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CMS Commands

PRINT                                                     CMS Transient command

Use the PRINT command to print a CMS file with a preceding header page on the
spooled virtual printer.  The format of the PRINT command is:
| PRint    | fn ft [* fm] [(options...[)]]                                    |
|          | options:                                                         |
|          |    NOCC|CC                   HEX             LInecou 55|nn       |
|          |    MEMBER *|membername       UPCASE                              |

fn       is the filename of the file to be printed.

ft       is the filetype of the file to be printed.

fm       is the filemode of the file to be printed.  If this field is specified
         as an asterisk (*), the standard order of search is followed and the
         first file found with the given filename and filetype is printed.  If
         fm is not specified, the A-disk and its extensions are searched.


CC       interprets the first character of each record as a carriage control
         character.  If the filetype is LISTING, the CC option is assumed.  If
         CC is in effect, the PRINT command neither performs page ejects nor
         counts the number of lines per page; these functions are controlled by
         the carriage control characters in the file.  The LINECOUN option has
         no effect if CC is in effect.

NOCC     does not interpret the first character of each record as a carriage
         control character.  In this case, the PRINT command ejects a new page
         and prints a heading after the number of lines specified by LINECOUN
         are printed.  If NOCC is specified, it is in effect even if CC was
         previously specified or if the filetype is LISTING.

HEX      prints the file in graphic hexadecimal format.  If HEX is specified,
         the options CC and UPCASE are ignored, even if specified, and even if
         the filetype is LISTING.

LInecoun [55 | nn]
         allows you to set the number of lines to be printed on each page.  nnn
         can be any decimal number from 0 through 99.  If a number is not
         specified, the default value is 55.  If nnn is set to zero, the effect
         is that of an infinite line count and page ejection does not occur.
         This option has no effect if the CC option is also specified.

         When calculating nnn, remember that the total number of lines printed
         on a page equals nnn plus 3.  The 3 extra lines are for the heading (1
         heading line and 2 blank lines).

MEMber * | membername
         prints the members of macro or text libraries. This option may be
         specified if the file is a simulated partitioned data set (filetype
         MACLIB or TXTLIB).  If an asterisk (*) is entered, all individual
         members of that library are printed.  If a membername is specified,
         only that member is printed.

UPcase   translates the lowercase letters in the file to uppercase for

Usage notes:

1.  The file may contain carriage control characters and may have either fixed-
    or variable-length records, but no record may exceed 132 characters for a
    1403 printer or 150 characters for a 3211 printer.  There are two
    a.  If the CC option is in effect, the record length can be one character
        longer (133 or 151) to allow for the carriage control character.
    b.  If the HEX option is in effect, a record of any length can be printed,
        up to the CMS file system maximum of 65,535 bytes.

2.  If you want the first character of each line to be interpreted as a
    carriage control character, you must use the CC option.  When you use the
    CC option for files that do not contain carriage control characters, the
    first character of each line is stripped off.

3.  One spool printer file is produced for each PRINT command; for example:
       print mylib maclib (member get
    prints the member GET from the file MYLIB MACLIB.  If you want to print a
    number of files as a single file (so that you do not get output separator
    pages, for example), use the CP command SPOOL to spool your virtual printer
    with the CONT option.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/print.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator