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CMS EDIT Subcommands

BACKWARD (primarily 3270)                                   CMS EDIT subcommand

Use the BACKWARD subcommand to move the current line pointer towards the
beginning of the file you are editing.  The format of the BACKWARD subcommand
| BAckward | [1|n]                                                            |

n        is the number of records backward you wish to move the current line
         pointer.  If n is not specified, the current line pointer is moved
         backward one line, toward the top of the file.

Usage Note:

The BACKWARD subcommand is equivalent to the UP subcommand; it is provided for
the convenience of 3270 users.


When verification is on, the current line on the screen contains the record
located by the BACKWARD n value.  If n exceeds the number of records above the
current line, TOF is displayed on the current line.

On a typewriter terminal the new current line is typed if verification is on.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/backward.helpedt.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator