CMS Commands
- cmscmds.helpcmd.txt
VM/370 Release 6 "Sixpack" CMS Commands and Help Topics ACCESS Make a CMS minidisk and its files available to your virtual machine. AMSERV* Define, alter, list, copy, or delete VSAM objects in CMS/DOS. ASSEMBLE Assemble an Assemble F source statement file. ASSGN Assign or unassign DOS system or logical units in CMS/DOS. BASIC* Run a BASIC program. BISON* Invoke the BISON parser generator. REXX Information on the REXX interpreter. CLOAD Load a C program (compiled with GCCE) into memory. CLS Clear the screen of a 3270 display terminal. CMSBATCH* Invoke the CMSBATCH facility. CMSGEND Generate a new CMS module or loadlib. COBOL* Run a COBOL program. COMPARE Compare two CMS disk files and display the differences. CONWAIT Wait until all pending terminal I/O is complete. COPYFILE Copy one or more input files and creates an output file. CP Issue a CP command and display, stack or discard its output. CPEREP* Format and print EREP records. DDR Dump, restore, or print VM/370 mini-disks. DEBUG Test and debug programs. DIR List information about CMS files. DIRECT Update the VM/370 system user directory. DISK Punch CMS disk files to the virtual punch in a restorable format. DLBL* Define VSE, CMS and VSAM files and libraries in CMS/DOS. DOSLIB* Delete, compact, or list DOS phase libraries in CMS/DOS. DOSLKED* Link edit text and module files into executable form in CMS/DOS. DROP Release and detach a minidisk. DSERV* Display directory information for libraries in CMS/DOS. EDIT Invoke the CMS file editor. EMIT Display text at the terminal, avoiding tokenization. ERASE Delete CMS files. ESERV* Copy VSE source statement libraries to CMS disk files in CMS/DOS. EXEC Execute CMS commands, EXEC or REXX procedures. EXECUTIL* Utility program for use with EXEC programs. See EXECUTIL MEMO. FETCH* Load CMS/DOS executable into memory for execution in CMS/DOS. FILEDEF Provide data definitions for OS and CMS ddnames. FINIS Close open files. FLEX* Invoke the FLEXX scanner generator. FLIST Manipulate CMS files from a displayed list. FORMAT Initialize or label a mini-disk. FORTH* Run a FORTH program. FORTRAN Compile a FORTRAN program with the FORTRAN G compiler. GCC Compile a C program with the GNU C compiler. GCCLIB Information on the GCCLIB native C runtime library. GENDIRT Create or Update a CMS auxiliary directory. GENMOD Create MODULE (executable) files on a CMS mini-disk. GIMME Link to and access a minidisk. GLOBAL Identify libraries to be searched. HB Stop execution of a CMS batch virtual machine after current job. HELP Display helpful information about CMS and CP commands. HO Halt recording of trace information. HT Stop terminal output from a command. HX Halt execution of CMS or CMS/DOS program. INCLUDE Read one or more TEXT files and load them into storage. LISTDS* List information on accessed OS or DOS disks. LISTFILE List information about CMS files. LISTIO* List assigned system and programmer logical units in CMS/DOS. LOAD Load TEXT files into storage in preparation for START or GENMOD. LOADMOD Load a CMS disk resident module into storage. MACLIB Create or modify CMS macro libraries. MODMAP Display load map associated with an executable module file. MOVEFILE Move date between VM-supported devices. OPTION* Change options for the DOS/VS COBOL compiler in CMS/DOS. PASCOMP* Compile a Pascal program. PASCRUN* Run a Pascal program. PCODE370* Convert Pascal Pcode into System/370 machine code. PLCT* Compile and run a PL/C program. See PLCTINFO LISTING. PLI* Compile a PL/I program with the PL/I F compiler. PL360* Compile a PL/360 program. PRINT Print CMS files on a virtual printer. PSERV* Copy, list, print, punch a member from a CMS/DOS procedure library. PUNCH Punch a CMS disk file to the virtual punch. QUERY (CMSQUERY) Display information about your CMS virtual machine. READCARD Read from the virtual card reader and create CMS files. RELEASE Free an accessed disk. RENAME Change the names of CMS files. RESLIB Load programs into memory as extensions of the CMS nucleus. RO Resume recording of trace information. RT Resumes typing of the output from a command. RUN Compile, load, and start a program. SCAN Search one or more files for a text pattern. SCRIPT* Format a SCRIPT document. See SCRIPT LISTING. SET (CMSSET) Set attributes of your CMS virtual machine. SNOBOL4* Run a SNOBOL4 program. SO Temporarily suspend tracing of a program. SORT Sort a fixed length CMS file in ascending EBCDIC order. SSERV* Copy, list, print, punch a member from a CMS/DOS source library. START Begin execution of CMS, OS or VSE program previously loaded. STATE Verify the existence a file or files on any accessed disk. STATEW Verify the existence a file or files on any read/write disk. SVCTRACE Turn on or off Supervisor Call tracing. SYNONYM Set synonyms for CMS commands. S380 Information on System/380 and 31-bit addressing. TAPE Dump and Load CMS format tapes. TAPEMAC Create a CMS MACLIB from an unloaded partitioned dataset. TAPEMAP* Display a map of a tape. TAPPDS Create CMS disk files for use with IEBPTPCH, IBUPDTE or IEHMOVE. TXTLIB Create and manipulate text (object code) libraries. TYPE Display all or part of a CMS file. UPDATE Update a base source program file by applying updates. VMARC Create or read compressed files to/from disk and/or tape. VMFASM* Update and assemble source file using specified control file. VMFMAC* Update macro libraries. VMFPLC2 Process maintenance and other files from VMFPLC2 format tape. WELCOME Information and welcome to the CMS SixPack. ZAP* Modify or dump MODULE, LOADLIB, or TXTLIB files. Type 'HELP command' to get more information on any of these commands, except for QUERY and SET: type HELP CMSQUERY and HELP CMSSET, respectively. * after the command name means that help is not yet available for that command.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/cmscmds.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator