CMS Commands
- copyfile.helpcmd.txt
COPYFILE CMS User Area command Use the COPYFILE command to copy and/or modify CMS disk files. The manner in which the file identifiers are entered determines whether or not one or more output files are created. The format of the COPYFILE command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | COPYfile | fileidi1 [fileidi2...] [fileido] [(options...[)]] | | | options: | | | NOType|Type NEWDate|OLDDate | | | NEWFile|REPlace PRompt|NOPRompt | | | copy extent options: | | | FRom recno|FRLabel xxxxxxxx OVly|APpend | | | FOR numrec|TOLabel xxxxxxxx NOSPecs|SPecs | | | data modification options: | | | RECfm F|V LRecl nnnnn | | | NOTRunc|TRUnc PAck|UNPack | | | FIll 40|c|hh | | | character translation options: | | | EBcdic TRAns UPcase|LOwcase | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fileidi1 is the first (or only) input file. Each file identifier (filename, filetype, and filemode) must be specified either by indicating the specific identifier or by coding an asterisk. fileidi2 is one or more additional input files. Each file identifier (filename, filetype, and filemode) must be specified. In single output mode, any of the three input file identifiers may be specified either by indicating the specific identifier or by coding an asterisk. However, all three file identifiers of fileidi2 cannot be specified by asterisks. In multiple output mode, an asterisk is an invalid file identifier. An equal sign may be coded for any of the file identifiers, indicating that it is the same as the corresponding identifier in fileidi1. fileido is the output file(s) to be created. Each file identifier (filename, filetype, and filemode) must be specified. To create multiple output files, an equal sign must be coded in one or more of the identifier fields. If there is only one input file, fileido may be omitted, in which case it defaults to = = = (the input file represented by fileidi1 is replaced). Options: NOType suppresses the display of the names of the files being copied. This is the default. Type displays, at the terminal, the names of the files being copied. NEWDate uses the current date as the creation date of the new file(s). This is the default. OLDDate uses the date on the (first) input file as the creation date of the new file(s). NEWFile checks that files with the same fileid as the output file do not already exist. If one or more output files do exist, an error message is displayed and the COPYFILE command terminates. This option is the default so that existing files are not inadvertently destroyed. REPlace causes the output file to replace an existing file with the same file identifier. REPLACE is the default option when only one fileid is entered or when the output fileid is specified as "= = =". PRompt displays the messages that request specification or translation lists. This is the default. NOPRompt suppresses the display of prompting messages for specification and translation lists. Copy extent options: FRom recno is the starting record number for each input file in the copy operation. FRLabel xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx is a character string that appears at the beginning of the first record to be copied from each input file. Up to eight nonblank characters may be specified. FOR numrec is the number of records to be copied from each input file. TOLabel xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx is a character string which, if at the beginning of a record, stops the copy operation for that input file. The record containing the given character is not copied. Up to eight nonblank characters may be specified. OVly overlays the data in an existing output file with data from the input file. You can use OVLY with the SPECS option to overlay data in particular columns. APpend at the end of the output file. SPecs indicates that you are going to enter a specification list to define how records should be copied. See "Entering a COPYFILE Specification List" for information on how you can define output records in a specification list. NOSPecs indicates that no specification list is to be entered. Data modification options: The following options can be used to change the record format of a file. See "Modifying Record Formats" for more details. RECfm F | V is the record format of the output files. If not specified, the output record format is the same as that of the input file. LRecl nnnnn is the logical record length of the output file(s) if it is to be different from that of the input file(s). The maximum value of nnnnn is 65535. NOTRunc suppresses the removal of trailing blanks (or fill characters) when converting fixed-length files to variable-length format. This is the default. TRUnc removes trailing blanks (or fill characters) when converting fixed- length files to variable-length format. PAck compresses records in a file so that they can be stored in packed format. Caution: A file in packed format should not be modified in any way. If such a file is modified, the UNPACK routines are unable to reconstruct the original file. UNPack reverses the PACK operation. If a file is inadvertently packed twice, you can restore the file to its original unpacked form by issuing the COPYFILE command twice. FIll 40 | c | hh is the padding and truncation character for the TRUNC option or the principal packing character for the PACK option. The fill character may be specified as a single character, c, or by entering a two-digit hexadecimal representation of a character. The default is 40 (the hexadecimal representation for a blank in EBCDIC). Character translation options: EBcdic converts a file that was created with 026 keypunch characters (BCD), to 029 keypunch characters (EBCDIC). The following conversions are made: { to ), & to +, % to (, # to =, @ to ', ' to : UPcase converts all lowercase characters in each record to uppercase before writing the record to the output file. LOwcase converts all uppercase characters in each record to lowercase before writing the record to the output file. TRAns indicates that you are going to enter a list of character translations to be made as the file is copied. See "Entering Translation Specifications" for details on entering a list of characters to be translated. Incompatible options: The table below shows combinations of options that should not be specified together in the same COPYFILE command. If the option in the first column is specified, do not code any of the options in the second column. Options Incompatible Options APPEND LRECL, NEWDATE, NEWFILE, OLDDATE, OVLY, PACK, RECFM, REPLACE, UNPACK EBCDIC PACK, UNPACK FOR PACK, TOLABEL, UNPACK FRLABEL FROM, PACK, UNPACK FROM FRLABEL, PACK, UNPACK LOWCASE PACK, UNPACK LRECL APPEND, PACK, UNPACK NEWDATE APPEND, OLDDATE NEWFILE APPEND, OVLY, REPLACE NOPROMPT PROMPT NOSPECS SPECS NOTRUNC TRUNC NOTYPE TYPE OLDDATE APPEND, NEWDATE OVLY APPEND, NEWFILE, PACK, REPLACE, UNPACK PACK APPEND, EBCDIC, FOR, FRLABEL, FROM, LOWCASE, LRECL, OVLY, RECFM, SPECS, TOLABEL, TRANS, TRUNC, UNPACK, UPCASE PROMPT NOPROMPT RECFM APPEND, PACK, UNPACK REPLACE APPEND, NEWFILE, OVLY SPECS NOSPECS, PACK, UNPACK TOLABEL FOR, PACK, UNPACK TRANS PACK, UNPACK TRUNC NOTRUNC, PACK, UNPACK TYPE NOTYPE UNPACK APPEND, EBCDIC, FOR, FRLABEL, FROM, LOWCASE, LRECL, OVLY, PACK, RECFM, SPECS, TOLABEL, TRANS, TRUNC, UPCASE UPCASE PACK, UNPACK Usage notes: Two simple uses of the COPYFILE command are: (1) to copy a single CMS file from one disk to another, or (2) to make a duplicate copy of the file on the same disk. For example: copyfile test1 assemble a test2 assemble a makes a copy of the file TEST1 ASSEMBLE A and names it TEST2 ASSEMBLE A. For those portions of the file identifier that you want to stay the same, you may code an equal sign in the output fileid. Thus, the command line above can be entered: copyfile test1 assemble a test2 = = The equal sign may be used as a prefix or suffix of a file identifier. For example, the command: copyfile a b c file= type= = creates an output file called FILEA TYPEB C. When you copy a file from one virtual disk to another, you specify the old and new filemodes, and any filename or filetype change you want to make; for example: copyfile test3 assemble c good = a This command makes a copy of the file TEST3 ASSEMBLE C, and names it GOOD ASSEMBLE A. If you want to copy only particular records in a file, you can use the FROM/FOR FRLABEL/TOLABEL options. For example: copyfile old test a new test a (frlabel start for 41 copies 41 records from the file OLD TEST A1, beginning with the record starting with the character string START into the file NEW TEST A1. Also: 1. If the input filemode is an '*', then you should specify an explicit filemode, not an '=', for the output filemode. If you do not specify an explicit output filemode, it is possible to create an output file that would be recognized as an input file which generates the error message DMSCPY024E stating that the file already exists. For example, if you have a file named 'C B A' and you issue the command 'COPY C * * = D =', COPY will first create an output file named 'C D A'. This file will then match the input fileid of the file 'C * *' and copy will attempt to write an output file with the name 'C D A', which already exists. 2. If the output filemode number is not specified, it is determined by the following rules: o If the output file does not exist, the input filemode number is used. o If the output file exists, the existing output filemode number is used. 3. COPYFILE uses a temporary workfile called COPYFILE CMSUT1. If the copy operation ends abnormally, the workfile may be left on your disk. You should erase or rename this file. Its presence can prevent you from copying files in the future. COPYFILE CMSUT1 is a reserved workfile name for the COPYFILE command. Multiple input and output files: You can combine two or more files into a single file with the COPYFILE command. For example: copyfile test data1 a test data2 = test data3 b copies the files TEST DATA1 and TEST DATA2 from your A-disk and combines them into a file, TEST DATA3, on your B-disk. Note that if any input file has a filemode number of 3, it is possible that the file will be