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CMS EDIT Subcommands

CASE                                                        CMS EDIT subcommand

Use the CASE subcommand to indicate how the editor is to process uppercase and
lowercase letters.  The format of the CASE subcommand is:
| Bottom   | [M|U]                                                            |

M        indicates that the editor is to accept any mixture of uppercase and
         lowercase letters for the file as they are entered at the terminal.

U        indicates that the editor is to translate all lowercase letters to
         uppercase letters before the letters are entered into the file.  U is
         the default value for all filetypes execept MEMO and SCRIPT.


If you enter the CASE subcommand with no operand, the current setting is
displayed at the terminal.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/case.helpedt.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator