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CMS Commands

FSQRY                                            (MECAFF) CMS User Area command

The CMS command FSQRY lists the characteristics of the 3270 terminal emulator
connected to MECAFF, the current display attributes for visual elements of the
console and the current PF settings of the MECAFF console.

| FSQRY    | VERsions                                                         |
| FS-QRY   | TErm                                                             |
|          | ATtrs                                                            |
|          | PFkeys                                                           |
|          | ALl                                                              |
|          | STATe                                                            |
|          | QRYType                                                          |


VERsions   list the version information of the MECAFF-process and -API

TErm       list the characteristics of the 3270 terminal emulator connected
           to MECAFF

ATtrs      list the display attributes for visual elements of the console,
           these screen elements are:

           OutNormal    : output lines from VM/370

           OutEchoInput : commands entered on  the MECAFF command prompt
                          displayed in the output area

           OutFsBg      : output lines from VM/370 received while the terminal
                          is owned by the CMS program in fullscreen mode
                          (temporary attribute used to highlight these lines
                          while in More... state)

           ConsoleState : state indicator in front of the input prompt of the
                          MECAFF console.

           CmdInput     : the input prompt of the MECAFF console.

PFkeys     list the settings of the PF-keys of the MECAFF console. These can
           be CP/CMS commands or internal MECAFF-commands.
           Internal MECAFF-commands assignable to PF-keys start with an
           exclamation mark:

           !CMDCLR   : clear input area of the console
           !TOP      : scroll the output area to the start of the buffered
           !BOTTOM   : scroll the output area to the end of the buffered lines
           !PAGEUP   : scroll the output area one page towards the start of the
                       buffered lines
           !PAGEDOWN : scroll the output area one page towards the end of the
                       buffered lines
           !CMDPREV  : step the input prompt back in input history
           !CMDNEXT  : step the input prompt forward in input history

ALl        list all the information above in the sequence

STATe      check if the terminal connected is supported by the MECAFF-API for
           fullscreen operations (either with DIAG58 or the MECAFF-console)
           and set the return code accordingly (without writing output to the

           RC = 0   : fullscreen support is available for the 3270 terminal
           RC != 0  : no fullscreen support available for the terminal, the
                      MECAFF tools wont work

QRYType    check the connection type of the 3270 terminal and set the return
           code accordingly (without writing output to the console):

           RC = 1058 : directly connected and DIAG58 version 1.07 or later
           RC = 3277 : connected with a MECAFF-console in GRAF-style connection
           RC = 3215 : connected with a MECAFF-console in CONS-style connection
           RC = -1   : unknown or none of the supported fullscreen
                       infrastructures recognized

ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/fsqry.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator