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CMS Commands

FSLIST                                           (MECAFF) CMS User Area command

FLIST is a MECAFF-based fullscreen file browser with the possibility to
switch to FSVIEW to browse or to EE for editing a file in the list.

| FSLIST   | [ file-pattern ]                                                 |
| EE       | [ file-pattern ]  ( FSLIST                                       |


file-pattern  a file specification which can contain the following wildcard
              characters at any position of the pattern for filename or

                 ?   matches any single character
                 *   matches  0..n arbitrary characters

               Multiple wildcards can be placed at any place in the filename
               resp. filetype and are normalized before being applied, so the
               following are valid patterns:

              *327?    ?*xx     1*2**3*?

              For the filemode, the disk-letter and access-digit can both be
              given as * to match any access minidisk or access type, so the
              following are valid patterns for filemode:  *2,  C* .

The file pattern can be given with the standard CMS convention (components
separated with whitespace) or the dot-notation.

The EE editor provides a FSLIST subcommand with the same functionality.


Browsing through the file list and leaving FSLIST is typically controlled
with the PF-keys (see below for the commands):

  PF01  : CENTER
  PF02  : EE
  PF03  : QUIT
  PF04  : /
  PF05  : TOP
  PF06  : PGUP
  PF09  : PGDOWN
  PF10  : BOTTOM
  PF12  : FSVIEW
  PF15  : QQUIT
  PF16  : -/


The following commands are accepted on the command prompt of FSLIST:

| Listfile | file-pattern                                                     |

Change the search pattern for the file list. If a sort command was given
before, the file list will sorted as specified previously.

| Sort     | column-spec [ [ column-spec ] ... ]                              |
|          | OFf

Sort the file list by the specified columns of the list or switch off sorting
if OFF is given. A column-spec consists of one of the after-mentioned
keywords, optionally preceded by the sort order character, with - for
descending order and + for ascending order (and ascending order being the
default), for example:

   sort -ts  +type

The following single and combined columns of the file list can be used to sort
the list:

  NAme    --> filename
  TYpe    --> filetype
  MOde    --> filemode
  RECFm   --> record format
  LRecl   --> logical record length
  Format  --> record format and record length
  RECS    --> record count
  BLocks  --> block count
  DAte    --> file write date
  TIme    --> file write time
  TS      --> file write timestamp (date and time)
  LAbel   --> disk label

|          | /text/                                                           |

Search forward for text in the current help page

|          | -/text/                                                          |

Search backward for text in the current help page

|          | /                                                                |

Repeat the last search in the search direction last used (also PF04)

|          | -/                                                               |

Reverse the search direction and repeat the last search in the new search
direction (also PF16)

| TOp      |                                                                  |

Scroll to the top of the list.

| PGUP     | [ SHORT ]                                                        |

Scroll up the file list by one page height. If the option SHORT is given,
scrolling is done only by 2/3 page height.
If the cursor is in the list area, PGUP will attempt to center the cursors
column vertically.

| PGDOwn   | [ SHORT ]                                                        |

Scroll down the file list by one page height. If the option SHORT is given,
scrolling is done only by 2/3 page height.
If the cursor is in the list area, PGDOWN will attempt to center the cursors
column vertically.

| BOTtom   |                                                                  |

Scroll to the bottom of the list.

| CENTer   |                                                                  |

Center the cursors position:
- if the cursor is in the file list area, CENTER will attempt to vertically
  center the character under the cursor on the screen;
- if the cursor is on the command line, the cursor will be placed in the file
  area as near as possible to the middle of the screen.

| Quit     |                                                                  |
| QQuit    |                                                                  |


| EE       |                                                                  |

If the cursor is placed on a line in the file list: open this file with EE
for editing.

| FSView   |                                                                  |

If the cursor is placed on a line in the file list: open this file with FSVIEW
for browsing.

| Help     |                                                                  |

Show the help for FSLIST.

| PREFIX   | ON | OFf                                                         |

Control the presence of a 1 character wide prefix zone on the left of the file
This prefix zone currently has no function , but allows to navigate in the
list with the tab or newline keys.

Browsing or editing files from FSLIST

Browsing or editing the content of a file in the list can  be started by
moving the cursor to the line with the filename and

* pressing PF02 to edit the file with EE,
* pressing PF12 to view the file content with FSVIEW.

Customizing FSLIST

FSLIST can be customized with the following commands in the EE profiles

| PF       | FSLIST  pfno  command  [ parameters ... ]                        |
|          | FSLIST  CLEAR pfno                                               |

Set or clear the command issued by a PF key. The pfno must be a number from
1 to 24, the maximal command length is 120 characters.

| INFOLines | FSLIST  CLEAR                                                   |
|           | FSLIST  ADD infoline-text                                       |

Control the information line at the bottom of the screens, usually describing
the PF key settings. FSLIST supports only one configurable information line.
CLEAR will display an empty line, ADD will display the text passed.

| PREFIX    | FSLIST  ON | OFf                                                |

Control the presence of the prefix zone in FSLIST, the value ON (or LEFT or
RIGHT) will show the prefix zone, the value OFF will hide it.

ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/fslist.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator