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Starting the Emulator

Starting Hercules in Native Mode

General Format

  HERCULES[{-f configfile          |    --config=configfile}]
          [{-r rcfile              | --rcfile=rcfile}]
          [{-b logofile            | --herclogo=logofile}]
          [{-d                     | --daemon}]
          [{-p dyndir              | --modpath=dyndir}]
          [{-l dynmod [...]        | --ldmod=dynmod [...]}]
          [{-s symbol=value [...]  | --defsym=symbol=value [...]}]
          [{-v                     | --verbose}]
          [{-h                     | --help}] 

Starting Hercules with the Windows GUI

General Format

  HERCGUI [-f configfile]

Starting Hercules with the Hercules Studio

General Format

  HERCULESSTUDIO [-f configfile] [-r rcfile]
ibm/hercules/userref/starting.hercules.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:31 by Site Administrator