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Environment Variables

The following table lists the Hercules environment variables. The table is sorted by the usage (configura- tion, build, โ€ฆ) and the name of the environment variable.

Usage Environment Variable Description Platform
Hercules Build BZIP2_DIR Path to the BZIP2 package Windows
Hercules Build PCRE_DIR Path to the PCRE package Windows
Hercules Build ZLIB_DIR Path to the ZLIB package Windows
Hercules Configuration HERCULES_CNF Default name of configuration file All
Hercules Configuration HERCULES_CP Hercules Codepage All
Hercules Configuration HERCULES_RC Default name of run-commands file All
Hercules Configuration HERCULES_LIB Dynamic load modules path All
Hercules Configuration HREXX_PACKAGE Name of REXX package All
Hercules Configuration LD_LIBRARY_PATH Dynamic load modules path All
Hercules Configuration REXX_DIR Path to the REXX package All
ibm/hercules/userref/environment.variables.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:31 by Site Administrator