copied in a sequence different from its order on the disk. If you want to combine two more files without creating a new file; use the APPEND option. For example: copyfile new list a old list a (append appends the file NEW LIST A to the bottom of the existing file labeled OLD LIST A. Note: If the file NEW LIST A has a different LRECL from the file OLD LIST A, the appended data is padded, or truncated, to the LRECL of the file OLD LIST A. Whenever you code an asterisk in an input fileid, you may cause one or more files to be copied, depending upon the number of files that satisfy the remaining conditions. For example: copyfile * test a combined test a copies all files with a filetype of TEST on your A-disk into a single file named COMBINED TEST. If only one file with a filetype of TEST exists, only that file is copied. If you want to copy all the files on a particular disk to another disk, you could enter: copyfile * * b = = a All the files on the B-disk are copied to the A-disk. The filenames and filetypes remain unchanged. You can also copy a group of files and change all the filenames or all the filetypes. For example: copyfile * assemble b = test a copies all ASSEMBLE files on the B-disk into files with a filetype of TEST on the A-disk. The filenames are not changed. Whenever an asterisk appears, it indicates that all files are to be copied; whenever an equal sign (=) appears, it indicates that the same files are to be copied. For example: copyfile x * a1 = file = combines all files with a filename of X on the A-disk into a single file named X FILE A1. Whenever an equal sign appears in the output fileid in a position corresponding to an asterisk in an input fileid, multiple input files produce multiple output files. When you perform copy operations of this nature you might wish to use the TYPE option, which displays the names of files being copied. For example: copyfile * test a = output a = summary = (type might result in the display: COPY 'ALPHA TEST A1' TO 'ALPHA SUMMARY A1' (NEW FILE) COPY 'ALPHA OUTPUT A' COPY 'BETA TEST A1' TO 'BETA SUMMARY A1' (NEW FILE) COPY 'BETA OUTPUT A.' which indicates that files ALPHA TEST A and ALPHA OUTPUT A were copied into a file named ALPHA SUMMARY A and that files BETA TEST A and BETA OUTPUT A were copied into a file named BETA SUMMARY A. Modifying record formats: You can use the RECFM and LRECL options to change the record format of a file as you copy it. For example: copyfile data file a (recfm f lrecl 130 converts the file DATA FILE A1 to fixed-length 130-character records. If you specify an output fileid, for example: copyfile data file a fixdata file a (recfm f lrecl 130 the original file remains unchanged. The file FIXDATA FILE A contains the converted records. If the records in a file being copied are variable-length, each output record is padded with blanks to the specified record length. If any records are longer than the record length, they are truncated. When you convert files from fixed-length records to variable-length records, you can specify the TRUNC option to ensure that all trailing blanks are truncated: copyfile data file a (recfm v trunc If you specify the LRECL option and RECFM V, the LRECL option is ignored and the output record length is taken from the longest record in the input file. When you convert a file from variable-length to fixed-length records, you may also specify a fill character to be used for padding instead of a blank. If you specify: copyfile short recs a (recfm f fill * then each record in the file SHORT RECS is padded with asterisks to the record length. Assuming that SHORT RECS was originally a variable-length file, the record length is taken from the longest existing record. Note that if SHORT RECS is already fixed-length, it is not altered. Similarly, when you are converting back to variable-length a file that was padded with a character other than a blank, you must specify the FILL option to indicate the pad character, so that character is truncated. The FILL option can also be used to specify the packing character used with the PACK option. When you use the PACK option, a file is compressed as follows: all occurrences of two or more blanks are encoded as one character, and four or more occurrences of any other character are written as three characters. If you use the FILL option to specify a fill character, then that character is treated as a blank when records are compressed. You must, of course, specify the FILL option to unpack any files packed in this way. Since most fixed- length files are blank-padded to the record length, you do not need to specify the FILL option unless you know that some other character appears more frequently. When you convert record formats on packed files with the COPYFILE command you can specify single or multiple output files, in accordance with the procedures outlined under "Modifying Record Formats." For example: copyfile * assemble a (pack compresses all ASSEMBLE files in the A-disk without changing any file identifiers. The command: copyfile * assemble a = script = (recfm v trunc creates copies of all ASSEMBLE files residing on your A-disk. The copies will have variable-length record formats and filetypes of SCRIPT. Entering a COPYFILE specification list: When you use the COPYFILE command, you can specify particular columns of data to be manipulated or particular characters to be translated. Again, how you specify the file identifier determines how many files are copied or modified. When you use the SPECS option on the COPYFILE command, you receive the message: DMSCPY601R Enter specification list: The system waits for you to enter a specification list. If you do not wish to receive this message, use the NOPROMPT option. The specification list you enter may consist of one or more pairs of operands in the following format: nnn-mmm ¦ /string/ ¦ hxx... col where: nnn-mmm specifies the start and end columns of the input file that are to be copied to the output file. If mmm exceeds the length of the input record, the end of the record is the assumed ending position. string is any string of uppercase and lowercase characters or numbers delimited by any non-alphameric character. hxx... is an even number of hexadecimal digits prefixed with an h. col is the column in the output file at which the copy operation is to begin. You can enter as many as 20 pairs of specifications resulting in as many as 130 characters per line. If you want to enter more than one line of specifications, enter two plus signs (++) before column 130 at the end of one input line as continuation indicators. A specification list may contain any combination of specification pairs; for example: copyfile sorted list a (specs DMSCPY601R Enter specification list: / / 1 1-8 3 / / 12 /***/ 14 ++ 9-80 18 After this command is executed, each record in the file SORTED LIST will look like the following: oooooooo *** oooo.... where the o's in columns 3 through 10 indicate information originally in columns 1 through 8; the o's following the asterisks indicate the remainder of each record, columns 9 through 80. When you enter a specification list, you are actually constructing a file column by column. If you specify multiple input or output files, the same copy operation is performed for each record in each output file. Those columns for which you do not specify any data are filled with blanks or, if you use the FILL option, the fill character of your choice. For example: copyfile sorted list a (specs noprompt lrecl 20 fill $ 1-15 6 copies columns 1 through 15 beginning in column 6 and writes dollar signs($) in columns 1 through 5. If you do want to modify data in particular columns of a file but want to leave all of the rest of each record unchanged, you can use the OVLY (overlay) option. For example, the sequence: COPYFILE * bracket a (specs ovly noprompt had 1 hbd 80 overlays the characters ( (X'AD') and ) (X'BD') in columns 1 and 80 of all the files with a filetype of BRACKET on your A-disk. When you copy fixed-length files, records are padded or truncated to the record length; variable-length files are always written as specified. Entering translation specifications: You can perform conversion on particular characters in CMS files or groups of files with the TRANS option of the COPYFILE command. When you enter the TRANS option, you receive the message: DMSCPY602R Enter translation list: and a read is presented to your virtual machine. You may enter the translation list. If you do not wish to receive this message, use the NOPROMPT option. A translation list consists of one or more pairs of characters or hex digits, each pair representing the character you want to translate and the character you want to translate it to, respectively. For example: copy test file a (trans DMSCPY602R Enter translation list: * - A f0 00 ff specifies that all occurrences of the character * are to be translated to -, all character A's are to be translated to X'F0' and all X'00's are to be translated to X'FF's. If any translation specifications you enter conflict with the LOWCASE, EBCDIC, or UPCASE options specified on the same command line, the translation list takes precedence. In the preceding example, if LOWCASE had also been specified, all A's would be translated to X'F0's, not to a's. You can enter as many as 130 characters per line. You can enter translation pairs on more than one line if you enter two plus signs (++) before column 130 at the end of one input line as continuation indicators. Responses: DMSCPY601R ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: This message prompts you to enter a specification list when you use the SPECS option. DMSCPY602R ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: This message prompts you to enter a translation list when you use the TRANS option. DMSCPY721I COPY 'fn ft fm' [TO¦APPEND¦OVLY] 'fn ft fm' [OLD¦NEW] FILE This message appears for each file copied with the TYPE option. It indicates the names of the input file and output file. When you have multiple input files, the output fileid is displayed only once.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/copyfile.helpcmd.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator