CMS Commands
- listfile.helpcmd.txt
LISTFILE CMS Transient command Use the LISTFILE command to obtain specified information about CMS files residing on accessed disks. The format of the LISTFILE command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Listfile | [fn|* [ft|* [ft|*]]] [(options...[)]] | | | | | | options: | | | Exec|APpend | | | Header|NOHeader | | | FMode|FName|FType|FOrmat|ALloc|Date|Label | | | FULldate|ISOdate|SHOrtdate | | | STACK [FIFO|LIFO]|FIFO|LIFO | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn is the filename of the files for which information is to be collected. If an asterisk is coded in this field, all filenames are used. If you code an asterisk preceded by any number of characters, then files that begin with the specified characters are listed. fn is the filetype of the files for which information is to be collected. If an asterisk is coded in this field, all filetypes are used. If you code an asterisk preceded by any number of characters, then files that begin with the specified characters are listed. fm is the filemode of the files for which information is to be collected. If this field is omitted, only the A-disk is searched. If an asterisk is coded, all accessed disks are searched. Output format options: Header includes column headings in the listing. HEADER is the default if any of the supplemental information options (FORMAT, ALLOC, DATE, or LABEL) are specified. The HEADER option may not be specified if STACK, LIFO, or FIFO are specified. The format of the heading is: Filename Filetype Fm Format Recs Blocks Date Time Label NOHeader does not include column headings in the list. NOHEADER is the default if only filename, filetype, or filemode information is requested. Output disposition options: Exec creates a CMS EXEC file of 80-character records (one record for each of the files that satisfies the given file identifier) on your A-disk. If a CMS EXEC already exists, it is replaced. The header is not included in the file. APpend creates a CMS EXEC and appends it to the existing CMS EXEC file. If no CMS EXEC file exists, one is created. STACK [FIFO | LIFO] | FIFO | LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack (for use by an EXEC or other program) instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent; the options STACK LIFO and LIFO are equivalent. Information request options: Only one of these options need be specified. If one is specified, any options with a higher priority are also in effect. If none of the following options are specified, the default information request options are in effect. Default information request options: FName creates a list containing only filenames. Option priority is 7. FType creates a list containing only filenames and filetypes. Option priority is 6. FMode creates a list containing filenames, filetypes, and filemodes. Option priority is 5. Supplemental information options: FOrmat includes the record format and logical record length of each file in the list. Option priority is 4. ALloc includes the amount of disk space that CMS has allocated to the specified file in the list. The quantities given are the number of CMS data blocks and the number of logical records in the file. Option priority is 3. Date FULldate | ISOdate | SHOrtdate includes the date the file was last written in the list. The form of the date is: DATE mm/dd/yy hh:mm FULLDATE mm/dd/ccyy hh:mm ISODATE ccyy-mm-dd hh:mm SHORTDATE mm/dd/yy hh:mm Option priority is 2. Label includes the label of the disk on which the file resides in the list. Option priority is 1. Usage notes: 1. If you enter the LISTFILE command with no operands, a list of all files on your A-disk is displayed at the terminal. If you enter: listfile a* f* c you might see the display AARDVARK FILE C5 ANNA FILEDATA C1 AUTHOR FLINDEX C1 2. If you request any additional information with the supplemental information options, that information is displayed along with the header. 3. When you use the EXEC or APPEND option, the CMS EXEC A1 that is created is in the format: &1 &2 filename filetype filemode where column 1 is blank. If you use any of the supplemental information options, that information is included in the EXEC file. Responses: Unless the EXEC, APPEND, STACK, LIFO, or FIFO option is specified, the requested information is displayed at the terminal. Depending on the options specified, as discussed above, the information displayed is: Filename Filetype Fm Format Recs Blocks Date Time Label fn ft fm f lrecl norecs noblks mm/dd/yy hh:mm volid where: fn is the filename of the file. ft is the filetype of the file. fm is the filemode of the file. f is the file format: F is fixed-length, V is variable-length. lrecl is the logical record length of the largest record in the file. norecs is the number of logical records in the file. noblks is the number of CMS data blocks that the file occupies on disk. mm/dd/yy is the date (month/day/year) that the file was last updated. hh:mm is the time (hours:minutes) that the file was last updated. volid is the volume serial number of the virtual disk on which the file resides. One entry is displayed for each file listed.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/listfile.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator