CMS Commands
- readcard.helpcmd.txt
READCARD CMS Transient command Use the READCARD command to read data records from your virtual reader and to create CMS disk files containing the data records. The format of the READCARD command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | READcard | fn ft [A|fm] | | | * [* [A|fm]] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn is the filename you want to assign to the file being read. ft is the filetype you want to assign to the file being read. * [*] indicates that file identifiers are to be assigned according to READ control cards in the input deck. fm is the filemode letter of the disk onto which the file is to be read and the filemode number of the file. A filemode of A1 is assumed if this field is omitted or specified as an asterisk (*). However, if a filemode number is on the control card, that number is used with A. When a filemode letter is specified on the command, the default filemode number is 1, unless the filemode number is on the control card. Specifying a filemode letter and number on the command ignores the filemode letter and number on the control card and assigns that filemode to the file. Usage notes: 1. Data records read by the READCARD command must be fixed-length records, and may be a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 151 characters. 2. CMS disk file identifiers are assigned according to READ control cards in the input deck (the PUNCH command header card is a valid READ control card). When you enter the command: readcard * CMS reads the first spool reader file in the queue and if there are READ control cards in the input stream, it names the files as indicated on the control cards. The first card in the deck may not be a READ control card. If not, CMS writes a file named READCARD CMSUT1 A1 to contain the data, until a READ control card is encountered or until the end-of-file is reached. 3. If you specify a filename and filetype on the READCARD command, for example: readcard junk file CMS does not check the input stream for READ control cards, but reads the entire spool file onto the disk and assigns it the specified filename and filetype. If there were any READ control cards in the deck, they are not removed. Delete them using the editor if you do not want them in your file. If the file is too large, you can either increase the size of your virtual storage (using the CP DEFINE command), or use the COPYFILE command to copy all records except the READ control cards (using the FROM and FOR options). 4. READCARD loads a file from the reader into a temporary work file called "READCARD CMSUT2". The existing file with the same name as the one being loaded from the reader is then erased. The name of the temporary work file just created is changed to the name of the file just received. However, if the file you are loading has the name "READCARD CMSUT2", it will be changed to "READCARD CMSUT3." "READCARD CMSUT2" is a reserved work filename of the READCARD command. 5. To read a file onto a disk other than your A-disk, specify the filemode letter when you specify the filename and filetype; for example: readcard junk file c Or, if you want the READ control card to determine the filenames and filetypes, you can enter: readcard * * c 6. If you are preparing real or virtual card decks to send to your own or another user's virtual card reader, you may insert READ control cards to designate filenames, filetypes, and optionally, filemode numbers, to be assigned to the disk file(s). A READ control card must begin in column 1 and has the format: :READ filename filetype filemode Each field must be separated by at least one blank; the second character of the filemode field, if specified, must be a valid filemode number (0 through 6). The filemode letter is ignored when this file is read, since the mode letter is determined by specifications on the READCARD command line. 7. To send a real card deck to your own or another user's virtual card reader, punch a CP ID card to precede the deck. The ID card has the keyword ID or USERID in column 1, followed by the userid you want to receive the file and optionally, spool file class and name designations; for example: ID MARY CLASS A NAME LITTLE LAMB Each field must be separated from the others by at least one blank. 8. If the reader file being processed contains carriage control characters, the READCARD command returns the records with the carriage control characters stripped off. 9. If any errors are encountered while attempting to read a spool file, the file will not be purged by the READCARD command and will remain in the reader. This will occur regardless of whether the reader has been spooled HOLD or NOHOLD. This is to protect you from losing reader spool files when an error is encountered. If this occurs the reader spool file should be examined. If the file is empty or unwanted, purge the file from your reader. Responses: When the command READCARD * is issued, control cards encountered in the input card stream are displayed at the terminal to indicate the names assigned to each file. DMSRDC701I NULL FILE The spooled card reader contains no records after the control card. DMSRDC702I :READ filename filetype fm (other information) A READ control card has been processed; the designated file is being written to the disk. DMSRDC702I READ CONTROL CARD MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED: DMSRDC702I :READ READCARD CMSUT1 A1 The first card in the deckis not a READ control card. Therefore, READCARD CMSUT1 A1 is created. DMSRDC738I Record length is nnn bytes The records being read are not 80 bytes long; this message gives the length.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/readcard.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator