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CMS Commands

VM/370 Release 6 "Sixpack" CP Commands

CP commands are associated with "Privilege Classes", different commands (and
operands) are available to you based on your privilege class, which is set in
the VM/370 system directory.  The classes are:
     Class      Description
       A        System Operator
       B        System Resource Operator
       C        System Programmer
       D        Spooling Operator
       E        System Analyst
       F        Service Representative
       G        General User
       ANY      All Classes of Users (you are ANY before you login)
       H        Reserved for IBM use
The privilege class for each command is listed at the top of its description.
Here are the CP commands:

*         (ASTERISK) Add a comment to your console output.
ACNT*     Create accounting records for logged-in users.
ADSTOP    Halt execution of the virtual machine at a virtual address.
ATTACH*   Attach a real or logical device to virtual machine for dedicated use.
ATTN      Create an attention interrupt to the virtual console.
AUTOLOG*  Log on a disconnected virtual machine.
BACKSPAC* Backup the output of a real spool printer a number of forms or pages.
BEGIN     Resume execution of your virtual machine.
CHANGE    Alter the attributes of a spool file.
CLOSE     Terminate spooling activity on a virtual spooling device.
COUPLE    Connect two virtual channel-to-channel adapters.
CP        Issue a CP command.
DCP*      Display the content of real storage locations, registers and PSW.
DEFINE    Define virtual and real devices to the real or virtual system.
DETACH    Remove a real or virtual devices.
DIAL      Connect a line or locally attached terminal to a virtual machine.
DISABLE*  Disable a real device.
DISCONN   Disconnect the terminal from the virtual machine session.
DISPLAY   Display registers and virtual storage.
DMCP*     Dump real machine registers and storage to the virtual printer.
DRAIN     Drain real unit record devices.
DUMP      Dump virtual machine registers and storage.
ECHO      Echo input back to the console.
ENABLE*   Enable real display devices.
EXTERNAL  Send an external interrupt to a virtual machine.
FLUSH*    Halt and optionally hold unit record output on a real device.
FORCE*    Force logoff of a user.
FREE*     Release hold on virtual unit record equipment.
HALT*     Terminate channel programs on real devices.
HOLD*     Hold virtual unit record
INDICATE  Show system or virtual machine status.
IPL       Simulate Initial Program Load for the virtual machine.
LINK      Link to another machine's virtual device.
LOADBUF*  Load the UCS buffer print chain image for a printer.
LOADVFCB* Specify the forms control buffer for a virtual 3211 printer.
LOCATE*   Display address of CP control blocks.
LOCK*     Lock pages into real storage.
LOGOFF    End the virtual machine session.
LOGOUT    End the virtual machine session.
LOGIN     Identify yourself and access the system.
LOGON     Identify yourself and access the system.
MESSAGE   Send a message to a virtual machine.
MONITOR*  Identify events to be monitored.
MSGNOH*   Send a message to a virtual machine with no header.
NOTREADY  Change virtual spooling device from ready to not ready status.
ORDER     Change order of closed spool files on a queue.
PER       Monitor events such as instruction execution.
PURGE     Remove closed spool files from the system.
QUERY     (CPQUERY) Display system status and machine configuration.
READY     Set device-end interrupt pending for a specified virtual device.
REDEFINE* Redefine virtual device number.
REPEAT*   Increase the number of copies of an output file.
REQUEST   Make attention interrupt pending for the virtual console.
RESET     Clear interrupts from a virtual device.
REWIND    Rewind a tape.
SAVESEG*  Save a discontiguous shared segment.
SAVESYS*  Save a named saved system.
SEND*     Send console input to a disconnected virtual machine.
SET       (CPQUERY) Set virtual machine parameters.
SHUTDOWN* Shut down the VM/370 system.
SLEEP     Stop the virtual machine for a period of time.
SMSG*     Send a special message to a virtual machine.
SPACE*    Force the specified printer into single space mode.
SPOOL     Set spooling characteristics for a virtual spooling device.
START*    Restart real spooling device.
STCP*     Change the content of real storage locations, registers and PSW.
STOP*     Place virtual CPUs in a stop state.
STORE     Store virtual machine PSW, CAW, CSW, registers, or virtual storage.
SYSTEM    Simulate reset or restart of a virtual machine.
TAG       Add descriptive information to spool files or devices.
TERMINAL  Set various terminal characteristics.
TRACE     Trace virtual machine activity.
TRANSFER  Send or receive files from another user's reader, printer or punch.
UNLOCK*   Unlock pages locked by the lock command.
VARY*     Make real device or processor available or unavailable.
VMDUMP*   Dump all or parts of your virtual machine's storage.
WARNING*  Send a high priority warning message to one or more virtual machines.

Type 'HELP command' to get more information on any of these commands, except
for QUERY and SET:  type HELP CPQUERY and HELP CPSET, respectively.

* after the command name means that help is not yet available for that command.

ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/cpcmds.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator