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CMS Commands

RUN                                                            CMS EXEC command

Use the RUN command to initiate a series of functions on a file depending on
the filetype.  The RUN command can select or combine the procedures required to
compile, load, or start execution of the specified file.  The format of the RUN
command is:
| RUN      | fn [ft [fm]] [(args...[)]]                                       |

fn       is the filename of the file to be manipulated.

ft       is the filetype of the file to be manipulated. If filetype is not
         specified, a search is made for a file with the specified filename and
         the filetype of EXEC, MODULE, or TEXT (the search is performed in that
         order).  If the filetype of an input file for a language processor is
         specified, the language processor is invoked to compile the source
         statements and produce a TEXT file.  If no compilation errors are
         found, LOAD and START may then be called to initiate program
         execution.  The valid filetypes and resulting action for this command
         EXEC          The EXEC processor is called to process the file.
         MODULE        The LOADMOD command is issued to load the program into
                       storage and the START * command begins execution of the
                       program at the default entry point.

         TEXT          The LOAD command brings the file into storage in an
                       executable format and the START * command executes the
                       program beginning at the default entry point.

         FORTRAN       The FORTRAN processor module that is called is FORTRAN,
                       FORTGI, GOFORT, or FORTHX, whichever is found first.
                       Object text successfully compiled by the FORTGI or
                       FORTHX processors will be loaded and executed.

         FREEFORT      The GOFORT module is called to process the file.

         COBOL         The COBOL processor module that is called is COBOL or
                       TESTCOB, whichever is found first.  After successful
                       compilation, the program text will be loaded and

         PLI PLIOPT    The PLIOPT processor module is called to process the
                       file.  After successful compilation, the program text
                       will be loaded and executed.

fm       is the filemode of the file to be loaded by the LOADMOD command.  If
         fm is specified, a filetype must also be specified.  If fm is not
         specified, the default search order is used to search your disks for
         the file.

args     are arguments you want to pass to your program.  You can specify up to
         13 arguments in the RUN command, provided they fit on a single input
         line.  Each argument is left-justified, and any argument more than
         eight characters long is truncated from the right.

Usage notes:

1.  The RUN command is an EXEC procedure; if you want to execute it from within
    an EXEC, you must code EXEC RUN.

2.  If you are executing an EXEC file, the arguments you enter on the RUN
    command line are assigned to the variable symbols &1, &2, and so on.  The
    RUN command passes only the filename (fn) of an EXEC to the EXEC processor.
    Therefore, you cannot use "fm" to select a particular EXEC.

3.  Before using the RUN command, you should issue the GLOBAL command
    to identify the required libraries.

4.  If you are executing a TEXT or MODULE file, or compiling and executing a
    program, the arguments are placed in a parameter list and passed to your
    program when it executes.  The arguments are placed in a series of
    doublewords in storage, terminated by X'FF'.  If you enter:
       run myprog (charlie dog
    the arguments  *, CHARLIE, and DOG are placed in doublewords in a parameter
    list, and the address of the list is in register 1 when your program
    receives control.

    Note:  You cannot use the argument list to override default options for the
    compilers or for the LOAD or START commands.

4.  The RUN command is not designed for use with CMS/DOS.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/run.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator