to listen to, the system indicated the port was already being used. System Action The system waits 5 seconds and then retries the operation. Operator Action Terminate the device if the port is in error. Programmer Action Determine the program holding the specified port. If the port cannot be made available, use a different port. HHCCA005I HHCCA005I CCUU:Listening on port port for incoming TCP connections Explanation The system is now listening on port port for incoming a tcp connection. System Action The system continues. Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCA006T HHCCA006T CCUU:Select failed : System Cause Text Explanation An error occured during a 'select' system call. System Action The BSC thread is terminated. Operator Action
Programmer Action Check the System Cause Text for any indication of where the error might come from. Notify Support. HHCCA007W HHCCA007W CCUU:Outgoing call failed during ENABLE|DIAL command : System Cause Text Explanation The system reported that a previously initiated TCP connection could not be completed. System Action The I/O operation responsible for the TCP outgoing connection is ended with Unit Check and Intervention Required. Operator Action If the error indicates that the error is temporary, retry the operation. Programmer Action Check that the destination for this line is correctly configured. If the operation was a DIAL attempt, check in the application configuration or operation data. HHCCA008I HHCCA008I CCUU:cthread - Incoming Call Explanation The BSC thread has received an incoming call. System Action Depending on configuration and operational status, the call is either accepted or rejected. Eventually an ongoing I/O operation may complete. Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCA009I HHCCA009I CCUU:BSC utility thread terminated Explanation The BSC thread has ended. System Action The system continues. Operator Action Refer to any previous error message to determine if this message was not unexpected.
Programmer Action Refer to any previous error message to determine if this message was not unexpected. HHCCA010I HHCCA010I CCUU:initialization not performed Explanation The Device initialization process has failed. System Action The system terminates or continues, depending on the reason for which the device was initialization was initiated. Operator Action Refer to any previous error message. Programmer Action Refer to any previous error message. HHCCA011E HHCCA011E CCUU:Error parsing Keyword Explanation The device keyword parser found an error while parsing a known keyword. System Action The system continues. The device initialization routine turns on a NOGO flag. Operator Action For a runtime initialization, correct the device initialization parameters, otherwise notify the programmer. Programmer Action For an engine initialization, correct the device configuration parameters in the configuration file. HHCCA012E HHCCA012E CCUU:Unrecognized parameter Keyword Explanation The device keyword parser found an unknown keyword in the device parameter list. System Action The system continues. The device initialization routine turns on a NOGO flag. Operator Action For a runtime initialization, correct the device initialization parameters, otherwise notify the programmer. Programmer Action For an engine initialization, correct the device configuration parameters in the configuration file.
HHCCA013E HHCCA013E CCUU:Incorrect local port|remote port|local host|remote host specification value Explanation The device initialization routine could not correctly parse a parameter value. System Action The system continues. The device initialization routine turns on a NOGO flag. Operator Action For a runtime initialization, correct the device initialization parameters, otherwise notify the programmer. Programmer Action For an engine initialization, correct the device configuration parameters in the configuration file. HHCCA014E HHCCA014E CCUU:Incorrect switched/dial specification value; defaulting to DIAL=OUT Explanation The device initialization routine found an incorrect DIAL value. System Action The system continues. The device initialization routine turns on a NOGO flag. Operator Action For a runtime initialization, correct the device initialization parameters, otherwise notify the programmer. Programmer Action For an engine initialization, correct the device configuration parameters in the configuration file. HHCCA015E HHCCA015E CCUU:Missing parameter : DIAL=NO|IN|OUT|INOUT and
Explanation The device initialization routine found that a mandatory parameter was not provided for a specific DIAL Value. System Action The system continues. The device initialization routine turns on a NOGO flag. Operator Action For a runtime initialization, correct the device initialization parameters, otherwise notify the programmer. Programmer Action For an engine initialization, correct the device configuration parameters in the configuration file. Note For DIAL=NO , LPORT, RPORT and RHOST are needed For DIAL=IN , LPORT is required
For DIAL=INOUT, LPORT is required
HHCCA016W HHCCA016W CCUU:Conflicting parameter : DIAL=NO|IN|OUT|INOUT and
Explanation The device initialization routine found that a parameter was provided for a parameter that is not relevant for a specific DIAL value. System Action The parameter is ignored. The system continues. Operator Action For a runtime initialization, correct the device initialization parameters, otherwise notify the programmer. Programmer Action For an engine initialization, correct the device configuration parameters in the configuration file. Note For DIAL=IN , RPORT and RHOST are ignored For DIAL=OUT , LPORT, LHOST, RPORT and RHOST are ignored For DIAL=INOUT, RPORT and RHOST are ignored HHCCA017I HHCCA017I CCUU:LPORT|RPORT|LHOST|RHOST parameter ignored Explanation The system indicates that the parameter specified is ignored. This message is preceeded by message HHCCA016W. System Action The system continues. Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCA018E HHCCA018E CCUU:Bind failed : System Cause Text Explanation While attempting to bind a socket to a specific host/port, the host system returned an uncorrectable error. System Action BSC Thread terminates.
Operator Action
None. Programmer Action Check that the LHOST parameter for this device is indeed a local IP address, otherwise notify support. HHCCA019E HHCCA019E CCUU:BSC comm thread did not initialise Explanation The BSC communication thread reported that it terminated while the device was initialising. System Action The device is not initialised. Operator Action Check for any previously issued error message. Programmer Action Check for any previously issued error message. HHCCA020E HHCCA020E CCUU:Memory allocation failure for main control block Explanation A memory allocation failure occurred, while attempting to reserve memory for the Communication Adapter control block. System Action The device is not initialised. Operator Action
None. Programmer Action
Contact support. HHCCA021I HHCCA021I CCUU:Initialization failed due to previous errors Explanation The initialization process for device CCUU did not complete successfully. System Action The device is not initialised. Operator Action
Programmer Action Refer to any previous error message. HHCCA300D HHCCA300D Debug Message Explanation This is a debug message. CCW Tracing has been turned on for this device and the Line Handler issues debug messages to help diagnose interface, conformance and protocol issues. System Action The system continues. Operator Action If the debug messages are no longer necessary, turn off CCW tracing (panel command : 't-CCUU'). Programmer Action

45. Messages HHCCFnnns -
Configuration File Processing
HHCCF001S HHCCF001S Error reading file filename line lineno: error Explanation An error was encountered reading the configuration file named filename at line number lineno. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF002S HHCCF002S File filename line lineno is too long Explanation The line at line number lineno in the configuration file filename is too long and cannot be processed. Action Correct the line and restart Hercules. HHCCF003S HHCCF003S Cannot open file filename: error Explanation The configuration file named filename could not be opened. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF004S HHCCF004S No device records in file filename Explanation The configuration file named filename does not contain any device definition records. Without these, Hercules cannot do any meaningful work. Action Specify one or more device definitions in the configuration file and restart Hercules.
HHCCF005S HHCCF005S Unrecognized argument argument Explanation An invalid argument, argument, was specified on the HTTPPORT configuration statement in the file named filename at line number lineno. Only the arguments auth and noauth are valid. Action Correct the invalid argument and restart Hercules. HHCCF006S HHCCF006S Error in filename line lineno: Userid, but no password given userid Explanation A userid, userid, was specified on the HTTPPORT configuration statement in the file named filename at line number lineno, but no password was provided. A password is required if a userid is present. Action Either remove the userid, or specify a password, and restart Hercules. HHCCF007S HHCCF007S Error in filename line lineno: Missing argument Explanation The HTTPROOT configuration statement was specified in the file named filename at line number lineno, but no directory was specified. A directory is required. Action Specify the directory where the Hercules web server will find its HTML files and restart Hercules. HHCCF008E HHCCF008E Error in filename line lineno: Unrecognized keyword keyword Explanation An invalid configuration statement was specified in the file named filename at line number lineno. The invalid keyword was keyword. Action Correct the invalid statement and restart Hercules.
HHCCF009S HHCCF009S Error in filename line lineno: Incorrect number of operands Explanation The configuration statement at line lineno of the file named filename had an invalid number of operands. For all but the HTTPPORT statement exactly one operand is required. Action Correct the invalid statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF010S HHCCF010S Error in filename line lineno: Unknown or unsupported ARCHMODE specification mode Explanation The ARCHMODE configuration statement at line lineno of the file named filename specified an invalid architecture. Only S/370, ESA/390, or ESAME are valid. If one of these was specified, then support for that architecture was excluded when the copy of Hercules in use was compiled. Action Correct the specified value and restart Hercules. If the message was issued because support for the desired architecture was excluded, then recompile Hercules. HHCCF011S HHCCF011S Error in filename line lineno: serialno is not a valid serial number Explanation The serial number serialno specified on the CPUSERIAL configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be exactly six digits long and must be a valid hexadecimal number. Action Correct the serial number and restart Hercules. HHCCF012S HHCCF012S Error in filename line lineno: modelno is not a valid CPU model Explanation The model number modelno specified on the CPUMODEL configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be exactly four digits long, and must be a valid hexadecimal number. Action Correct the model number and restart Hercules.
HHCCF013S HHCCF013S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid main storage size size Explanation The main storage size size specified on the MAINSIZE configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number whose value is at least 2. For 32-bit platforms the value must not exceed 4095. Action Correct the main storage size and restart Hercules. HHCCF014S HHCCF014S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid expanded storage size size Explanation The expanded storage size size specified on the XPNDSIZE configuration statement at line number
lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 0 and 16777215. Action Correct the expanded storage size and restart Hercules. HHCCF015S HHCCF015S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid console port number port Explanation The console port number port specified on the CNSLPORT configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid nonzero decimal number. Action Correct the console port number and restart Hercules. HHCCF016S HHCCF016S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid threadname thread priority priority Explanation The thread priority priority specified on the xxxPRIO configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number. Action Correct the priority on the statement and restart Hercules.
HHCCF017W HHCCF017W Hercules is not running as setuid root, cannot raise threadname priority Explanation A negative value for the threadname thread priority parameter xxxPRIO was specified but Hercules is not running as the root user (either directly or via the setuid mechanism). This parameter value would cause the priority of the CPU execution thread to be raised above the normal level if Hercules were running as root. Since it is not, however, the parameter will have no effect. Action Either specify a positive value to lower the CPU thread priority, zero to not alter the priority, or omit the statement entirely to use the Hercules default CPU thread priority of 15. HHCCF018S HHCCF018S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid number of CPUs number Explanation The number of emulated CPUs number specified on the NUMCPU configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 1 and the maximum number defined when Hercules was built (usually 2; this number is never more than 2 for S/370 mode, or 16 for ESA/390 or ESAME mode). Action Correct the number of emulated CPUs and restart Hercules. HHCCF019S HHCCF019S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid number of VFs number Explanation The number of emulated Vector Facility engines number specified on the NUMVEC configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 1 and the maximum number defined when Hercules was built (usually 2). Action Correct the number of emulated Vector Facility engines and restart Hercules. HHCCF020W HHCCF020W Vector Facility support not configured Explanation A request for Vector Facility support was made by the NUMVEC configuration statement, but Hercules was built without the Vector Facility code. The request has been ignored.
Action If Vector Facility support is desired, recompile Hercules. If not, remove the NUMVEC configuration statement. HHCCF021S HHCCF021S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid maximum number of CPUs number Explanation The maximum number of emulated CPUs number specified on the MAXCPU configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number. It must not exceed the maximum number (MAX_CPU_ENGINES) defined when Hercules was built. Action Correct the MAXCPU parameter and restart Hercules. HHCCF022S HHCCF022S Error in filename line lineno: epoch is not a valid system epoch Explanation The system epoch epoch specified on the SYSEPOCH configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be one of the following: 1900, 1928, 1960, 1988, or 1970. Action Correct the system epoch and restart Hercules. If a different epoch is desired, a change must be made to the Hercules source file config.c and Hercules rebuilt. HHCCF023S HHCCF023S Error in filename line lineno: offset is not a valid timezone offset Explanation The system timezone offset offset specified on the TZOFFSET configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be five characters long and a valid decimal number of the form (+|­)number, where number must be between zero and 2359 (representing 23 hours, 59 minutes). Action Correct the time zone offset and restart Hercules. HHCCF024S HHCCF024S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid TOD clock drag factor drag Explanation The TOD clock drag factor drag specified on the TODDRAG configuration statement at line number
lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number between 1 and 10000. Action Correct the TOD clock drag factor and restart Hercules.
HHCCF025S HHCCF025S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid panel refresh rate rate Explanation The control panel refresh rate rate specified on the PANRATE configuration statement at line number
lineno of the file named filename must be either F, S, or a valid decimal number between 1 and 5000. Action Correct the control panel refresh rate and restart Hercules. HHCCF026S HHCCF026S Error in filename line lineno: Unknown OS tailor specification tailor Explanation The OS tailoring value tailor specified on the OSTAILOR configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be either OS/390, VSE, VM, LINUX, NULL, or QUIET. Action Correct the OS tailoring value and restart Hercules. HHCCF027S HHCCF027S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid maximum device threads threads Explanation The maximum device threads threads specified on the DEVTMAX configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number greater than -1. Action Correct the maximum device threads and restart Hercules. HHCCF028S HHCCF028S Invalid program product OS permission permission Explanation The program product OS permission permission specified on the PGMPRDOS configuration statement must be either LICENSED or RESTRICTED. The alternative spelling LICENCED is also accepted. Action Correct the program product OS permission and restart Hercules.
HHCCF029S HHCCF029S Invalid HTTP port number port Explanation The HTTP server port number
port specified on the HTTPPORT configuration statement must be either 80, or a valid decimal number greater than 1024. Action Correct the HTTP server port number and restart Hercules. HHCCF030S HHCCF030S Error in filename line lineno: Invalid I/O delay value delay Explanation The I/O delay value delay specified on the IODELAY configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be a valid decimal number. Action Correct the I/O delay value and restart Hercules. HHCCF031S HHCCF031S Cannot obtain sizeMB main storage: error Explanation An attempt to obtain the amount of main storage specified by MAINSTOR failed for the reason described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF032S HHCCF032S Cannot obtain storage key array: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the array of storage keys failed for the reason described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules.
HHCCF033S HHCCF033S Cannot obtain sizeMB expanded storage: error Explanation An attempt to obtain the amount of expanded storage specified by XPNDSTOR failed for the reason described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF034W HHCCF034W Expanded storage support not installed Explanation A request was made for expanded storage by the XPNDSTOR configuration parameter, but Hercules was built without expanded storage support. The request was ignored. Action Either remove the XPNDSTOR configuration parameter or recompile Hercules with expanded storage support included. HHCCF035S HHCCF035S Error in filename line lineno: Missing device number or device type Explanation The I/O device definition statement at line number lineno of the file named filename did not contain a device number or a device type. Action Supply the missing value and restart Hercules. HHCCF036S HHCCF036S Error in filename line lineno: number is not a valid device number(s) specification Explanation The I/O device definition statement at line number lineno of the file named filename specified an invalid device number number. The device number must be one to four hexadecimal digits. Action Correct the device number and restart Hercules.
HHCCF037S HHCCF037S Message pipe creation failed: error Explanation An attempt to create a pipe for communication with the control panel failed. The error is described by
error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF038S HHCCF038S Message pipe open failed: error Explanation An attempt to open the pipe for communication with the control panel failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF039W HHCCF039W PGMPRDOS LICENSED specified. A licensed program product operating systems is running. You are responsible for meeting all conditions of your software license. Explanation The configuration parameter PGMPRDOS LICENSED was specified and Hercules has detected that the operating system is a licensed program product. This message is issued to remind you that compliance with the terms of the license for your system's software is your responsibility. Action Be sure you know what you are doing. HHCCF040E HHCCF040E Cannot create CPU number thread: error Explanation An attempt to create a new thread for execution of CPU number failed. The error is described by error. The CPU has not been added to the configuration. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCCF041E HHCCF041E Device address already exists Explanation An attempt was made to define a device at address address. There is already a device at that address. Action Either choose another device address or use the detach command to remove the existing device. HHCCF042E HHCCF042E Device type type not recognized Explanation An attempt was made to define a device of type type. This device type is not supported by Hercules. It may also indicate that the system was unable to load the device handler for the specified device type. Action Specify a supported device type. If the device type is supported, make sure the the system can load the load modules necessary for device operations. Either use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or use ldconfig(8) to customize the library search path. HHCCF043E HHCCF043E Cannot obtain device block for device address: error Explanation An attempt to allocate memory for the control block describing the device with address address failed. The error is described by error. The device has not been defined. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCCF044E HHCCF044E Initialization failed for device address Explanation The device at address address could not be initialized. The device initialization routine has issued a message describing the problem in further detail; refer to that message for more information. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCCF045E HHCCF045E Cannot obtain buffer for device address: error Explanation An attempt to allocate memory for the data buffer for the device with address address failed. The error is described by error. The device has not been defined. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCCF046E HHCCF046E Device address does not exist Explanation An attempt was made to remove a device at address address. There is no device at that address. Action Choose another device address to remove, if desired. HHCCF047I HHCCF047I Device address detached Explanation The device at address address has been successfully removed from the system. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCF048E HHCCF048E Device address does not exist Explanation An attempt was made to rename a device at address address. There is no device at that address. Action Choose another device address to rename, if desired. HHCCF049E HHCCF049E Device address already exists Explanation An attempt was made to rename a device to address address. There is already a device at that address.
Action Either choose another device address or use the detach command to remove the existing device. HHCCF050I HHCCF050I Device oldaddr defined as newaddr Explanation The device which was previously defined with the address oldaddr has been changed to the address
newaddr. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCF051S HHCCF051S Error in filename line lineno: verid is not a valid CPU version code Explanation The version code verid specified on the CPUVERID configuration statement at line number lineno of the file named filename must be exactly two digits long and must be a valid hexadecimal number. Action Correct the model number and restart Hercules. HHCCF052S HHCCF052S DIAG8CMD invalid option: option Explanation The argument option on the DIAG8CMD is invalid. Valid options are enable, disable, echo, and noecho. Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF053E HHCCF053E Incorrect second device number in device range near character c Explanation The second argument of a device range contains an incorrect device number Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
HHCCF054E HHCCF054E Incorrect Device count near character c Explanation The count field in a device count specification is invalid Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF055E HHCCF055E Incorrect device address specification near character c Explanation The first or only CUU in a device specification statement is invalid Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF056E HHCCF056E Incorrect device address range. CUU1>CUU2 Explanation The first device number of a range is greater than the last device number Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF057E HHCCF057E CUU is on wrong channel (1st device defined on channel CC) Explanation At least one of the devices in a device number specification is on a different channel than a previously defined device number within the same specification. All device numbers on a single configuration line must be on a single channel (Group of 256 devices) Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF058E HHCCF058E Some or all devices in CUU-CUU duplicate devices already defined Explanation At least one of the device numbers on a device specification statement defines a device number that is already specified on that same statement.
Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules. HHCCF061W HHCCF061W ECPS:VM Statement deprecated. Use ECPSVM instead Explanation The “ECPS:VM” statement was encountered. This statement is deprecated in favor of the “ECPSVM” statement. Action The configuration statement is still carried out but the statement syntax should be changed as soon as possible. HHCCF062W HHCCF062W Missing ECPSVM level value. 20 Assumed Explanation The “ECPSVM” statement keyword “LEVEL” was encountered but no numeric level followed it. Action The default level of 20 is used and the ECPS:VM feature is made available. The statement should be corrected as soon as possible. HHCCF063W HHCCF063W Specifying ECPSVM level directly is deprecated. Use the 'LEVEL' keyword instead Explanation The deprecated “ECPSVM” level syntax form (without the LEVEL keyword) was found. Action The ECPS:VM Level is set to the specified value. The configuration statement should be updated to include the “LEVEL” keyword. HHCCF064W HHCCF064W Hercules set priority priority failed: error Explanation An attempt to change the priority of the Hercules process to priority failed. The error is described by error. The process priority has not been changed. Hercules overall performance may be impaired as a result. Action If performance problems are noted, correct the error and restart Hercules.
HHCCF065I HHCCF065I Hercules: tid=threadid, pid=processid, pgid=processgroupid, priority=priority Explanation Hercules thread id is threadid, its process id is processid, its process group id is processgroupid and its execution priority is priority. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCF066E HHCCF066E Invalid HTTPROOT: error Explanation The pathname specified on your HTTPROOT statement is invalid. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF067S HHCCF067S Incorrect keyword keyword for the ASN_AND_LX_REUSE statement Explanation The keyword specified for the ASN_AND_LX_REUSE statement is not ENABLE or DISABLE. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF068E HHCCF068E Invalid value: value; Enter “help scsimount” for help. Explanation The automatic SCSI tape mount value is not “NO” nor a value between 1 and 99 seconds inclusive. Action Reissue the SCSIMOUNT command.
HHCCF069I HHCCF069I Run-options enabled for this run:
ASN-and-LX-reuse: Enabled/Disabled
DIAG8CMD: Enabled/Disabled
Explanation This message confirms the setting of various run-time options specified in the configuration file at startup time. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCF074E HHCCF074E Unspecified error occured while parsing Logical Channel Subsystem Identification Explanation A logic error occured while parsing the Logical Channel Subsystem Identification component of a device number or device number group. Action Notify Hercules support. This is an error in the Hercules parsing routines. HHCCF075E HHCCF075E No more than 1 Logical Channel Subsystem Identification may be specified Explanation While specifying a device number or device number group, more than one ':' character was encountered while parsing the Logical Channel Subsystem Identification component. There can be only one Logical Channel Subsystem Identification for a device or group of devices. Action Correct the device number or device number group specification and either reissue the command or restart the Hercules engine, depending on whether the error occured while issuing a command or while starting the engine. HHCCF076E HHCCF076E Non numeric Logical Channel Subsystem Identification XX Explanation While specifying a device number or device number group, a non-decimal value was encountered while parsing the Logical Channel Subsystem Identification component. The Logical Channel Subsystem Identification for a device or group of devices must be specified as a numeric value.
Action Correct the device number or device number group specification and either reissue the command or restart the Hercules engine, depending on whether the error occured while issuing a command or while starting the engine. HHCCF077E HHCCF077E Logical Channel Subsystem Identification NN exceeds maximum of 3 Explanation While specifying a device number or device number group, a Logical Channel Identification was encoun­tered that exceeded the architecture maximum value of NN. The Logical Channel Subsystem Identifica­tion for a device or group of devices must be within 0 and 3 (inclusive). Action Correct the device number or device number group specification and either reissue the command or restart the Hercules engine, depending on whether the error occured while issuing a command or while starting the engine. HHCCF079A HHCCF079A A licensed program product operating system has been detected. All processors have been stopped. Explanation Hercules has detected that the operating system is a licensed program product, but the PGMPRDOS LICENSED parameter was not specified in the Hercules configuration file. Action Hercules enters the stopped state. To run this operating system you must obtain a license from the operating system supplier and specify the PGMPRDOS LICENSED parameter in the configuration file. If you are unable to obtain a valid license allowing you to run this operating system on your machine, you must use another operating system (such as MVS 3.8J or Linux for System z) which does not require a license. HHCCF081I HHCCF081I fname will ignore include errors. Explanation An ignore include_errors statement was encountered in file fname requesting that any include statements subsequently found within file fname which happen to reference include files which do not exist should simply cause a HHCCF084W warning instead of a HHCCF085S fatal error. Action Processing continues. This is an informational-only message.
HHCCF082S HHCCF082S Error in fname line nnn: Maximum nesting level (nn) reached Explanation The maximum number of nested include statements has been exceeded. The include statement which caused the maximum nesting level of nn to be exceeded is identified as statement number nnn of file
fname. Action This is a fatal error. Configuration file processing is immediately terminated and Hercules startup is abor- ted. Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCF083I HHCCF083I fname1 Including fname2 at nnn. Explanation An include statement for file fname2 was encountered on line nnn of file fname1. Action Configuration file processing switches immediately to processing the statements contained in file fname2. Once all of the ststements in file fname2 have been completely processed, configuration file processing will then return to statement nnn+1 of file fname1. This is an informational-only message. HHCCF084W HHCCF084W fname1 Open error ignored file fname2: error Explanation File fname1 contained an include statement for file fname2 which could not be opened because of error. Action Processing continues. This is a informational warning only. Check to make sure the filename specified by fname2 was spelled correctly and restart Hercules if desired. HHCCF085S HHCCF085S fname1 Open error file fname2: error Explanation File fname1 contained an include statement for file fname2 which could not be opened because of error. Action This is a fatal error. Configuration file processing is immediately terminated and Hercules startup is abor- ted. Correct any misspelling of filename fname2 and restart Hercules.
HHCCF086S HHCCF086S Error in filename: NUMCPU nn must not exceed MAXCPU mm Explanation The number of online CPUs nn specified in the NUMCPU configuration statement in the file named filename cannot exceed the maximum number of CPUs mm specified in the MAXCPU configuration statement. Action Either decrease the NUMCPU parameter, or increase the MAXCPU parameter, and restart Hercules. HHCCF089S HHCCF089S Error in fname line linenum: Invalid log option keyword val Explanation File fname containes an invalid log option keyword val on line num. Action Correct the log option keyword in file fname and restart Hercules.

46. Messages HHCCPnnns - CPU Emulation HHCCP001W HHCCP001W CPU thread set priority priority failed: error Explanation An attempt to change the priority of the CPU thread to priority failed. The error is described by error. The thread priority has not been changed. Hercules overall performance may be impaired as a result. Action If performance problems are noted, correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCP002I HHCCP002I CPU number thread started: tid=threadid, pid=processid, priority=priority Explanation The execution thread for CPU number number has been started. Its thread id is threadid, its process id is
processid and its execution priority is priority. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCP003I HHCCP003I CPU number architecture mode mode Explanation CPU number has been set to the mode architecture mode. Action None. This is an informational message. If a different architecture mode is desired, it may be changed with the ARCHMODE configuration statement or the archmode control panel command. HHCCP004I HHCCP004I CPU number Vector Facility online Explanation The Vector Facility for CPU number is online and available for use. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCCP005E HHCCP005E CPU number thread already started Explanation An attempt was made to add CPU number number to the configuration. This CPU already exists. Action If another CPU is desired in the configuration, select a different number. HHCCP006S HHCCP006S Cannot create timer thread: error Explanation An attempt to create the thread used for timing functions has failed. The error is described by error. The CPU thread terminates and successful continuation of Hercules is not possible. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCCP007I HHCCP007I CPU number architecture mode set to mode Explanation CPU number number has been changed to the architecture mode mode. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCP008I HHCCP008I CPU number thread ended: tid=threadid, pid=processid Explanation The execution thread for CPU number number has ended. Its thread id was threadid, and its process id was processid. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCCP009E HHCCP009E CPU MASK MISMATCH: prevmask - currmask. Last instruction: instruction. Explanation The CPU interrupt mask has changed unexpectedly. The previous mask was prevmask and the current mask is currmask. The last instruction executed was instruction. This is an internal error. Action Report this message and the circumstances to the Hercules developers. HHCCP010I HHCCP010I CPU number store status completed. Explanation CPU number number has completed a store status operation. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCP011I HHCCP011I CPU number: Disabled wait state Explanation CPU number number has entered a disabled wait state. It will not execute any further instructions unless it is reset or restarted. This is usually done to report a severe error in execution of an operating system. Action Correct the error denoted by the wait state code if applicable. HHCCP023I HHCCP023I External interrupt: Interrupt key Explanation The CPU has taken an external interrupt because the operator pressed the interrupt key or issued the panel command ext. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCCP024I HHCCP024I External interrupt: Clock comparator Explanation The CPU has taken a clock comparator interrupt. This message is issued only when the CPU is in single- stepping or instruction-tracing mode. Action None. This is an informational message. External interrupts are part of normal system operation. HHCCP025I HHCCP025I External interrupt: CPU timer=
xx…xx Explanation The CPU has taken a CPU timer interrupt. xx…xx is the hexadecimal value of the CPU timer. This message is issued only when the CPU is in single-stepping or instruction-tracing mode. Action None. This is an informational message. External interrupts are part of normal system operation. HHCCP026I HHCCP026I External interrupt: Interval timer Explanation The CPU has taken an external interrupt caused by the interval timer. This message is issued only when the CPU is in single-stepping or instruction-tracing mode. Action None. This is an informational message. External interrupts are part of normal system operation. HHCCP027I HHCCP027I External interrupt: Service signal intparm Explanation The CPU has taken a service signal external interrupt. intparm is the interrupt parameter. This message is issued only when the CPU is in single-stepping or instruction-tracing mode. Action None. This is an informational message. External interrupts are part of normal system operation.
HHCCP090W HHCCP090W The configuration has been placed into a system check-stop state because of an incompatible service call Explanation A READ SCP INFO (code X'00020001') Service call has been issued from a CPU which is not a CP engine. All the CPUs in the configuration are put into a Check-Stop state. Action Ensure the CPU that issues the service call is a CP engine and restart the program.

47. Messages HHCCTnnns - Channel-to-Channel Adapter Emulation HHCCTnnns Messages HHCCTnnns are not yet documented.

48. Messages HHCCUnnns - CCKD Utilities 48.1 Format of the CCKD utilities messages Messages generated by the CCKD utilities are in the format message_id file message_text. The format of the message ID is the same as with all other Hercules messages. file will either be the part of the file name following the last slash (“/” or “\“) when called by a utility command, or will be xxxx: file[n] where xxxx is the device number and n is the shadow file number when called by Hercules. The file portion of the message is omitted in the sections below for brevity. HHCCU101I HHCCU101I converting to endian-format Explanation The file is in the wrong endian (byte order) format for the host architecture. The file is being converted to the host endian format endian-format. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCU102I HHCCU102I compress successful, n bytes released Explanation The compress function successfully completed and free n bytes from the file. If n is 0, then the level 2 tables were repositioned to the beginning of the file in order. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCU103I HHCCU103I file already compressed Explanation The compress function determined that the file is already compressed. The file is not updated. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCCU104I HHCCU104I free space rebuilt Explanation Free space errors were detected and free space has been successfully rebuilt. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCU300I HHCCU300I number space images recovered Explanation Recovery phase 1 completed, recovering number spaces (trks or blkgrps). Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCU301I HHCCU301I space[id] recovered offset offset len length Explanation The space space (trk or blkgrp) was recovered at offset offset and length length. id is the trk or blkgrp number. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCCU500W HHCCU500W recovery not completed, file opened read-only Explanation Phase 3 recovery did not complete because the file is not opened for write. Action Omit the -ro option for cckdcdsk or change the file permissions to enable the file to be opened for read- write for Hercules. HHCCU501W HHCCU501W recovery not completed, missing compression Explanation Phase 3 recovery did not complete because one or more trk or blkgrp images were compressed using a compression (zlib or bzip2) that was not built into Hercules.
Action Processing terminates. The file has not been updated. Build Hercules with the missing compression libraries. HHCCU502W HHCCU502W free space not rebuilt, file opened read-only Explanation Free space errors were detected but the free space was not rebuilt because the file is not opened for write. Action Omit the -ro option for cckdcdsk or change the file permissions to enable the file to be opened for read- write by Hercules. HHCCU600W HHCCU600W forcing check level level[; reason] Explanation Errors have been detected in the compressed file that warrant the escalation of the check level to level. An additional explanation reason may be supplied. Action At a minimum, free space will be rebuilt. HHCCU601W HHCCU601W cdevhdr inconsistencies found code=code Explanation The space statistics in the cckddasd device header (cdevhdr) contain inconsistencies described by code.
code is a 16-bit bit field and more than one bit may be on. See cckdutil.c for the different bit settings. Action At a minimum, free space will be rebuilt. HHCCU602W HHCCU602W space offset offset len length is out of bounds Explanation The space space (trk, blkgrp or l2) either precedes the end of the L1 table (at the beginning of the file) or exceeds the end of the file. Action The space will be recovered. If the space is an L2 table, then all tracks or block groups associated with the table will also be recovered.
HHCCU603W HHCCU603W space1 offset offset1 len length overlaps space2 offset offset2 Explanation The space space1 overlaps space space2. Action The spaces will be recovered. If either space is an L2 table, then all tracks or block groups associated with that table will also be recovered. HHCCU604W HHCCU604W space l2 inconsistency: len length, size size Explanation The space space (trk or blkgrp) has an inconsistent l2 entry. Either the length length is too small or is too large or exceeds the size size. Action The space will be recovered. HHCCU610W HHCCU610W free space errors detected Explanation Free space is not consistent. Action Free space will be rebuilt. HHCCU620W HHCCU620W space[id] hdr error offset offset: xxxxxxxxxx Explanation A header error was found for space (trk or blkgrp) during <wrap>validation. </wrap>//<wrap>id</wrap>//
is the trk or blkgrp number. The header is located at file offset offset. The contents of the 5 byte header is xxxxxxxxxx in hex. The first byte of the header should be either 00 (compress none), 01 (compress zlib) or 02 (compress bzip2). For ckd, the next two bytes is the cylinder (in big-endian byte order) and the two bytes after that is the head (also in big-endian byte order). For fba, the next four bytes is the block group number (in big-endian byte order).
The header contains an invalid value. Either the offset is incorrect or the header has been overlaid. Action The space will be recovered. HHCCU621W HHCCU621W space[id] compressed using compression, not supported Explanation During validation, the header for space (trk or blkgrp) indicates that the space was compressed using compression (zlib or bzip2) but support for that compression method was not built into <wrap>Hercules. </wrap>//<wrap>id</wrap>//
is the trk or blkgrp number. Action Processing continues. However no recovery will take place. Build Hercules with the specified compres- sion library. HHCCU622W HHCCU622W space[id] offset offset len length validation error Explanation The space (trk or blkgrp) at offset offset and length length failed <wrap>validation. </wrap>//<wrap>id</wrap>//is the trk or blkgrp number. Either the space did not uncom press successfully or the uncompressed space contains some kind of error. This error is detected during check level 3 validation. Action The space will be recovered. HHCCU700E HHCCU700E open error: error text Explanation Open failed for the file. The text associated with the error number is displayed. Action Processing for the file terminates. HHCCU701E HHCCU701E fstat error: error text Explanation The file status system call failed. The text associated with the error number is displayed. Action Function processing terminates. Probable Hercules logic error. Contact the Hercules mailing list for assistance.
HHCCU702E HHCCU702E lseek error offset offset: error text Explanation File reposition to offset offset failed. The text associated with the error number is displayed. Action Function processing terminates. Probable Hercules logic error. Contact the Hercules mailing list for assistance. HHCCU703E HHCCU703E read error rc=retcode offset offset len length: error text Explanation A read failed at offset offset for length length. If retcode is not negative then the read was incomplete and the value indicates how many bytes were read. Otherwise the text associated with the error number is displayed. Action Function processing terminates. Possible Hercules logic error. Possible hardware error. Contact the hercules mailing list for assistance. HHCCU704E HHCCU704E write error rc=retcode offset offset len length: error text Explanation A write failed at offset offset for length length. If retcode is not negative then the write was incomplete and the value indicates how many bytes were written. Otherwise the text associated with the error number is displayed. Action Function processing terminates. Possible Hercules logic error. Possible hardware error. Contact the hercules mailing list for assistance. HHCCU705E HHCCU705E malloc error, size size: error text Explanation Malloc (allocate memory) failed for size size. Action Function processing terminates. Try reducing Hercules storage requirements (e.g. mainsize).
HHCCU706E HHCCU706E calloc error, size size: error text Explanation Calloc (allocate cleared memory) failed for size size. Action Function processing terminates. Try reducing Hercules storage requirements (eg mainsize). HHCCU707E HHCCU707E OPENED bit is on, use -f Explanation The file OPENED bit is on in the cckd header but -f was not specified. Action File processing terminates. Make sure the file is not in use. If it is not, try the command again specifying the -f option. HHCCU708E HHCCU708E chkdsk errors Explanation The utility called cckd_chkdsk for the file and it returned in error. Action File processing terminates. Perform the actions suggested by the preceding cckd_chkdsk errors. HHCCU900E HHCCU900E dasd lookup error type=type cyls=cyls Explanation The device type type from the device header along with the number of cylinders cyls did not match a table entry in dasdtab.c. Note that type is the last two bytes of the device type (eg 90 for a 3390 device type). Action Function processing terminates. Specify the correct file name or manually correct the device header. HHCCU901E HHCCU901E bad trksize: size1, expecting size2 Explanation The track size size1 from the device header does match the track size size2 from the table entry in dasdtab.c.
Action Function processing terminates. Specify the correct file name or manually correct the device header. HHCCU902E HHCCU902E bad number of heads: heads1, expecting heads2 Explanation The number of heads heads1 from the device header does match the number of heads heads2 from the table entry in dasdtab.c. Action Function processing terminates. Specify the correct file name or manually correct the device header. HHCCU903E HHCCU903E bad `numl1tab': nbr1, expecting nbr2 Explanation The number of L1 table entries nbr1 in the cckd device header does not match the number calculated nbr2. The number calculated is the number of cylinders times the number of heads (i.e. the number of tracks) divided by 256, rounded up by 1 if there is a remainder. Action Function processing terminates. Specify the correct file name or manually correct the device headers. HHCCU904E HHCCU904E file too small to contain L1 table: %size1, need size2 Explanation The size of the file size1 is not large enough to contain all L1 table entries; the size required is size2. The minimum size of a cckd file is 512 + 512 + ( 4 * number of L1 entries). Action Function processing terminates. Specify the correct file name. HHCCU905E HHCCU905E not enough file space for recovery Explanation During phase 2 recovery there was not enough space in the maximum file size to contain the rebuilt L2 tables. This is an unusual situation and probably indicates some kind of programming error. Action Function processing terminates. The file has not been updated. Contact the hercules mailing list for assistance.
HHCCU910E HHCCU910E error during swap Explanation Error occurred during cckd_swap(). Action See the preceding error messages. HHCCU999E HHCCU999E not a compressed file Explanation The first 8 bytes of the file did not match an expected identifier. For a cckd file, the identifier must be either CKD_C370 or CKD_S370. For a cfba file, the identifier must be either FBA_C370 or FBA_S370. Action Function processing terminates. Specify the correct file name.

49. Messages HHCDAnnns - DASD Emulation (CKD, CCKD and FBA) HHCDAnnns Messages HHCDAnnns are not yet documented.

50. Messages HHCDCnnns - DASDCOPY Utility HHCDC001E HHCDC001E progname: filename open error: error Explanation An error was encountered when trying to open the input file named filename to determine its type. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC002E HHCDC002E progname: filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when trying to read the input file named filename to determine its type. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC003E HHCDC003E progname: filename open failed Explanation An error was encountered when trying to open the input file named filename for copying. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC004E HHCDC004E progname: ckd lookup failed for size cyls Explanation There was no disk drive table entry that matched the number of cylinders in the CKD source file, size. The program cannot determine how much data to copy. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDC005E HHCDC005E progname: fba lookup failed, blks size Explanation There was no disk drive table entry that matched the number of blocks in the FBA source file, size. The program cannot determine how much data to copy. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC006E HHCDC006E progname: filename create failed Explanation An error was encountered when trying to create the output file named filename. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC007E HHCDC007E progname: filename open failed Explanation An error was encountered when trying to open the newly created output file named filename. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC008E HHCDC008E progname: filename read error (track|block) number stat=status Explanation An error was encountered when trying to read a block or track from the input file named filename. The block or track is number number. The status returned is shown as status. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDC009E HHCDC009E progname: filename write error (track|block) number stat=status Explanation An error was encountered when trying to read a block or track from the input file named filename. The block or track is number number. The status returned is shown as status. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDC010I HHCDC010I Copy successful !!! Explanation The copy operation has completed successfully. Action None. This is an informational message.

51. Messages HHCDGnnns - Dyngui.DLL HHCDG001I HHCDG001I dyngui.dll - name - version vers initiated Explanation The dyngui loadable module was successfully loaded and initiated. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDG002I HHCDG002I dyngui.dll terminated Explanation The dyngui loadable module was successfully terminated. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDG003S HHCDG003S select failed on input stream: errmsg Explanation The socket select function call failed on the input stream. errmsg describes the exact error. Action None; this is a fatal error, the system is immediately terminated. HHCDG004S HHCDG004S read failed on input stream: errmsg Explanation An unrecoverable i/o error occurred while reading from the input stream. errmsg describes the exact error. Action None; this is a fatal error; the system is immediately terminated. HHCDG005E HHCDG005E Device query buffer overflow! (device=xxxx) Explanation The device query buffer is not large enough to hold all of the information returned by the device handler.
xxxx is the device whose information was being queried at the time the error occurred.
Action The system attempts to continue functioning but unpredictable results may occur (i.e. the system could crash). You should report this error to the Hercules developers immediately so that they can build you a new dyngui.dll with a larger device query buffer. Since the dyngui.dll is an unloadable module you will need to restart Hercules in order to begin using the newly fixed version of dyngui.dll. HHCDG006S HHCDG006S malloc pszInputBuff failed: errmsg Explanation There was not enough virtual memory on the host system to satisfy the malloc request for the input stream buffer. errmsg describes the exact error. Action None; this is a fatal error, the system is immediately terminated. You should increase the size of your host system's virtual memory allocation so that there is enough for Hercules to run, or else decrease the amount of memory that Hercules needs in order to run (e.g. decrease your MAINSIZE value). HHCDG007S HHCDG007S malloc pszCommandBuff failed: errmsg Explanation There was not enough virtual memory on the host system to satisfy the malloc request for the command processing buffer. errmsg describes the exact error. Action None; this is a fatal error, the system is immediately terminated. You should increase the size of your host system's virtual memory allocation so that there is enough for Hercules to run, or else decrease the amount of memory that Hercules needs in order to run (e.g. decrease your MAINSIZE value).

52. Messages HHCDInnns - DASDINIT Utility HHCDI001I HHCDI001I DASD initialization successfully completed. Explanation The requested DASD volume has been successfully initialized and is ready for use. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDI002I HHCDI002I DASD initialization unsuccessful. Explanation Initialization of the requested DASD volume was not successful. Action None. This is an informational message. Refer to preceding error messages to determine the cause.

53. Messages HHCDLnnns - DASDLOAD Utility HHCDL001E HHCDL001E Cannot open filename: error Explanation The control file named filename cannot be opened. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL002E HHCDL002E Volume serial statement missing from filename Explanation The control file named filename does not contain a volume serial statement. A volume serial is required. Action Supply a volume serial statement and rerun dasdload. HHCDL003E HHCDL003E Volume serial serial in filename line lineno is not valid Explanation The volume serial serial supplied in line lineno of the control file named filename is not valid. It must be from one to six characters long. Action Supply a valid volume serial and rerun dasdload. HHCDL004E HHCDL004E Device type type in filename line lineno is not recognized Explanation The device type type specified in line lineno of the control file named filename is not a supported CKD device. Action Specify a supported CKD device type and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL005E HHCDL005E count in filename line lineno is not a valid cylinder count Explanation The requested number count of cylinders for the volume in line lineno of the control file named filename is invalid. It must be a decimal number. Action Supply a valid cylinder count and rerun dasdload. HHCDL006I HHCDL006I Creating type volume serial: tracks trks/cyl, length bytes/track Explanation The volume named serial of type type is being created with tracks tracks per cylinder and length bytes per track. Message Level
0. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL007E HHCDL007E Cannot create filename Explanation The DASD image file named filename cannot be created. A previous message described the problem. Action Correct the reported error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL008E HHCDL008E Cannot open filename Explanation The DASD image file named filename could not be opened. A previous message described the problem. Action Correct the reported error and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL009I HHCDL009I Loading type volume serial Explanation The newly created volume with serial serial of type type is being loaded. Message Level
0. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL010E HHCDL010E Cannot obtain storage for DSCB pointer array: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the array of DSCB pointers, which will populate the VTOC, failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL011E HHCDL011E Invalid statement in filename line lineno Explanation An invalid control statement was found at line lineno of the control file named filename. Action Correct the invalid statement and rerun dasdload. HHCDL012I HHCDL012I Creating dataset dsn at cyl cylinder head head Explanation The dataset named dsn is being created. It begins at cylinder cylinder head head. Message level
1 Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL013I HHCDL013I Dataset dsn contains size tracks Explanation The dataset named dsn is size tracks long. Message level
2 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL014I HHCDL014I Free space starts at cyl cylinder head head Explanation Free space on the volume begins at cylinder cylinder head head and extends to the end of the volume. Message level
1 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL015W HHCDL015W Volume exceeds cylinders Explanation The amount of space used on the volume exceeds the number of cylinders cylinders requested in the control file. The number of cylinders was explicitly requested instead of being allowed to default to the size of a full volume for the device type. The volume has been extended to accomodate the data written. Action Specify more cylinders in the control file or allow the number to default. HHCDL016I HHCDL016I Total of count cylinders written to filename Explanation A total of count cylinders have been written to the DASD image file named filename. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL017I HHCDL017I Updating VTOC pointer pointer Explanation The pointer to the VTOC in the volume label is being updated to point to the VTOC at location pointer. Message level
5 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL018E HHCDL018E Cannot read VOL1 record Explanation An attempt to read the volume label failed. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL019E HHCDL019E Cannot read filename line lineno: error Explanation An error was encountered while trying to read the statement at line number lineno of the control file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL020E HHCDL020E Line too long in filename line lineno Explanation The line at line number lineno of the control file named filename is too long to be processed. This error can be caused by failing to terminate the last line with an end-of-line marker. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL021E HHCDL021E DSNAME or initialization method missing Explanation Either the dataset name or the method to be used to initialize it is missing from the control file. Both are required. Action Supply the missing value and rerun dasdload. HHCDL022E HHCDL022E Invalid initialization method: method Explanation The method specified to initialize the dataset method is invalid. It must be one of xmit, vs, empty, dip, cvol, vtoc, or seq. Action Correct the initialization method and rerun dasdload. HHCDL023E HHCDL023E Initialization file name missing Explanation A dataset was specified as being initialized by either the xmit, vs, or seq initialization methods but no source file was specified to provide the data to be loaded. Action Specify a source file name or specify the empty dataset initialization method if the dataset is not to be loaded. HHCDL024E HHCDL024E Invalid allocation units: units Explanation The allocation unit specified units is invalid. It must be either cyl or trk. Action Specify a valid allocation unit and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL025E HHCDL025E Invalid primary space: space Explanation The primary space requested space is not a valid decimal number greater than 0. Action Specify a valid space request and rerun dasdload. HHCDL026E HHCDL026E Invalid secondary space: space Explanation The secondary space requested space is not a valid decimal number greater than 0. Action Specify a valid space request and rerun dasdload. HHCDL027E HHCDL027E Invalid directory space: space Explanation The PDS directory space requested space is not a valid decimal number greater than 0. Action Specify a valid space request and rerun dasdload. HHCDL028E HHCDL028E Invalid dataset organization: dsorg Explanation The requested dataset organization dsorg is invalid. It must be one of is, ps, da, or po. Action Specify a valid dataset organization and rerun dasdload. HHCDL029E HHCDL029E Invalid record format: recfm Explanation The requested record format recfm is invalid. It must be one of f, fb, fbs, v, vb, vbs, or u. Action Specify a valid record format and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL030E HHCDL030E Invalid logical record length: lrecl Explanation The requested logical record length lrecl is invalid. It must be a decimal number between 0 and 32767. Action Specify a valid logical record length and rerun dasdload. HHCDL031E HHCDL031E Invalid block size: blksize Explanation The requested block size blksize is invalid. It must be a decimal number between 0 and 32767. Action Specify a valid block size and rerun dasdload. HHCDL032E HHCDL032E Invalid key length: keylen Explanation The requested key length keylen is invalid. It must be a decimal number between 0 and 255. Action Specify a valid key length and rerun dasdload. HHCDL033E HHCDL033E CCHH=cchh not found in extent table Explanation The absolute track address cchh was not found in the table listing the locations occupied by the dataset being loaded. There is likely a problem with the input file. Action Correct the input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL034E HHCDL034E Cannot open filename: error Explanation The file named filename, which was specified as the source of IPL text to be written to the volume, could not be opened. The error is described by error.
Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL035E HHCDL035E Cannot read filename: error Explanation An error was encountered while reading the IPL text file named filename. The error is described by error. If no error is reported, the file did not contain an integral number of 80-byte card images. Action Correct the reported error or supply a valid IPL text file consisting of 80-byte card images and rerun dasdload. HHCDL036E HHCDL036E filename is not a valid object file Explanation The IPL text file named filename is not a valid object file. A record read from the file did not contain the required flag in the first byte. Action Supply a valid object file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL037I HHCDL037I IPL text address=addr length=length Explanation The object code from the current record of the IPL text file will be loaded into memory at address address, and is length bytes long. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL038E HHCDL038E TXT record in filename has invalid count length Explanation A text record in the IPL text file named filename has an invalid length length. The length cannot exceed 56. Action Supply a valid IPL text file and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL039E HHCDL039E IPL text in filename exceeds buflen bytes Explanation The IPL text file named filename is too long to fit in the available space on the volume. The IPL text cannot exceed buflen bytes in length. Action Supply a shorter IPL text file or specify a volume with a larger track size and rerun dasdload. HHCDL040E HHCDL040E Input record CCHHR=cchhr exceeds output device track size Explanation The block to be written at absolute address cchhr is too large to fit on a track on the disk being loaded. Action Specify a device with a larger track size and rerun dasdload. HHCDL041E HHCDL041E Dataset exceeds extent size: reltrk=track, maxtrk=maxtrk Explanation The data to be written to the dataset is too large for the space requested for it. If the space request was allowed to default, the input file is corrupt. Action If the space request was made explicitly, then request more space. If the request was defaulted, supply a valid input file. Rerun dasdload. HHCDL042E HHCDL042E Input record CCHHR=cchhr exceeds virtual device track size Explanation The block to be written at absolute address cchhr is too large to fit on a track on the disk being loaded. In addition, this message being issued instead of message HHCDL040E indicates an internal inconsistency in the way Hercules computes the space available on a track. Action Specify a device with a larger track size and rerun dasdload. Report the inconsistenct to the Hercules development team.
HHCDL043E HHCDL043E filename cyl cylinder head head read error Explanation The data at cylinder cylinder, head head of the disk image file named filename could not be read in order to be updated. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the previously reported error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL044E HHCDL044E filename cyl cylinder head head invalid track header header Explanation The track header header at cylinder cylinder, head head in the disk image file named filename contained an address that did not match the actual address. Action Rerun dasdload. If the error persists, report it to the Hercules development team. HHCDL045E HHCDL045E filename cyl cylinder head head record record record not found Explanation The record requested for update at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record of the DASD image file named filename was not found. Action Rerun dasdload. If the error persists, report it to the Hercules development team. HHCDL046E HHCDL046E Cannot update cyl cylinder head head rec record: Unmatched KL/DL Explanation The record to be written at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record does not have the same key or data length as the record that already exists at that location. This is not allowed for a record update operation. Action Rerun dasdload. If the error persists, report it to the Hercules development team.
HHCDL047E HHCDL047E filename cyl cylinder head head read error Explanation A read error was encountered when reading the track at cylinder cylinder, head head, in the disk image file named filename. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error reported by the previous message and rereun dasdload. HHCDL048I HHCDL048I Updating cyl cylinder head head rec record kl keylen dl datalen Explanation The record at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record is being updated. It has a key length of keylen and data length datalen. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL049E HHCDL049E Cannot obtain storage for DSCB: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage to build a DSCB to describe a dataset on the volume being loaded failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL050E HHCDL050E DSCB count exceeds maximum, increase MAXDSCB Explanation There are too many datasets on the volume being loaded and an internal structure in dasdload is full. Action Increase the value of the symbol MAXDSCB in the source program and recompile dasdload, then rerun the program.
HHCDL051E HHCDL051E Cannot obtain storage for DSCB: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage to build a DSCB to describe the VTOC on the volume being loaded failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL052E HHCDL052E DSCB count exceeds maximum, increase MAXDSCB Explanation There are too many datasets on the volume being loaded and an internal structure in dasdload is full. Action Increase the value of the symbol MAXDSCB in the source program and recompile dasdload, then rerun the program. HHCDL053E HHCDL053E Cannot obtain storage for DSCB: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage to build a DSCB to describe the free space on the volume being loaded failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL054E HHCDL054E DSCB count exceeds maximum, increase MAXDSCB Explanation There are too many datasets on the volume being loaded and an internal structure in dasdload is full. Action Increase the value of the symbol MAXDSCB in the source program and recompile dasdload, then rerun the program.
HHCDL055E HHCDL055E VTOC too small, tracks tracks required Explanation The VTOC allocation of tracks is too small to hold the VTOC. Action Specify at least tracks tracks for the VTOC and rerun dasdload. HHCDL056E HHCDL056E Error reading VTOC cyl cylinder head head Explanation The first track of the VTOC could not be read so it could be updated. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error reported by the previous message and rerun dasdload. HHCDL057I HHCDL057I VTOC starts at cyl cylinder head head and is tracks tracks Explanation The VTOC on the volume being loaded starts at cylinder cylinder, head head and is tracks tracks long. Message level
1 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL058I HHCDL058I Format format DSCB CCHHR=cchhr (TTR=ttr) dsname Explanation The format format DSCB is located at absolute address cchhr and relative address within the VTOC ttr. If
format is 1, the dataset described by the DSCB is named dsname. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL059I HHCDL059I Format 0 DSCB CCHHR cchhr (TTR=ttr) Explanation A format 0 (empty) DSCB is located at absolute address cchhr and relative address within the VTOC ttr. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL060E HHCDL060E Error reading track cyl cylinder head head Explanation An error was encountered reading the track at cylinder cyl, head head. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error reported by the previous message and rerun dasdload. HHCDL061E HHCDL061E Incomplete text unit Explanation An text unit read from the input file was too short to contain a valid header. The input data is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL062I HHCDL062I position tuname key fields Explanation The text unit at position of the input buffer has the name tuname and the numeric key value key. There are fields fields in the text unit. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL063E HHCDL063E Too many fields in text unit Explanation A text unit was read from the input file that had too many fields in the header for that type of text unit. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL064E HHCDL064E Incomplete text unit Explanation A text unit read from the input file was too short to contain a valid field length. The input data is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL065E HHCDL065E Incomplete text unit Explanation A text unit read from the input file was shorter than the length in the field header. The input data is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL066E HHCDL066E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when reading the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL067E HHCDL067E filename invalid segment header: header Explanation A segment read from the file named filename has an invalid header header. The input file is probably corrupt.
Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL068E HHCDL068E filename first segment indicator expected Explanation A segment read from the file named filename should have the first segment indicator set but does not. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL069E HHCDL069E filename first segment indicator not expected Explanation A segment read from the file named filename should not have the first segment indicator set but does. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL070E HHCDL070E filename control record indicator mismatch Explanation There was a mismatch between the first segment and the control record. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL071E HHCDL071E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when reading a segment from the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL072E HHCDL072E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when reading a COPYR1 record from the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL073E HHCDL073E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when reading a COPYR2 record from the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL074E HHCDL074E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when reading a data block header from the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL075E HHCDL075E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered when reading a data block from the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL076I HHCDL076I File number: number Explanation The file being processed is number number. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL077E HHCDL077E Invalid text unit at offset offset Explanation An invalid text unit was read from position offset. A previous message described the error. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL078I HHCDL078I File filenum: DSNAME=dsname Explanation The dataset name of file number filenum is dsname. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL079I HHCDL079I DSORG=dsorg RECFM=recfm LRECL=lrecl BLKSIZE=blksize KEYLEN=keylen DIRBLKS=dirblks Explanation For the dataset listed in the preceding HHCDL078I message the dataset organization is dsorg, the record format is recfm, the logical record length is lrecl, the block size is blksize, the key length is keylen and the directory block count is dirblks. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL080E HHCDL080E Invalid text unit at offset offset Explanation An invalid text unit was read from position offset. A previous message described the error. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL081E HHCDL081E COPYR1 record length is invalid Explanation The length of the COPYR1 record is invalid. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL082E HHCDL082E COPYR1 header identifier not correct Explanation The header identifier of the COPYR1 record is invalid. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL083E HHCDL083E COPYR1 unload format is unsupported Explanation The COPYR1 record indicates that the file was unloaded in a format that is not supported by dasdload. The file may be corrupt or it may simply be in a newer format than is supported by this version of dasdload. Action Supply a supported input file and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL084I HHCDL084I Original dataset: DSORG=dsorg RECFM=recfm LRECL=lrecl BLKSIZE=blksize KEYLEN=keylen Explanation For the original dataset, the dataset organization is dsorg, the record format is recfm, the logical record length is lrecl, the block size is blksize, the key length is keylen and the directory block count is dirblks. Message level
2 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL085I HHCDL085I Dataset was unloaded from device type ucbtype (device) Explanation The dataset was unloaded from a device device, with UCB device type ucbtype. Message level
2 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL086I HHCDL086I Original device has cylinders cyls and heads heads Explanation The device listed in the preceding HHCDL085I message has cylinders cylinders and heads heads. Message level
2 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL087E HHCDL087E COPYR2 record length is invalid Explanation The length of the COPYR2 record just read is not valid. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL088E HHCDL088E Invalid number of extents extents Explanation The number of extents reported in the COPYR2 record is invalid, either less than 1 or more than 16. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL089I HHCDL089I Extent extent: Begin CCHH=begcchh End CCHH=endcchh Tracks=tracks Explanation For extent number extent, the extent starts at cylinder and head begcchh, and ends at endcchh, for a total of tracks tracks. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL090I HHCDL090I End of directory Explanation The end of the PDS directory has been reached. Message level
3 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL091E HHCDL091E Directory block record length is invalid Explanation The directory block read from the input file has the wrong length. It must be 276 bytes long. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL092E HHCDL092E Cannot obtain storage for directory block: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the directory block being processed failed. The error is described by
error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL093E HHCDL093E Number of directory blocks exceeds maxdblk, increase MAXDBLK Explanation The number of directory blocks in the dataset being processed exceeds the size of an internal control structure. The maximum number is maxdblk. Action Increase the value of the constant MAXDBLK in the program source and recompile dasdload. HHCDL094E HHCDL094E Directory block byte count is invalid Explanation The length of the current directory block is invalid. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL095I HHCDL095I (Alias|Member) memname TTR=ttr
Explanation The alias or member named memname is located at relative address ttr. If user data is present, it is printed as userdata. Message level
3 Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL096I HHCDL096I Member name TTR=oldttr replaced by newttr Explanation In the directory entry for member name, the old pointer to the mamber oldttr was replaced by the member's actual relative address newttr. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL097E HHCDL097E Member name TTR=ttrnot found in dataset Explanation A request was made to update the directory entry for the member named name but there was no directory entry to update. Action This is likely an internal logic error. Report the error to the Hercules development team. HHCDL098I HHCDL098I Updating note list for member name at TTR=ttr CCHHR=cchhr Explanation The note list for the member named name, at relative address ttr, absolute address cchhr, is being updated. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL099E HHCDL099E filename cyl cylinder head head read error Explanation An attempt to read the track in the DASD image file named filename at cylinder cylinder, head head, failed. A previous error described the failure. Action Correct the error reported by the previous message and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL100E HHCDL100E filename cyl cylinder head head invalid track header header Explanation The header header of the track in the DASD image file named filename at cylinder cylinder, head head did not agree with the actual address of the track. This is probably an internal logic error. Action Report the error to the Hercules development team. HHCDL101E HHCDL101E filename cyl cylinder head head rec record note list record not found Explanation A request was made to update a note list record at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record, but the record was not found. The input dataset may be corrupt. Action Supply a valid input dataset and rerun dasdload. HHCDL102E HHCDL102E Member member note list at cyl cylinder head head rec record dlen datalen is too short for numttrs TTRs Explanation The data length datalen of the note list record for member member at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record, is too short to contain the requested number numttrs of record pointers. The input dataset is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input dataset and rerun dasdload. HHCDL103E HHCDL103E filename track read error cyl cylinder head head Explanation An attempt to read the track in the DASD image file named filename at cylinder cylinder, head head, failed. A previous error described the failure. Action Correct the error reported by the previous message and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL104I HHCDL104I Updating cyl cylinder head head rec record kl keylen dl datalen Explanation The record at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record, with key length keynel and data length datalen is being updated. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL105E HHCDL105E Directory block byte count is invalid Explanation The length of the current directory block is invalid. The input file is probably corrupt. Action Supply a valid input file and rerun dasdload. HHCDL106E HHCDL106E Cannot open file filename: error Explanation An attempt to open the IEBCOPY input file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL107E HHCDL107E Cannot obtain input buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain a 64K byte input buffer for reaading the IEBCOPY input file failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL108E HHCDL108E Cannot obtain storage for directory block array: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the internal array used to store directory blocks failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL109E HHCDL109E Cannot obtain storage for TTR table: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the internal array used to store track pinters for later conversion failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL110I HHCDL110I Processing file filename Explanation The input file named filename is being processed. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL111I HHCDL111I Control record: recname length length Explanation A control record named recname of length length has been read. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL112I HHCDL112I File number: filenum ((not) selected) Explanation The data file, number filenum, was (or was not) selected for processing. Message level
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL113I HHCDL113I Data record: length length Explanation A data record of length length has been read. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL114E HHCDL114E write error: input record CCHHR=cchhr (TTR=ttr) KL=keylen DL=datalen Explanation An error was encountered writing the data record at absolute address cchhr, relative address ttr, with key length keylen and data length datalen. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error described by the previous message and rerun dasdload. HHCDL115I HHCDL115I CCHHR=incchhr (TTR=inttr) KL=keylen DL=datalen → CCHHR=outcchhr (TTR=outttr) Explanation The record at absolute address incchhr, relative address inttr, with key length keylen and data length
datalen, is being written to the output DASD image at absolute address outcchhr, relative address outttr. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL116E HHCDL116E TTR count exceeds maxttr, increase MAXTTR Explanation The list of relative address pointers exceeds the size of the internal array used to contain them, maxttr. Action Increase the constant MAXTTR in the program source and recompile dasdload. HHCDL117I HHCDL117I Catalog block at cyl cylinder head head rec record Explanation A catalog record has been written to disk at cylinder cylinder, head head and record record. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL118I HHCDL118I Catalog block at cyl cylinder head head rec record Explanation A catalog index record has been written to disk at cylinder cylinder, head head and record record. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL119I HHCDL119I Catalog block at cyl cylinder head head rec record Explanation An empty catalog record has been written to disk at cylinder cylinder, head head and record record. Message level
4 Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDL120I HHCDL120I DIP complete at cyl cylinder head head record record Explanation The LOGREC dataset has been initialized. The last block written was at cylinder cylinder, head head, record record. Message level
3 Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDL121E HHCDL121E SEQ dsorg must be PS or DA: dsorg=dsorg Explanation The dataset organization specified for the input dataset was dsorg. It must be either PS or DA but is not. Action Specify a valid dataset organization for sequential file processing or specify the correct processing option for the file being loaded and rerun dasdload. HHCDL122E HHCDL122E SEQ recfm must be F or FB: recfm=recfm Explanation The record format specified for the input dataset was recfm. It must be either F or FB but is not. Action Specify a valid record format for sequential file processing and rerun dasdload. HHCDL123E HHCDL123E SEQ invalid lrecl or blksz: lrecl=lrecl blksz=blksz Explanation The logical record length specified for the input dataset was lrecl, and the block size was blksz. Either the block size was not a multiple of the logical record length and the record format was specified as FB or the block size was different from the logical record length and the record format was specified as F. Action Specify a valid logical record length and block size for sequential file processing and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL124E HHCDL124E SEQ keyln must be 0 for blocked files Explanation The key length was specified as nonzero and the record format was specified as FB. This combination is invalid. Action If a key is required, specify a record format of F. If no key is required, specify a key length of 0. Rerun dasdload. HHCDL125E HHCDL125E Cannot open filename: error Explanation An error was encountered when attempting to open the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL126E HHCDL126E Cannot stat filename: error Explanation An error was encountered when attempting to obtain the size of the file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL127E HHCDL127E filename cyl cylinder head head read error Explanation An attempt to read the track in the DASD image file named filename at cylinder cylinder, head head, failed. A previous error described the failure. Action Correct the error reported by the previous message and rerun dasdload.
HHCDL128E HHCDL128E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered reading the input file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdload. HHCDL130W HHCDL130W WARNING – XMIT file utility is not IEBCOPY; file filename not loaded Explanation The file filename cannot be loaded as an XMIT file because it is not an unloaded PDS. Action If filename is an unloaded sequential file, rerun DASDLOAD specifying XMSEQ instead of XMIT. HHCDL131I HHCDL131I Control record: recname length length Explanation A control record named recname of length length has been read. Action
None. HHCDL132I HHCDL132I File number: filenum ((not) selected) Explanation The date file, number filenum was (or was not) selected for processing. Action
None. HHCDL133I HHCDL133I Data record: length length Explanation A data record of length length has been read. Action
HHCDL135I HHCDL135I CCHHR=outcchhr (TTR=outttr) KL=keylen DL=datalen Explanation A record with key length keylen and date length datalen is being written to the output DASD image at absolute address outcchhr, relative address outttr. Action
None. HHCDL136E HHCDL136E Cannot open file filename: error Explanation An attempt to open the sequential XMIT input file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun DASDLOD. HHCDL137E HHCDL137E Cannot obtain input buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain a 64K byte input buffer for reading the sequential XMIT input file failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and rerun DASDLOD. HHCDL138W HHCDL130W WARNING – XMIT file utility is not INMCOPY; file filename not loaded Explanation The file filename cannot be loaded as an XMSEQ file because it does not appear to contain an unloaded sequential file. Action If filename is an unloaded PDS file, rerun DASDLOAD specifying XMIT.
HHCDL139I HHCDL139I Processinf file filename Explanation The input file named filename is being processed as a sequential XMIT file. Action

54. Messages HHCDSnnns - DASDISUP Utility HHCDS001E HHCDS001E Cannot obtain storage for member array: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the array of SYS1.SVCLIB members failed. The error is described by
error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS002I HHCDS002I End of directory: count members selected Explanation The end of the SYS1.SVCLIB directory has been reached. count members have been selected for processing. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDS003E HHCDS003E Directory block byte count is invalid Explanation The length of the directory block read is invalid. The SYS1.SVCLIB directory is probably corrupt. Action Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS004E HHCDS004E Number of members exceeds MAX_MEMBERS Explanation SYS1.SVCLIB has too many members to fit in the array used to store their information. Action Increase the value of MAX_MEMBERS in dasdisup.c and recompile the program, then run it again.
HHCDS005E HHCDS005E Member member TTR count is zero Explanation The member named member has no data associated with it. Since aliases have been skipped already, this means that the SYS1.SVCLIB directory is corrupt. Action Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and run dasdisup again. HHCDS006W HHCDS006W Member member is not single text record Explanation The member named member is not contained in a single text record. This is an invalid condition. The member will be skipped later and message HHCDS011E will be issued. Action If this member must be processed, rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS007W HHCDS007W Member member size size exceeds X'7F8' bytes Explanation The member named member is too long. The maximum length of an OS/360 SVC load module is X'7F8' (2040 decimal) bytes. The member will be processed but OS/360 may not process it correctly. Action Correct the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS008W HHCDS008W Member member size size is not a multiple of 8 Explanation The member named member is not a multiple of 8 bytes long. Its actual size is size. This is not valid for an OS/360 load module. OS/360 will issue an ABEND when an attempt is made to load the module. Action Correct the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
HHCDS009I HHCDS009I Alias alias skipped Explanation The alias named alias has been skipped, since no processing is necessary for it. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDS010I HHCDS010I Member member skipped Explanation The member named member has been skipped, since it does not have an XCTL table. Action None. This is an informational message. If the member should have an XCTL table, rebuild it in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS011E HHCDS011E Member member has multiple text records Explanation The member named member has multiple text records. This is not a valid condition for an OS/360 SVC module. The member will not be processed. Message HHCDS006W was issued for this member earlier. Action If this member must be processed, rebuild it in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS012E HHCDS012E Member member has invalid TTR ttr Explanation The pointer to the text record for the member named member is invalid. The pointer found is ttr. The member cannot be located to be processed. The SYS1.SVCLIB directory is probably corrupt. Action Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
HHCDS013I HHCDS013I Processing member member text record TTR=ttr CCHHR=cchhr Explanation The member named member is being processed. Its relative location is ttr and its absolute location is
cchhr. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDS014E HHCDS014E Member member error reading TTR ttr Explanation An attempt to read the member named member, at the relative location ttr, failed. The member cannot be processed. Action Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. If this is unsuccessful, rebuild the entire DASD volume. HHCDS015E HHCDS015E Member member TTR ttr text record length length is not valid Explanation The length length of the text record at location ttr of the member named member is less than 8, greater than 1024, or not a multiple of 8. All of these conditions must be met for the length to be valid. The member is probably corrupt. Action Rebuild the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS016E HHCDS016E Member member TTR ttr text record length textlength does not match length dirlength in directory Explanation The length textlength of the text record at location ttr is not the same as the length dirlength in the directory entry for member member. Either the member, or the directory, is probably corrupt. Action Rebuild the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. If this does not correct the problem, rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB in its entirety.
HHCDS017E HHCDS017E Member member TTR ttr XCTL table improperly terminated Explanation The XCTL table in member member at location ttr runs past the end of the text record. The member is probably corrupt. Action Rebuild the member and rerun dasdisup. HHCDS018I HHCDS018I member (Alias|Member) skipped Explanation The member or alias named member is not an Open, Close, or EOV module, and so does not have an XCTL table that needs to be updated. It has been skipped. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDS019I HHCDS019I In member member: reference TTRL=ttrl status Explanation A reference to the member named reference in the member named member was found, the referenced member is at the location ttrl in the table. status is optional; it may be one of: ** Member reference not found The referenced member was not found in SYS1.SVCLIB. The reference cannot be updated. replaced by TTRL=newttrl flag The reference was updated to point to the referenced member's actual location at newttrl. If flag is ****, the actual length of the referenced member is different from the length of the member in the reference pointer. Action None. This is an informational message.
55. Messages HHCDTnnns - DASDCAT Utility HHCDT001E HHCDT001E failed to open image filename Explanation An error was ancountered trying to open the DASD image file named filename. A previous message described the error. Action Correct the error and rerun dasdcat. HHCDT002E HHCDT002E Can't make 80 column card images from block length length Explanation A block read from the member specified is not a multiple of 80 characters long, and so cannot be split evenly into 80-character card images. The actual length read is length. Action Select a different member, or omit the c flag from the member specification. HHCDT003E HHCDT003E Directory block byte count is invalid Explanation The length of a PDS directory block in the specified dataset is invalid. The PDS directory is corrupt or the dataset is not a PDS. Action Make sure the dataset specified is a PDS (partitioned dataset). If it is, then the dataset is corrupt. HHCDT004E HHCDT004E non-PDS-members not yet supported Explanation This version of dasdcat does not support reading sequential datasets. Action Specify a PDS as input to dasdcat.
HHCDT005E HHCDT005E unknown dataset name option: 'option' Explanation An invalid option was specified on the dataset name specification. Only the options 'a' and 'c' are valid. Action Remove the invalid option from the dataset name specification and rerun dasdcat.

56. Messages HHCDUnnns - DASD Utilities Common Functions HHCDU001I HHCDU001I Updating cyl cylinder head head Explanation The track at cylinder number cylinder and head number head is being rewritten after being modified. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU002E HHCDU002E filename write track error: stat=status Explanation An attempt to rewrite a track from the DASD image named filename failed. The status returned was
status. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU003I HHCDU003I Reading cyl cylinder head head Explanation The track at cylinder number cylinder and head number head is being read. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU004E HHCDU004E filename read track error: stat=status Explanation An attempt to read a track from the DASD image named filename failed. The status returned was status. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU005I HHCDU005I Searching extent 0 begin (begcyl,beghead) end (endcyl,endhead) Explanation The first extent of the dataset is being searched for a key. The extent starts at the track at cylinder begcyl, head beghead, and ends at the track at cylinder endcyl, head endhead. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU006I HHCDU006I Searching extent extent begin (begcyl,beghead) end (endcyl,endhead) Explanation An extent, extent, of the dataset is being searched for a key. The extent starts at the track at cylinder begcyl, head beghead, and ends at the track at cylinder endcyl, head endhead. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU007E HHCDU007E Track track not found in extent table Explanation An attempt was made to convert a track number to an absolute address, but the track specified, track, is beyond the end of the dataset. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. The dataset, the VTOC, or the DASD image may be corrupt. HHCDU008E HHCDU008E Cannot obtain storage for device descriptor buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the buffer used to hold a CKD DASD image description failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU009E HHCDU009E Cannot open filename: error Explanation The CKD image file named filename could not be opened. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU010E HHCDU010E filename read error: error Explanation An error was encountered while reading the CKD header record from the file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU011E HHCDU011E filename CKD header invalid Explanation The file filename is not a valid CKD DASD image file. Either the first record is not the length of a CKD header record or the marker in the header record is not correct. Action Supply the name of a valid CKD DASD image file and retry the operation. HHCDU012E HHCDU012E DASD table entry not found for devtype type Explanation The device type in the CKD header record does not correspond to any known DASD device. The CKD DASD image file may be corrupt or the device is not supported by Hercules. Action Supply the name of a supported CKD DASD image file and retry the operation.
HHCDU013E HHCDU013E CKD initialization failed for filename Explanation The device-specific initialization routine for the file named filename failed. Another message describes the specific failure. Action See the specific message for the action needed. HHCDU014I HHCDU014I filename heads=heads trklen=trklen Explanation The device represented by the CKD DASD image file named filename has heads heads and tracks of
trklen bytes length. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU015I HHCDU015I Updating cyl cylinder head head Explanation During processing of a request to close the CKD image file, the track at cylinder number cylinder and head number head is being rewritten, since it has been modified. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU016E HHCDU016E filename write track error: stat=status Explanation During processing of a request to close the CKD image file, an attempt to rewrite a track from the DASD image named filename failed. The status returned was status. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU017E HHCDU017E Cannot obtain storage for device descriptor buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the buffer used to hold a FBA DASD image description failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU018E HHCDU018E DASD table entry not found for devtype type Explanation The default FBA device type does not correspond to any known DASD device. This is likely an internal programming error. Action Report the bug to the Hercules development team. HHCDU019E HHCDU019E FBA initialization failed for filename Explanation The device-specific initialization routine for the file named filename failed. Another message describes the specific failure. Action See the specific message for the action needed. HHCDU020I HHCDU020I filename sectors=sectors size=size Explanation The device represented by the FBA DASD image file named filename has sectors sectors of size bytes length. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDU021E HHCDU021E VOL1 record not found Explanation The volume being processed does not have a volume label. It is probably blank and unformatted. Action Format the volume or specify a formatted volume and retry the operation. HHCDU022I HHCDU022I VOLSER=serial VTOC=cchhr Explanation The volume being processed has the volume serial serial and its VTOC format 4 DSCB is at absolute location cchhr. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU023I HHCDU023I VTOC start begcchh end endcchh Explanation The VTOC of the volume being processed begins at cylinder and head begcchh and ends at cylinder and head endcchh. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU024E HHCDU024E Dataset dsn not found in VTOC Explanation The requested dataset dsn was not found in the VTOC and does not exist on this volume. Action Specify the correct dataset name or select the volume on which it appears. HHCDU025I HHCDU025I DSNAME=dsn F1DSCB CCHHR=cchhr Explanation The format 1 DSCB for the requested dataset dsn is at absolute location cchhr. This message is only issued if verbose message reporting has been selected.
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU026E HHCDU026E F1DSCB record not found Explanation The requested dataset is listed in the VTOC but its format 1 DSCB record was not found when an attempt was made to read it. The VTOC may be corrupt. Action Recreate the dataset and retry the operation. HHCDU027E HHCDU027E F3DSCB record not found Explanation The requested dataset is reported to contain more than three extents in the format 1 DSCB but its format 3 DSCB record was not found when an attempt was made to read it. The VTOC may be corrupt. Action Recreate the dataset and retry the operation. HHCDU028E HHCDU028E filename open error: error Explanation An attempt to create the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU029E HHCDU029E filename device header write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the device header to the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU030E HHCDU030E filename compressed device header write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the compressed device header to the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU031E HHCDU031E Cannot obtain l1tab buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the primary lookup table buffer failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU032E HHCDU032E filename primary lookup table write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the primary lookup table to the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU033E HHCDU033E filename secondary lookup table write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the secondary lookup table to the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU034E HHCDU034E filename dasdcopy ftruncate error: error Explanation An attempt to truncate the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error.
Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU035E HHCDU035E filename cylinder cyl head head write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the track at cylinder cyl, head head to the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU036E HHCDU036E filename compressed device header lseek error: error Explanation An attempt to reposition to the beginning of the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU037E HHCDU037E filename compressed device header write error: error Explanation An attempt to rewrite the compressed device header record of the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU038E HHCDU038E filename secondary lookup table lseek error: error Explanation An attempt to reposition to the secondary lookup table of the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU039E HHCDU039E filename secondary lookup table write error: error Explanation An attempt to rewrite the secondary lookup table of the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU040E HHCDU040E filename close error: error Explanation An attempt to close the CKD DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU041I HHCDU041I count cylinders successfully written to file filename Explanation The CKD DASD image file named filename has been successfully created. It contains count cylinders. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU042E HHCDU042E Cylinder count count is outside range min-max Explanation The requested number of cylinders count is outside the valid range from min to max. Action Specify a valid number of cylinders and retry the operation. HHCDU043E HHCDU043E Cannot obtain track buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the track buffer failed. The error is described by error.
Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU044I HHCDU044I Creating type volume serial: cylinders cyls, tracks trks/cyl, length bytes/track Explanation A new volume is being created of device type type and volume serial number serial. It has cylinders cylinders, tracks tracks per cylinder and length bytes per track. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU045E HHCDU045E Sector count count is outside range min-max Explanation The requested number of sectors count is outside the valid range from min to max. Action Specify a valid number of cylinders and retry the operation. HHCDU046E HHCDU046E Cannot obtain sector buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the sector buffer failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU047I HHCDU047I Creating type volume serial: sectors sectors, length bytes/sector Explanation A new volume is being created of device type type and volume serial number serial. It has sectors sectors and length bytes per sector. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCDU048E HHCDU048E filename open error: error Explanation An attempt to create the FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU049E HHCDU049E filename dasdcopy ftruncate error: error Explanation An attempt to truncate the FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU050E HHCDU050E filename sector sector write error: error Explanation An attempt to write sector number sector to the FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU051E HHCDU051E filename close error: error Explanation An attempt to close the FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU052I HHCDU052I count sectors successfully written to file filename Explanation The FBA DASD image file named filename has been successfully created. It contains count sectors.
Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU053E HHCDU053E File size too large: size [l1tab] Explanation The requested file size size would result in a primary lookup table that is too large. The DASD image cannot be created as a compressed image. Action Either specify fewer sectors or create the DASD image uncompressed. HHCDU054E HHCDU054E filename open error: error Explanation An attempt to create the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU055I HHCDU055I Creating type compressed volume serial: sectors sectors, length bytes/sector Explanation A new compressed FBA volume is being created of device type type and volume serial number serial. It has sectors sectors and length bytes per sector. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCDU056E HHCDU056E filename devhdr write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the device header to the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU057E HHCDU057E filename cdevhdr write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the compressed device header to the compressed FBA DASD image file named
filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU058E HHCDU058E filename l1tab write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the primary lookup table to the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU059E HHCDU059E filename l2tab write error: error Explanation An attempt to write the secondary lookup table to the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU060E HHCDU060E filename block header write error: error Explanation An attempt to write a compressed block header to the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU061E HHCDU061E filename block write error: error Explanation An attempt to write a compressed block to the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU062E HHCDU062E filename block write error: error Explanation An attempt to write an uncompressed block to the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU063E HHCDU063E filename cdevhdr lseek error: error Explanation An attempt to reposition to the beginning of the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU064E HHCDU064E filename cdevhdr rewrite error: error Explanation An attempt to rewrite the compressed device header record of the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCDU065E HHCDU065E filename l2tab lseek error: error Explanation An attempt to reposition to the secondary lookup table of the compressed FBA DASD image file named
filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU066E HHCDU066E filename l2tab rewrite error: error Explanation An attempt to rewrite the secondary lookup table of the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU067E HHCDU067E filename close error: error Explanation An attempt to close the compressed FBA DASD image file named filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCDU068I HHCDU068I count sectors successfully written to file filename Explanation The compressed FBA DASD image file named filename has been successfully created. It contains count sectors. Action None. This is an informational message.
57. Messages HHCHDnnns -
Hercules Dynamic Loader
HHCHD001E HHCHD001E registration alloc failed for entry Explanation Storage could not be obtained to register entrypoint entry Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHD002E HHCHD002E cannot allocate memory for DLL descriptor: error Explanation Initialisation of the dynamic loader environment failed due to the error described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHD003E HHCHD003E unable to open Hercules as DLL: error Explanation The main Hercules load module could not be opened by the dynamic loader. The dynamic loader error is described by error Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHD004I HHCHD004I No initializer in module: error Explanation The initializer in DLL named module could not be found. The error is described by error Action Correct the error and restart Hercules.
HHCHD005E HHCHD005E module already loaded. Explanation An attempt was made to load an already loaded module. Action Unload to module first. HHCHD006S HHCHD006S cannot allocate memory for DLL descriptor: error Explanation Initialisation of the dynamic loader environment failed due to the error described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHD007E HHCHD007E unable to open DLL module: error Explanation The DLL named module could not be opened. The error is described by error. Action Ensure that the correct module is specified and is accessible. HHCHD008I HHCHD008I No initializer in module: error Explanation The initializer in DLL named module could not be found. The error is described by error Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHD009E HHCHD009E module not found Explanation An attempt was made to unload a module that was not loaded. Action No action required.
HHCHD010I HHCHD010I Dependency check failed for module, version(vers_actual) expected(vers_exp) Explanation The version of the module's required dependency does not match the version of the dependency in the module that contains the dependency. Action No action required. HHCHD011I HHCHD011I Dependency check failed for module, size(size_actual) expected(size_exp) Explanation The size of the modules required dependency does not match the size of the dependency in the module that contains the dependency. Action No action required. HHCHD012E HHCHD012E No depency section in module: error Explanation The module being loaded does not contain the required dependency section. The error is described by
error. Action Rebuild the module with the required HDL_DEPENDENCY_SECTION defined. HHCHD013E HHCHD013E No depency section in module: error Explanation The module being loaded does not contain the required dependency section. The error is described by error. Action Rebuild the module with the required HDL_DEPENDENCY_SECTION defined.
HHCHD014E HHCHD014E Dependency check failed for module module Explanation One or more required dependencies were not satisfied. The preceding HHCHD010I and/or HHCHD011I message(s) identifies which of the dependencies failed and the reason why. Action If the module was not loaded, rebuild the module using the same version of the required dependency as the module that contains the dependency and try again. HHCHD015E HHCHD015E Unloading of module not allowed Explanation An attempt was made to unload a module that was not allowed to be unloaded. Action No action required. HHCHD018I HHCHD018I Loadable module directory is dir Explanation The default loadable module directory was manually changed to dir via either a supplied MODPATH configuration file statement or via the -d command line option. Action No action required. HHCHD100I HHCHD100I Loading module Explanation Module module is being loaded. Action No action required. HHCHD101I HHCHD101I Module module loaded Explanation Module module has been loaded.
Action No action required HHCHD102I HHCHD102I Unloading module Explanation Module module is being unloaded. Action No action required HHCHD103I HHCHD103I Module module unloaded Explanation Module module has been unloaded. Action No action required

58. Messages HHCHEnnns - HETINIT Utility HHCHEnnns Messages HHCHEnnns are not yet documented.

59. Messages HHCHGnnns - HETGET Utility HHCHGnnns Messages HHCHGnnns are not yet documented.

60. Messages HHCHMnnns - HETMAP Utility HHCHMnnns Messages HHCHMnnns are not yet documented.

61. Messages HHCHTnnns - HTTP Server HHCHT001I HHCHT001I HTTP listener thread started: tid=threadid, pid=processid Explanation The HTTP server thread to accept and process incoming requests has been started. The thread id is
threadid and the process id is processid. Action No action required. HHCHT002E HHCHT002E socket: error Explanation An attempt to obtain a TCP socket to receive HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHT003W HHCHT003W Waiting for port port to become free Explanation The thread that handles HTTP connection requests is waiting for the TCP port denoted by port to become available for use. Action If this message persists, some other program has control of the TCP port listed. Find out which one it is and terminate it. HHCHT004E HHCHT004E bind: error Explanation An attempt to bind the socket to the TCP port to receive HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules.
HHCHT005E HHCHT005E listen: error Explanation An attempt to put the socket into listening state for HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHT006I HHCHT006I Waiting for HTTP requests on port port pid=num Explanation Hercules is ready to accept HTTP requests on port port. Action No action required. HHCHT007E HHCHT007E select: error Explanation An attempt to wait for data from HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHT008E HHCHT008E accept: error Explanation An attempt to accept a TCP connection for HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHT009E HHCHT009E fdopen: error Explanation An attempt to open the socket for reading HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules.
HHCHT010E HHCHT010E http_request create_thread: error Explanation An attempt to create a thread for processing HTTP requests failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCHT011E HHCHT011E html_include: Cannot open filename: error Explanation The file named filename, which was included from another file, could not be opened. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCHT014I HHCHT014I HTTPROOT = pathname Explanation The root directory path for the HTTP server is
pathname. Action No action required.
62. Messages HHCHUnnns - HETUPD Utility HHCHUnnns Messages HHCHUnnns are not yet documented.

63. Messages HHCIFnnns - Network Interface Configuration Handler (hercifc) HHCIF001E HHCIF001E programname: Must be called from within Hercules. Explanation This program can only be called from Hercules itself and may not be executed from the command line. The program was executed using the name programname. Action Don't do that. HHCIF002E HHCIF002E programname: Cannot obtain socket: error Explanation An attempt to obtain a socket for controlling the destination interface failed. The error is described by
error. The program was executed using the name programname. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCIF003E HHCIF003E programname: I/O error on read: error Explanation An attempt to read a request from Hercules failed. The error is described by error. The program was executed using the name programname. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCIF004W HHCIF004W programname: Unknown request: request. Explanation The request from Hercules was invalid. The request code was request. The request has been ignored. The program was executed using the name programname. Action Make sure that the hercifc program is the same version as the running copy of Hercules. If so, this is an internal error. Report it.
HHCIF005E HHCIF005E programname: ioctl error doing operation on interface: error Explanation An attempt to perform an ioctl operation operation on interface interface failed. The error is described by
error. The program was executed using the name programname. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.

64. Messages HHCINnnns - Hercules Initialization HHCIN001S HHCIN001S Cannot register SIGINT handler: error Explanation An attempt to register a handler for the SIGINT signal failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCIN002E HHCIN002E Cannot suppress SIGPIPE signal: error Explanation An attempt to ignore the SIGPIPE signal failed. The error is described by error. This will cause Hercules to terminate abnormally if a printer device is defined to a pipe and that pipe is closed while data is being written to it. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. Do not print to a pipe until you have corrected the error. HHCIN003S HHCIN003S Cannot register SIGILL/FPE/SEGV/BUS/USR handler: error Explanation An attempt to register a handler for one of the listed signals failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCIN004S HHCIN004S Cannot create watchdog thread: error Explanation An attempt to create the watchdog thread to monitor Hercules execution failed. The error is described by
error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules.
HHCIN005S HHCIN005S Cannot create http_server thread: error Explanation An attempt to create the HTTP server thread failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCIN006S HHCIN006S Cannot create panel thread: error Explanation An attempt to create the operator control panel thread failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCIN007S HHCIN007S Cannot create devnum connection thread: error Explanation The shared device server was unable to create the thread meant to manage remote device devnum. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCIN008S HHCIN008S DYNGUI.DLL load failed; Hercules terminated. Explanation The external GUI interface module 'dyngui.dll' could not loaded. The preceding HHCHD007E message should provide the reason for the failure. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. If the error is Win32 error 126 (“The specified module could not be found”), check your Windows PATH setting and/or your MODPATH control statement to ensure one or both of them includes the directory where Hercules is executing from.
HHCIN099I HHCIN099I Hercules terminated Explanation Hercules has ended. Action No action required.

65. Messages HHCLCnnns - LCS Emulation HHCLC001E HHCLC001E nnnn unable to allocate LCSBLK Explanation There is insufficient storage to allocate the control block for LCS device number nnnn. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCLC017E HHCLC017E nnnn invalid device name devname Explanation The value of the -n or -dev parameter in the configuration statement for LCS device number nnnn is missing or too long. Action Correct the parameter and reinitialize the device. HHCLC018E HHCLC018E nnnn invalid MAC address macaddr Explanation The value of the -m or -mac parameter in the configuration statement for LCS device number nnnn is not a valid MAC address. Action Correct the parameter and reinitialize the device. HHCLC019E HHCLC019E nnnn too many arguments in statement Explanation The configuration statement for LCS device number nnnn contains too many positional parameters. Action Correct the statement and restart Hercules.
HHCLC020E HHCLC020E nnnn invalid IP address ipaddr Explanation The first positional parameter in the configuration statement for LCS device number nnnn is not a valid IP address. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC021E HHCLC021E Invalid HWADD statement in filename: stmt Explanation The port number parameter of the HWADD statement stmt in OAT file filename is not numeric. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC022E HHCLC022E Invalid MAC in HWADD statement in filename: stmt (macaddr) Explanation The second positional parameter of the HWADD statement stmt in OAT file filename is not a valid MAC address. Action Correct the parameter and reinitialize the device. HHCLC023E HHCLC023E Invalid ROUTE statement in filename: stmt Explanation The port number parameter of the ROUTE statement stmt in OAT file filename is not numeric. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC024E HHCLC024E Invalid net address in ROUTE filename: stmt (netaddr) Explanation The second positional parameter of the ROUTE statement stmt in OAT file filename is not a valid IP network address. Action Correct the parameter and reinitialize the device.
HHCLC025E HHCLC025E Invalid net mask in ROUTE filename: stmt (netaddr) Explanation The third positional parameter of the ROUTE statement stmt in OAT file filename is not a valid IP network mask. Action Correct the parameter and reinitialize the device. HHCLC026E HHCLC026E Error in filename: Missing device number or mode Explanation The OAT file filename contains a statement which cannot be identified. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC027E HHCLC027E Error in filename: devnum: Invalid device number Explanation The device number devnum specified in the OAT file filename is not a valid hexadecimal number. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC028E HHCLC028E Error in filename: stmt: Missing PORT number Explanation Statement stmt in OAT file filename for the IP port of an LCS device does not contain a port number. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC029E HHCLC029E Error in filename: port: Invalid PORT number Explanation The port number port specified in the OAT file filename for the IP port of an LCS device is not a valid decimal number. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device.
HHCLC031E HHCLC031E Error in filename: stmt: Invalid entry starting at text Explanation The parameter text specified in statement stmt in the OAT file filename should be PRI, SEC, or NO. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC032E HHCLC032E Error in filename: stmt: Invalid IP address (ipaddr) Explanation The parameter ipaddr specified in statement stmt in the OAT file filename is not a valid IP address. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC033E HHCLC033E Error in filename: stmt: Missing PORT number Explanation Statement stmt in OAT file filename for the SNA port of an LCS device does not contain a port number. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC034E HHCLC034E Error in filename: port: Invalid PORT number Explanation The port number port specified in the OAT file filename for the SNA port of an LCS device is not a valid decimal number. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC035E HHCLC035E Error in filename: stmt: SNA does not accept any arguments Explanation Statement stmt in OAT file filename for the SNA port of an LCS device contains positional parameters which are not used for SNA ports. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device.
HHCLC036E HHCLC036E Error in filename: mode: Invalid MODE Explanation Mode mode specified in a device statement in the OAT file filename should be IP or SNA. Action Correct the statement and reinitialize the device. HHCLC037E HHCLC037E Error reading file filename line nnnn: description Explanation An error occurred reading the OAT file for an LCS device. description is the operating system's description of the error. The error occurred at line nnnn of file filename. Action Check that the correct OAT file name is specified in the configuration file. HHCLC038E HHCLC038E File filename line nnnn is too long Explanation An error occurred reading the OAT file for an LCS device. The error occurred at line nnnn of file filename. Either the line exceeds 255 characters, or there is no linefeed at the end of the file. Action Correct the OAT file. HHCLC039E HHCLC039E Cannot open file filename: description Explanation An error occurred opening the OAT file filename for an LCS device. description is the operating system's description of the error. Action Check that the correct OAT file name is specified in the configuration file. HHCLC040E HHCLC040E
nnnn LCSDEV mmmm not in configuration Explanation The device number mmmm specified in the OAT file does not match the LCS device number nnnn in the configuration file.
None. HHCLC055I HHCLC055I tapn using MAC hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh Explanation The MAC address assigned the TUN/TAP device tapn is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCLC056W HHCLC056W tapn NOT using MAC hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh Explanation MAC address hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh was requested in the configuration statement or in the OAT file for an LCS device but the operating system did not accept the request to change the MAC address for TUN/TAP device tapn. Action The device will use the MAC address shown in the preceding HHCLC055I message. HHCLC073I HHCLC073I nnnn: TAP device tapn opened Explanation LCS device number nnnn is now associated with the kernel TUN/TAP device named tapn. Action None. This is an informational message.
66. Messages HHCLGnnns - System Log Functions HHCLG001E HHCLG001E Error redirecting stdout: error Explanation The stdout stream could not be redirected to the system logger. The error is described by error. HHCLG002E HHCLG002E Error reading syslog pipe: error Explanation An error occurred while reading the syslog pipe. The error is described by error. HHCLG003E HHCLG003E Error writing hardcopy log: error Explanation The error as indicated by error occurred while writing the hardcopy log. HHCLG004E HHCLG004E Error duplicating stderr: error Explanation Stdout could not be redirected to stderr. The error is described by error. HHCLG005E HHCLG005E Error duplicating stdout: error Explanation Stderr could not be redirected to stdout. The error is described by error. HHCLG006E HHCLG006E Duplicate error redirecting hardcopy log: error Explanation The error described by error occurred whilst redirecting the hardcopy log.
HHCLG007S HHCLG007S Hardcopy log fdopen failed: error Explanation An attempt to open a stream for the hardcopy log failed. The error is described by error. HHCLG008S HHCLG008S logbuffer malloc failed: error Explanation An instorage buffer for the system log could not be obtained. The error is described by error. HHCLG009S HHCLG009S Syslog message pipe creation failed: error Explanation An attempt to create the pipe for the system logger failed. The error is described by error. Action Check that your firewall is not preventing Hercules from opening a listening pipe. HHCLG012E HHCLG012E Cannot create logger thread: error Explanation An attempt to create the logger thread failed. Error is the description of the error code returned by the pthread_create call. Action If the error is “No error” ensure that Hercules has been correctly linked with the pthread library. HHCLG014E HHCLG014E Log not active Explanation A log off command was issued but there was no active log file. Action
HHCLG015I HHCLG015I Log closed Explanation The active log file has been closed as a result of a log off command. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCLG016E HHCLG016E Error opening log file filename: error Explanation The new log file requested by a log command could not be opened. error is the description of the error code returned by the open call. Action Reissue the log command with the correct filename. HHCLG017S HHCLG017S Log file fdopen failed for filename: error Explanation The logger was unable to obtain the file descriptor for the new log file requested by a log command. error is the description of the error code returned by the fdopen call. Action Reissue the log command with the correct filename. HHCLG018I HHCLG018I Log switched to filename Explanation As a result of a log command the logger is now writing to the requested log file. Action None. This is an informational message.
67. Messages HHCPNnnns - Control Panel Command Messages HHCPN001I HHCPN001I Control panel thread started: tid=threadid, pid=processid Explanation The control panel thread has been started. Its thread id is threadid and its process id is processid. Action No action required. HHCPN002S HHCPN002S Cannot obtain keyboard buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain memory for the keyboard buffer, used to hold operator input, failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCPN003S HHCPN003S Cannot obtain message buffer: error Explanation An attempt to obtain memory for the message buffer, used to hold operator output, failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCPN004E HHCPN004E select: error Explanation An error was encountered while waiting for input from the console. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCPN005E HHCPN005E keyboard read: error Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to read keyboard input. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPN006E HHCPN006E message pipe read: error Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to read from the pipe used to communicate to the control panel thread from the rest of Hercules. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPN007E HHCPN007E RC file filename open failed: error Explanation The RC file containing commands to be executed at Hercules startup, named filename, could not be opened. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules if necessary. The commands contained in the file may be issued manually. HHCPN008I HHCPN008I RC file processing thread started using file filename Explanation Processing of the commands contained in the file named filename has begun. Action No action required.
HHCPN009E HHCPN009E RC file buffer malloc failed: error Explanation An attempt to obtain storage for the buffer for commands being read from the startup command file failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules, if needed. The comands contained in the file may be issued manually. HHCPN010W HHCPN010W Ignoring invalid RC file pause statement: argument Explanation The argument argument on the pause statement in the startup command file is invalid. It must be a decimal number between 0 and 999. Processing will continue without any pause. Action Correct the invalid argument and restart Hercules, if desired. HHCPN011I HHCPN011I Pausing RC file processing for delay seconds… Explanation Processing of the startup command file is being delayed for delay seconds because of a pause statement in the file. Action No action required. HHCPN012I HHCPN012I Resuming RC file processing… Explanation Processing of the startup command file has resumed at the expiration of the delay interval. Action No action required.
HHCPN013I HHCPN013I EOF reached on RC file. Processing complete. Explanation The end of the startup command file has been reached and processing of the file is complete. Action No action required. HHCPN014E HHCPN014E I/O error reading RC file: error Explanation An error was encountered while reading a command from the startup command file. The error is described by error. Any remaining commands in the file will not be processed. Action Correct the error and restart Hercules if desired. Any unprocessed commands may be issued manually. HHCPN052E HHCPN052E Target CPU nnnn type cputype does not allow ipl Explanation An IPL command was issued but the target CPU nnnn is a processor engine of type cputype which does not support the initial program load procedure. Action Use the CPU command to set the target CPU to a processor of type CP, IFL, or ICF, then re-issue the IPL command. HHCPN162I HHCPN162I Hercules instruction trace displayed in { regsfirst | noregs | traditional } mode Explanation This message shows the current setting of the traceopt mode. Action None. This is an informational message.
HHCPN180E HHCPN180E 'sh' commands are disabled Explanation The 'sh' (shell) command has been purposely disabled via a SHCMDOPT configuration file statement. Shell commands entered via the Hercules hardware console will not be processed. Action Remove or modify the SHCMDOPT configuration file statement and restart Hercules. HHCPN181E HHCPN181E Device number s:CCUU not found Explanation The device number “CCUU” on Logical Channel Subsystem “s” was not found in the configuration. Action Reissue the command with an existing device number. HHCPN195I HHCPN195I Log options: val Explanation This message displays the current logging options. It is issued when the LOGOPT command is entered without operands. val is TIMESTAMP or NOTIMESTAMP. Action None. This is an informational message. HHCPN196E HHCPN196E Invalid logopt value val Explanation This message is issued when the operand of a LOPGOPT command is an invalid value. Valid values for
val are TIMESTAMP or NOTIMESTAMP. Action Reenter the LOGOPT command with a valid operand.
HHCPN197I HHCPN197I Log option set: val Explanation As the result of the LOGOPT command, the Hercules logging option val has been set. val is TIMESTAMP or NOTIMESTAMP. Action None. This is an informational message.

68. Messages HHCPRnnns - Printer Emulation HHCPR001E HHCPR001E File name missing or invalid for printer address Explanation There was no file name specified for the printer at address address, or else there was one specified but it was too long. Action Correct the error in the Hercules configuration file. The device may be made available by specifying a filename with the devinit command. HHCPR002E HHCPR002E Invalid argument for printer address: argument Explanation An invalid argument was specified on the definition of the printer at address address. Action Correct or remove the invalid argument. HHCPR003E HHCPR003E address Error writing to filename: error Explanation An error was encountered when writing output for the printer at address address to the file named
filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPR004E HHCPR004E Error opening file filename: error Explanation An error was encountered when opening the file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCPR005E HHCPR005E address device initialization error: pipe: error Explanation An error was encountered when opening a pipe for the printer at address address. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPR006E HHCPR006E address device initialization error: fork: error Explanation An error was encountered when starting the program to process the output from the printer at address
address. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPR007I HHCPR007I pipe receiver (pid=processid) starting for address Explanation The program to process the output from the printer at address address is starting. Its process id is processid. Action No action required. HHCPR008E HHCPR008E address dup2 error: error Explanation The file descriptor for stdin could not be duplicated for the program to process the output from the printer at address address. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCPR009E HHCPR009E address dup2 error: error Explanation The file descriptor for stdout could not be duplicated for the program to process the output from the printer at address address. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPR010E HHCPR010E address dup2 error: error Explanation The file descriptor for stderr could not be duplicated for the program to process the output from the printer at address address. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPR011I HHCPR011I pipe receiver (pid=processid) terminating for address Explanation The program to process the output from the printer at address address has ended sucessfully. Its process id was processid. Action No action required. HHCPR012E HHCPR012E address Unable to execute program: error Explanation The program named program to process the output from the printer at address address could not be started. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
69. Messages HHCPUnnns - Card Punch Emulation HHCPU001E HHCPU001E File name missing or invalid Explanation The file name specified for punched output is invalid or no file name is given. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPU002E HHCPU002E Invalid argument: argument Explanation An invalid argument argument was specified for the card punch. Valid arguments are ascii, ebcdic, and crlf. Action Correct the invalid argument and retry the operation. HHCPU003E HHCPU003E Error opening file filename: error Explanation The file named filename could not be opened for output of card punch data. The error is described by
error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCPU004E HHCPU004E Error writing to filename: error Explanation The file named filename encountered an error while writing card punch data. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
70. Messages HHCRDnnns - Card Reader Emulation HHCRD001E HHCRD001E Out of memory Explanation A request to allocate memory for the list of files to be read failed. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD002E HHCRD002E File name too long (max=max): ”filename Explanation The file name specified by filename is too long. The maximum length is max. Action Specify a shorter name. HHCRD003E HHCRD003E Unable to access file ”filename“: error Explanation The file specified by filename could not be accessed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD004E HHCRD004E Out of memory Explanation A request to allocate memory for the list of files to be read failed. Action Correct the error and retry the operation.
HHCRD005E HHCRD005E Specify 'ascii' or 'ebcdic' (or neither) but not both Explanation Both of the character set translation options ascii and ebcdic were specified. At most one is allowed. Action Select only one character set translation option. HHCRD006E HHCRD006E Only one filename (sock_spec) allowed for socket devices Explanation More than one filename argument was given for a socket card reader device. Only one is allowed. This error can also result if an option name is misspelled. Action Remove the extraneous filenames or correct the misspelled options. HHCRD007I HHCRD007I Defaulting to 'ascii' for socket device address Explanation The socket card reader device at address address has been set to ASCII mode since neither translation option was specified. The socket card reader device cannot automatically select the translation option. Action If you wish to read cards without translation from ASCII to EBCDIC, you must specify the ebcdic option on the reader definition. HHCRD008W HHCRD008W 'multifile' option ignored: only one file specified Explanation Only one file was specified for input to the card reader and the multifile option was specified. This option is Explanationless with only one input file. The option has been ignored. Action If you wish to read more than one input file without signalling end-of-file or intervention required between them, then all files must all be specified on the same reader definition. If you only wish to process one file, omit the multifile option.
HHCRD009E HHCRD009E File name too long (max=max): ”filename Explanation The file name specified by filename is too long. The maximum length is max. Action Specify a shorter name. HHCRD010E HHCRD010E Unable to access file ”filename“: error Explanation The file specified by filename could not be accessed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD011E HHCRD011E Close error on file ”filename“: error Explanation An attempt to close the file specified by filename failed. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD012I HHCRD012I ipaddr (hostname) disconnected from device address (socketspec) Explanation The client on the host named hostname, with the IP address ipaddr, has disconnected from the socket card reader device at address address, specified by socketspec. Action No action required. HHCRD013E HHCRD013E Error opening file filename: error Explanation The file named filename could not be opened for reading. The error is described by error.
Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD014E HHCRD014E Error reading file filename: error Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to read the first 160 bytes of the file named filename in order to determine its character set. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD015E HHCRD015E Seek error in file filename: error Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to return to the beginnning of file named filename after determining its character set. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD016E HHCRD016E Error reading file filename: error Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to read an EBCDIC card image from the file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD017E HHCRD017E Unexpected end of file on filename Explanation Too few characters were read from the file named filename. The autopad option was not specified. Action Either ensure that all records in the file are 80 bytes long, or specify the autopad option on the reader definition.
HHCRD018E HHCRD018E Error reading file filename: error Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to read an ASCII card image from the file named filename. The error is described by error. Action Correct the error and retry the operation. HHCRD019E HHCRD019E Card image exceeds size bytes in file filename Explanation A line in the file named filename is too long to fit on one card. The trunc option was not specified. The maximum length is size bytes. Action Either ensure that all lines in the file are less than size bytes long or specify the trunc option on the reader definition.

71. Messages HHCSDnnns - Socket Devices Common Functions HHCSDnnns Messages HHCSDnnns are not yet documented.

72. Messages HHCTAnnns - Tape Device Emulation HHCTAnnns Messages HHCTAnnns are not yet documented.

73. Messages HHCTCnnns - TAPECOPY Utility HHCTCnnns Messages HHCTCnnns are not yet documented.

74. Messages HHCTEnnns - Terminal Emulation HHCTE001I HHCTE001I Console connection thread started: tid=threadid, pid=processid Explanation The thread that handles connection requests from console devices has been started. Action No action required. HHCTE002W HHCTE002W Waiting for port port to become free Explanation The thread that handles connection requests from console devices is waiting for the TCP port denoted by
port to become available for use. Action If this message persists, some other program has control of the TCP port listed. Determine the program involved and terminate it. HHCTE003I HHCTE003I Waiting for console connection on port port pid=num Explanation Hercules is ready to accept console connections on port port. Action No action required. HHCTE004I HHCTE004I Console connection thread terminated Explanation The thread that handles connection requests from console devices has been terminated. Action No action required.
HHCTE005E HHCTE005E Cannot create console thread: reason Explanation The thread that handles connection requests from console devices could not be started. The reason is shown as reason. Action Correct the reason listed and restart Hercules. HHCTE006A HHCTE006A Enter input for console device address Explanation The 1052 console device at address is waiting for input. Action Type the desired input for the console and press the ENTER key. If you do not wish to get this message when input is requested, define the console with the option noprompt. HHCTE007I HHCTE007I Device address closed by client ipaddr Explanation The client at IP address ipaddr that was connected to the 3270 console at address address has closed the connection. The device is no longer available for use. Action No action required. HHCTE008I HHCTE008I Device address closed by client ipaddr Explanation The client at IP address ipaddr that was connected to the 1052 console at address address has closed the connection. The device is no longer available for use. Action No action required.
HHCTE009I HHCTE009I Client ipaddr connected to type device address Explanation The client at IP address ipaddr has connected to Hercules as a type device and is now available at address address. Action No action required. HHCTE010E HHCTE010E CNSLPORT statement invalid: statement Explanation The CNSLPORT statement in the Hercules configuration file is invalid. Action Correct the CNLSPORT statement in the configuration file and restart Hercules. HHCTE011E HHCTE011E Device devn: Invalid IP address: ipaddr Explanation The IP address ipaddr is invalid. Action Correct the IP address in the configuration file and restart Hercules. HHCTE012E HHCTE012E Device devn: Invalid mask value: ipmask Explanation The mask value ipmask is invalid. Action Correct the mask value in the configuration file and restart Hercules. HHCTE013E HHCTE013E Device devn: Extraneous argument(s): xxx Explanation The argument(s) xxx and any which follow it (if any) was not recognized or understood and are thus invalid.
Action Correct the arguments in the configuration file and restart Hercules. HHCTE014I HHCTE014I type device devn disconnected. Explanation The client connected to device
devn has abruptly terminated the connection (ECONNRESET). Action No action required. HHCTE017E HHCTE017E Device devn: Duplicate SYSG console definition. Explanation Device number devn has been defined as an integrated 3270 (SYSG) console, but a SYSG console already exists. Only one SYSG console can be defined per system. Action Correct the statement in the configuration file and restart Hercules.

75. Messages HHCTMnnns - TAPEMAP Utility HHCTMnnns Messages HHCTMnnns are not yet documented.

76. Messages HHCTSnnns - TAPESPLT Utility HHCTSnnns Messages HHCTSnnns are not yet documented.

77. Messages HHCTTnnns - TOD Clock and Timer Services HHCTT001W HHCTT001W Timer thread set priority priority failed: error Explanation An attempt to change the priority of the timer thread to priority failed. The error is described by error. The thread priority has not been changed. Hercules overall performance may be impaired as a result. Action If performance problems are noted, correct the error and restart Hercules. HHCTT002I HHCTT002I Timer thread started: tid=threadid, pid=processid, priority=priority Explanation The thread for timing functions has been started. Its thread id is threadid, its process id is processid and the thread priority is priority. Action No action required. HHCTT003I HHCTT003I Timer thread ended Explanation The thread for timing functions has ended. Action No action required.
78. Messages HHCTUnnns - TUN / TAP Driver Support HHCTUnnns Messages HHCTUnnns are not yet documented.

79. Messages HHCVMnnns - VM / CP Emulation HHCVM001I HHCVM001I *panel_command* panel command Module guest Explanation The guest operating system has issued a DIAGNOSE 8 instruction to perform the panel_command panel command to be carried out by the Hercules panel command processor System Action The Hercules panel command processor carries out the command if possible. Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action No action is requested if this behaviour is expected. If this behaviour poses a security concern, the
DIAG8CMD configuration statement should either be ommited or specified with the disabled argument. HHCVM002I HHCVM002I *panel_command command complete Explanation The panel_commandpanel command has been carried out by the panel command processor. Note that this message only appears if the guest issued diagnose 8 instruction specified that it did not request the command response to be placed in a supplied buffer. System Action The system continues Operator Action None. This is an informational message Programmer Action None. This is an informational message HHCVM003I HHCVM003I Host command processing disabled by configuration statement Explanation The guest operating system attempted using the DIAGNOSE 8 Instruction to carry out a panel command, but the system configuration disabled this feature (with the DIAG8CMD configuration statement) System Action The panel command is ignored.
Operator Action None. This is an informational message. Programmer Action If it is deemed necessary for the guest operating system to issue DIAGNOSE 8 commands to issue panel commands, the DIAG8CMD with the enable argument should be specified in the configuration file. HHCVM004E HHCVM004E Host command processing not included in engine build Explanation The Hercules engine has been built without Diagnose 8 panel command facility support System Action The panel command is not issued. The system continues. Operator Action
None. Programmer Action If it is desired that DIAGNOSE 8 Instruction be carried out as panel commands, the facility should be included in the build process. Additionally, the DIAG8CMD configuration statement should be specified with the enable parameter.

ibm/hercules/msgs/summary.of.changes.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:31 by Site Administrator