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CMS Commands

CHANGE                                                   CP Privilege Class:  G

Use the CHANGE command to alter one or more of the external attributes of a
closed spool file or files.  The format of the CHANGE command is:
| CHange   | Reader|RDR     CLass c1    Class c2        NAME dsname|fn [ft]   |
|          | Printer|PRT    spoolid     COpy nn                               |
|          | PUnch|PCH      ALL         HOld|NOHold                           |
|          |                            DIst|distcode                         |
One of the above operands must be chosen, more than one may be specified in any
order, except for NAME, which must be the last operand on the command line.
The above notation is contrary to that used in the other help files.


Reader | RDR
         changes reader spool files.

Printer | PRT
         changes printer spool files.

PUnch | PCH
         changes punch spool files.

CLass c1 designates an existing class.  The class, c1, is a one-character
         alphameric field from A through Z or from 0 through 9.  Refer to the
         VM/370 Operator's Guide for a detailed description of output classes.

spoolid  is the spoolid number of the file that is to be changed.

ALL      changes all your spool files.

CLass c2 changes the spool class of the file to c2.

COpy nn  specifies the  number of copies of the file you want spooled to the
         virtual output device.  The option is valid for printer and punch
         files only.  The value of nn (number of copies) must be a number from
         1 through 99.  A leading zeroe is optional.

HOld     prevents the file from being printed, punched, or read until it is
         released.  The file is released when the CHANGE command is issued with
         the NOHOLD operand specified.

NOHold   releases the specified file from user HOLD status.

DIst dist
         changes the distribution code specified in the directory to the
         distcode specified on the command line, for the specified file only.
         The distribution code appears on the output separators of the printer
         and punch output; it has no effect on reader files.

NAme fn [ft]
         assigns identification to the spool file in the CMS format filename
         and filetype.  The field fn, is a 1- to 8-character alphameric
         filename assigned to the file for identification.  The field ft, is a
         1- to 8-character alphameric filetype assigned to the file for
         identification.  If ft is not specified, the filetype is set to

NAme dsname
         assigns identification to the spool file in a non-CMS format.  The
         field, dsname, is a 1- to 24-character field suitable for specifying
         OS or DOS files (for example, SYS1.SYSLIB.MYMAC).

Usage notes:

1.  Issue the QUERY command to determine the current attributes of the file.

2.  If you want to change an output file, the file must have been closed but
    not yet selected for printing or punching.

3.  You can change an input (READER) file at any time before it is opened; that
    is, before CP issues the first read for the file.

4.  Use the QUERY command to verify the new attributes of the file or files.


   This is the response when you issue the CHANGE command.  This is an
   indication of the number of files changed.  It does not reflect individual
   alterations to a given file.  This message does not appear if you have
   issued the CP SET IMSG OFF command line.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/change.helpcmd.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator