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CMS Commands

MACLIB                                                    CMS User Area command

Use the MACLIB command to create and modify CMS macro libraries.  The format of
the MACLIB command is:
| MAClib   | GEN  libname fn1 [fn2...]                                        |
|          | ADD  libname fn1 [fn2...]                                        |
|          | REP  libname fn1 [fn2...]                                        |
|          | DEL  libname membername1 [membername2...]                        |
|          | COMP libname                                                     |
|          | MAP  libname [(DISK|TERM|PRINT[)]]                               |

GEN      generates a CMS macro library.

ADD      adds members to an existing macro library.  No checking is done for
         duplicate names, entry points, or CSECTS.

REP      replaces existing members in a macro library.

DEL      deletes members from a macro library.  If more than one member exists
         with the same name, only the first entry is deleted.

COMP     compacts a macro library.

MAP      lists certain information about the members in a macro library.
         Available information includes member name, size, and location
         relative to the beginning of the library.

libname  is the filename of a macro library.  If the file already exists, it
         must have a filetype of MACLIB; if it is being created, it is given a
         filetype of MACLIB.

fn1 [fn2...]
         are the names of the macro definition files to be used.  A macro
         definition file must reside on a CMS disk and its filetype must be
         either MACRO or COPY.  Each file may contain one or more macros and
         must contain fixed-length, 80-character records.

membername1 [membername2...]
         are the names of the macros that exist in a macro library.

Map options:

The following options specify where the output of the MAP function is sent.
Only one option may be specified.  If more than one option is specified, only
the first one given is used.

DISK     writes the MAP output on a CMS disk with the file identifier of
         "libname MAP A1."  If a file with that name already exists, the old
         file is erased.  If no option is specified, DISK is the default.

PRINT    writes the file "libname MAP A1" to your A-disk and spools a copy to
         the virtual printer.

TERM     displays the MAP output at the terminal.

Usage notes:

1.  When a MACRO file is added to a MACLIB, the membername is taken from the
    macro prototype statement.  If there is more than one macro definition in
    the file, each macro is written into a separate MACLIB member.  If the
    filetype is COPY and the file contains more than one macro, each macro must
    be preceded by a control statement of the following format:
       *COPY membername
    The name on the control statement is the name of the macro when it is
    placed in the macro library.  If there is only one macro in the COPY file
    and it is not preceded by a COPY control statement, its name (in the macro
    library) is the same as the filename of the COPY file.  If there are
    several macro definitions in a COPY file and the first one is not preceded
    by a COPY control statement, the entire file is treated as one macro.

2.  If any MACRO file contains invalid records between members, the MACLIB
    command displays an error message and terminates.  Any members read before
    the invalid card is encountered are already in the MACLIB.  The MACLIB
    command ignores CATAL.S, END, and /* records when it reads MACRO files
    created by the ESERV program.

3.  If you want a macro library searched during an assembly or compilation, you
    must identify it using the GLOBAL command before you begin compiling.

4.  The MACLIBs distributed with the CMS system are:  CMSLIB, DOSMACRO,


When you enter the MACLIB MAP command with the TERM option, the names of the
library members, their sizes, and their locations in the library are displayed.
   name   loc  size
     .     .    .
     .     .    .
     .     .    .
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/maclib.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator