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CMS Commands

QUERY                                                     CMS Transient command

Use the QUERY command to gather information about your CMS virtual machine.
You can determine:
o   The state of virtual machine characteristics that are controlled by the CMS
    SET command.
o   File definitions (set with the FILEDEF and DLBL commands) that are in
o   The status of accessed disks.
o   The status of CMS/DOS functions.
o   The status of CP settings reported by the CP QUERY command.
The format of the QUERY command is:
| Query    | ABBREV       ABEND        BLIP         CMSLEVEL                  |
|          | DISK [*|mode|MAX|R/W]     DLBL         DOS          DOSLIB       |
|          | DOSPART      FILEDEF      IMPCP        IMPEX        INPUT        |
|          | LDRTBLS      LIBRARY      MACLIB       OPTION       OUTPUT       |
|          | PROTECT      RDYMSG       REDTYPE      RELPAGE      SEARCH       |
|          | SYNONYM ALL|SYSTEM|USER   SYSNAMES     TXTLIB       UPSI         |
|          | [(STACK [FIFO|LIFO]|FIFO|LIFO [)]]                               |

ABBREV   displays whether or not truncations are accepted for CMS commands.
ABEND    displays the command to be stacked after an ABEND.
BLIP     displays the BLIP character(s) used to indicate CPU utilization.
CMSLEVEL displays the current version numbers of VM/370 and CMS.
DISK [* | mode | MAX | R/W]
         displays the status of the disk accessed as 'mode', or all accessed
         disks (the default), or the disk with the most available space, or
         all disks accessed as read/write.
DLBL     displays all DOS disk file definitions in effect.
DOS      displays whether or not the CMS/DOS environment is in effect.
DOSLIB   displays all libraries (DOSLIBs) to be searched for executable phases,
         as specified with the last GLOBAL DOSLIB command.
DOSPART  displays the size of the DOS partition, if any.
FILEDEF  displays all file definitions in effect.
IMPCP    displays whether or not CP commands are implicitly executed without
         prefixing them with CP.
IMPEX    displays whether or not EXECs are implicitly executed without
         prefixing them with EXEC.
INPUT    displays the input translation table in use, if any.
LDRTBLS  displays the number of loader tables.
LIBRARY  displays all libraries (MACLIB, TXTLIB, DOSLIB) to be searched.
MACLIB   displays all macro libraries (MACLIBs) to be searched for macros, as
         specified with the last GLOBAL MACLIB command.
OPTION   displays the DOS compiler options currently in effect.
OUTPUT   displays the output translation table in use, if any.
PROTECT  displays the status of CMS nucleus protection.
RDYMSG   displays whether the long or short CMS Ready message is in use.
REDTYPE  displays the status of whether or not CMS error messages are typed in
         red (on supported terminals).
RELPAGE  indicates whether pages of storage are to be released or retained
         after certain commands complete execution.
SEARCH   displays the search order of all currently accessed disks.
         displays all CMS synonyms in effect, or just the system synonyms, or
         just the user synonyms.
SYSNAMES displays the names of the saved system currently in use.
TXTLIB   displays all object libraries (TXTLIBs) to be searched for unresolved
         external routines, as specified with the last GLOBAL TXTLIB command.
UPSI     displays the current setting of the DOS User Program Switch Indicator
         (UPSI) byte.


         causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program
         stack instead of being displayed at the terminal.  The information is
         stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out).
         The default order is FIFO.

         If CMS passes the command to CP, then the response from CP is also put
         in the program stack.  If CP precedes the QUERY command, CMS does not
         stack the results.  The STACK option is valid only when issued from

FIFO     (first-in first-out) is the default option for STACK.  FIFO causes the
         results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack instead
         of being displayed at the terminal.  The information is stacked FIFO.
         The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent.

LIFO     (last-in first-out) causes the results of the QUERY command to be
         placed in the program stack rather than being displayed at the
         terminal.  The information is stacked LIFO.  This option is equivalent
         to STACK LIFO.

Usage notes:

1.  You may specify only one QUERY parameter at a time.

2.  If the implied CP (IMPCP) function is in effect and you enter an invalid
    QUERY parameter, you may receive the message DMKCQG045E - userid NOT LOGGED

3.  If an invalid QUERY parameter is specified from an EXEC and the implied CP
    (IMPCP) function is in effect, then the return code is -0003.

4.  The DOSPART, OPTION, and UPSI functions are valid only if the CMS/DOS
    environment is active.

5.  When the STACK option is specified, the header is included in the program
    stack.  If the information that you query requires a response from CP and
    the response is longer than 8192 characters, nothing is stacked and you
    receive a return code of 88.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/cmsquery.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator