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CMS EDIT Subcommands

BOTTOM                                                      CMS EDIT subcommand

Use the BOTTOM subcommand to make the last line of the file the new current
line.  The format of the BOTTOM subcommand is:
| Bottom   |                                                                  |

Usage Note:

Use the BOTTOM subcommand followed by the INPUT subcommand to begin entering
new lines at the end of a file.


When verification is on, the last line in the file is displayed.

Display Mode Considerations

If the BOTTOM subcommand is issued at a 3270 display terminal in display mode,
EOF: is displayed on the line following the current line, preceded by the last
records of the file; the rest of the screen's output area is blank.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/bottom.helpedt.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator