CMS Commands
- close.helpcmd.txt
CLOSE CP Privilege Class: G Use the CLOSE command to terminate the spooling activity on any virtual spooled unit record or console device. The format of the CLOSE command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CLOSE | Reader|vaddr [HOLD|NOHOLD] | | | | | | CONsole|Printer|PUnch|vaddr [operands] | | | | | | operands: | | | PUrge HOld|NOHold DIst distcode Name dsname|fn [ft] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: Reader | RDR closes all reader spool files. CONsole closes your virtual machine's console spool file. Once a virtual console spool file is closed, it becomes a printer spool file and can be manipulated in the same way as any printer spool file (for example, it can be purged or changed). Printer | PRT closes all printer spool files. PUnch | PCH closes all punch spool files. vaddr is the virtual address (cuu) of the device to be closed. The address may represent a reader, console, printer, or punch. HOld makes the output spool file being closed unavailable for further processing, until it is specifically requested or changed. However, input reader files are still available for processing (see Usage Note 5). This option, specified in the CLOSE command, overrides any previously specified HOLD or NOHOLD option for the files being closed. NOHold makes the output spool file being closed available for further processing, but the input reader file is no longer available for processing (see Usage Note 5). Specify NOHOLD if a HOLD established by the SPOOL command is still in effect and the current active file is not to be held. You can release one of your own output files in HOLD status by using the CHANGE command. If an output file is spooled for another user (SPOOL FOR userid), only the receiving virtual machine user can change the file status. If an output file is spooled to another user as an input file (SPOOL TO userid), the HOLD option places the input file in HOLD status. The file then cannot be read by the virtual machine until it is changed to NOHOLD by the receiving virtual machine user. If an input file is closed with the HOLD option, the file is saved and not purged from the system. The saved file is available for virtual machine and user processing and is not placed in a user hold status. Input spool files that are closed are normally purged from the virtual machine. PUrge closes and immediately purges from the virtual machine the output spool files. No output file is produced. DIst distcode uses the 1- to 8-character alphameric identification (distcode) on the output separators of printer and punch instead of the identification specified in the VM/370 directory. The distribution code is changed for this file only and does not affect other files or change the VM/370 directory. If the file is transferred to another user, this option has no effect. NAme fn [ft] assigns identification to the spool file in the CMS format filename and filetype. The filename, fn, is a 1- to 8-character alphameric name assigned to the file for identification. The filetype, ft, is a 1- to 8-character alphameric type assigned to the file for identification. If ft is not specified, the filetype is set to blanks. NAme dsname assigns identification to the spool file in a non-CMS format. The dsname field is a 1- to 24-character field suitable for specifying OS or DOS files (for example, SYS1.SYSLIB.MYMAC). Only 18 characters of the 24-character dsname are displayed by QUERY, even though a name of up to 24 characters is valid. Usage Notes: 1. If the file is an input reader file, the file being processed is purged unless SPOOL READER HOLD was previously specified (see the SPOOL command). The effect of HOLD or NOHOLD for a particular file established by the SPOOL command can be overridden by specifying NOHOLD or HOLD, respectively, in the CLOSE command. 2. If an input spool file is read but the read is not completed (that is, the virtual machine does not get a last-card indication), you must issue a CLOSE READER command in order to be able to read that file again (or to read any other file). Unless you specify HOLD when you close a reader file, the file is purged. 3. If the file is an output file on a printer, punch, or console, the file is either queued for output on a real unit record device, or, if the virtual output device is transferred (by use of the "SPOOL vaddr TO userid" command), the file is queued for input to the receiving user. 4. You can specify a filename and filetype and an optional distribution code to aid in later identification of the file and its contents. 5. The following table shows what happens to an input file in your virtual reader when the CLOSE command is issued with the HOLD or NOHOLD operand in effect. The CLOSE command can result in an input file being purged or saved. +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ ¦Virtual Dev ¦ SPOOL Command Options Set for a Virtual Input Device ¦ ¦Status +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ ¦(CLOSE cmd ¦ NOHOLD ¦ HOLD ¦ NOHOLD ¦ HOLD ¦ ¦setting) ¦ NOCONT ¦ NOCONT ¦ CONT ¦ CONT ¦ +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ ¦Normal EOF: ¦File released ¦File saved ¦File released ¦File held ¦ ¦default CLOSE¦for processing¦ ¦for processing¦ ¦ +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ ¦ CLOSE ¦File released ¦File saved ¦File released ¦File held ¦ ¦ ¦for processing¦ ¦for processing¦ ¦ +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ ¦ CLOSE HOLD ¦File saved ¦File saved ¦File saved ¦File saved ¦ +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ ¦ CLOSE ¦File released ¦File released ¦File released ¦File released ¦ ¦ NOHOLD ¦for processing¦for processing¦for processing¦for processing¦ +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ Note: The term "saved" means that the file is neither purged nor is it in HOLD status. A subsequent READ could read this file. Responses: PRT¦PUN¦CON FILE spoolid FOR¦TO userid COPY nnn HOLD¦NOHOLD This response is received if: multiple copies of the file are being processed, the file is being transferred to another user, or the file is placed in a USER HOLD status. However, if the SET IMSG option is OFF, this message is not issued even though the preceding conditions are met.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/close.helpcmd.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator