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DEBUG Commands

PSW                                                            DEBUG subcommand

Use the PSW subcommand to display the contents of the PSW (program status

The format of the PSW subcommand is:
| PSW      |                                                                  |

Usage Notes:

1.  If the debug environment was entered because of a program interruption, the
    program old PSW is displayed.  If the debug environment was entered because
    of an external interruption, the external old PSW is displayed.  If the
    debug environment was entered for any other reason, the following is
    displayed in response to the PSW subcommand:
    where the 1 in the first byte means that external interruptions are allowed
    and xxxxxxxx is the hexadecimal storage address of the debug program.

2.  The PSW contains some information not contained in storage or registers but
    required for proper program execution.  In general, the PSW is used to
    control instruction sequencing and to hold and indicate the status of the
    system in relation to the program currently executing.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/psw.helpdbg.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator