CMS Commands
- s380.helpcmd.txt
System/380 Overview The VM/370 SixPack runs on the Hercules mainframe emulator. It can also run on the Hercules/380 emulator produced by Paul Edwards. Hercules/380 extends the System/370 architecture by adding support for 31-bit addressing and the BASM instruction. You can download Hercules/380 from When the VM/370 SixPack is running on Hercules/380, the initial logo screen will display "VM/380" at the top. What does this mean? Remember that VM/370 knows nothing about 31-bit addressing. Therefore if you run the VM/370 SixPack on Hercules/380 with archmode set to S380 in the configuration file, Hercules will supply an emulated computer with more memory than VM will ever address. However, you can access this memory from a CMS program. There are two ways to access this memory: 1. From a C program you can use malloc() to allocate a large (dozens of megabytes) chunk of memory. If there is not room for memory from CMS it will be allocated from memory above the 16MB line. 2. From an assembler language program you can use the GETMAIN macro with the LOC=ANY keyword to allocate memory from above the 16MB line. Be sure that OSMACRO MACLIB is in the GLOBAL MACLIB list. There are two important restrictions in using this support: 1. Note that you can only do this from one CMS user at a time: there is no protection from multiple users accessing this memory. 2. You cannot use memory above the 16MB line as a buffer for any sort of I/O subroutine calls or instructions.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/s380.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator